City of Dimlight

Chapter 272 Fire Fortress

Just as Leo was talking with Simon, Kozmo came over. "It's strange," he said, "There is another cavalry force in the desert - is it the messenger of the Dwarves Kingdom?"

"No!" Leo didn't understand, "Why did the Dwarves Kingdom send liaison troops one after another?" He said and looked into the distance. Kozmo was right. The smoke in the distance was similar to that of the rock sheep at the beginning, and a force appeared on the horizon again.

"It's useless to guess," Aurora said, "It's better to go and have a look - anyway, I have finished contacting the teacher!" After saying that, it took a few steps out and came to the entrance of the tunnel to wait for the arrival of the team.

When the rock sheep cavalry came to the front, they quickly saw the difference: this is an obvious cavalry team, not as a liaison officer for messengers. Although their rock sheep are not wearing armor, they obviously have traces of armor, which can be seen that they were taken down for this mission; at the same time, the uniform of this team The costume is completely different from before. The army under the command of the king of the Dwarf Kingdom has a symbol of the intersection of the war hammer and the tomahawk, and there is only one iron stove mark on this cavalry costume.

"They should come to a city in the north," Aurora said. "Only the army that comes to the northern city will use stove marks, and the south will use more wine pot marks of various colors!" That's in line with their habits," Leo laughed and said, " spirits and forging are the favorites of dwarves!"

The messenger quickly came to Leo. After the same salute as the last one, he said, "Your Excellency Leo, I am the messenger who came to the melting pot fortress in the north. My officer asked me to tell you that there are many rocks called 'coal' you need. He asked me to ask you that it takes a lot of transportation. Send it here or how to do it?"

"Is it difficult to ship it here?" Leo was keenly aware of the meaning, because what he first asked the Dwarves Kingdom for help was to find this kind of rock and then transported it. Now that the melting pot fortress has it, but it has not been transported, but just sent someone to inform it, so there must be a problem.

"Oh, that's right," the messenger said the reason. He frowned in some embarrassment, although he looked funny in his beard and whipped hair. "Mr. Leo, you may not know much about our situation..."

"Hi, Andoni, you old man is running over!" Suddenly, someone shouted, and it was Potala who ran over. He heard another news from above that the army was coming, so he saw his old friend.

The two dwarfs rushed together happily, hugging and jumping like children. At this point, the dwarves are quite simple and straightforward. Maybe just because of a simple drink or a fight, they can take over a deep friendship.

"Cough! Cough!" Leo coughed.

"Oh," both Potala and Andoni heard the cough and woke up as if they were a little too happy at this time. Finally, Buda opened his mouth, "This is Mr. Leo, the great sword god!" He turned his head and continued to say to Leo, "Mr. Leo, this is my old friend, Andoni, who came to the big furnace fortress. We haven't seen each other for several years, and we have forgotten all the advantages..." "You don't have to worry about this," Aurora said, "Our sword god will never let go because of this. Heart, but it seems that we still have something to finish..."

"Oh, yes," Andoni shouted, "Mr. Leo, there is indeed a problem in our city that we can't transport a lot of coal?" Coal?" Potala exclaimed, "Do you have coal there? How many? I hope you have more than a thousand carriages!"

"The coal there is definitely more than a thousand carriages," Andoni shouted, "But it's not that you don't know our situation!" Oh, yes, it's terrible where you are!" Potala said to Leo, "Mr. Leo, the situation of the big furnace fortress is very special, and the traffic there is very inconvenient..." "What's the specific situation?" Leo said curiously, "You can say it, and then we will find a way to solve it!"

Potala said, "The reason is that our fire fortress is in a canyon, but the river has flooded in recent years, so we can only come out by boat..." "Is there any problem?" Kozmo felt quite different: "After listening for a long time, it turned out that it was just because of taking a boat?"

"My lord, don't you know what it means to take a boat for us dwarfs?" Potala shouted, "The boat is a terrible thing. It will not only shake left and right, but also make people involuntarily want to vomit..." "Yes, it's more uncomfortable than drinking stinky ale for a whole year..." Andoni shouted, "Although I am the bravest soldier in our fortress, it's simply not to ask me to sit on this kind of thing often. If you kill me!"

Leo and Kozmo face each other and remember the nature of the dwarves, that is, the fear of water, which has become the main reason why a large number of resources cannot be transported.

The two dwarfs were still shouting about the pain of taking the boat. Leo said to Aurora, "It seems that the dwarf is still in trouble. What should I do? Can we send mercenaries to be responsible for transportation?

"I'm afraid not," Aurora said regretfully, "That fortress is far away from here. It seems that the means of transportation that can be relied on is to use dwarf pangolin, but it seems that none of us can control pangolin!"

"Then let's go by ourselves and transport a batch here?" Kozmo said, "If you rely on us to transport..." "Oh, Mr. Kozmo, you don't even think about it," Aurora said, "Just rely on you to transport enough coal, you need to run at least 50 times. For such a long distance, you can travel back and forth at most once a month!"

"What if you use a space ring?" Kozmo asked, "Leo has one!"

"This can be a little more," Aurora calculated. "But even this is not enough. You still have to run two drilling machines at least ten times, and our machine doesn't seem to use it once!"

"It seems that it's been a long time," Leo said, "Then there is only one last way now - let's simply transport this drill to the big furnace fortress, but we will start directly from there to the ground! - Potala, hey, you two stop talking!"

The two dwarfs finally stopped talking and didn't understand what decision Leo had made. After stopping, Antoni shouted, "Mr. Leo, we can only ask you to send your own mercenaries to transport the coal!"

"I have a better way," Leo smiled. "We will transport the drilling machine to your fire fortress and start from there!" He smiled and said, "I just don't know whether you are welcome or not!"

"Oh, it's a great honor for Your Excellency Leo to visit our fire fortress!" Andoni shouted in surprise, "Our count admires you very much!" But soon he remembered Leo's words, "You mean this big guy... this big guy..." He stammered, "Send it over?"

"Yes, that's right. You heard it correctly!" Leo smiled and said, "Send the two drilling rigs to the fire fortress!"

"This job is really huge," Potala was also surprised. "Mr. Leo, it may be difficult!" But that's the only way now!" Leo said, "In this way, I sent the drilling machine to the furnace fortress together with Kozmo and Andoni, and the inspection of the caravan here was handed over to Aurora and Captain Potala," he smiled and said, "I hope you can complete this task well!"

"I have no problem," Aurora said, "No one will escape from here!" OK - then it's not too late, we're ready to go," Leo ordered, "When the others come back, you ask him to come to the fire fortress to meet!"


The drilling machine was slowly lifted under the effect of magic and put down after being carefully protected by Leo and Kozmo. Although the weight was reduced, it was still not something that the carriage could be dragged.

"Use a car or something else?" Kozmo asked, "I don't think the big car can carry this thing, because these two guys look too big!" It's okay to use magic," Aurora said, "But I can't accompany you to the big furnace fortress, and I know that Leo's magic can't support transportation for such a long time!"

"I thought of another way," Leo smiled. "I'm going to ask my friend for help!"

"Mr. Leo," Budala interrupted, "If you are going to call someone to come, I have a question to explain. The road to the big furnace fortress does not seem to accommodate many people to carry this machine!"

"We don't need many people," Leo smiled and said to the doubtful Kozmo, "I'm going to ask Chabra for their help!"

Chabra is one of the hunters rescued by Leo from the fire demon world. After they arrived in this world, they showed great strength. Perhaps because the fire demon world is different from the situation here, these people have outstanding power. Although they did not play in the war against the ghost emperor, they have now been the blue mermaid. All of them have become mercenaries and are now looking for Alcatraz Island around the world.

Although it is not certain how many fire demon humans there are in the Dwarves Kingdom, Leo believes that the number should be enough to carry this machine - this is also the last way Leo found to find a group of humans who can use magic to transport, and their strength should not be too weak. The most important point is that the power of all the remnants of the fire demon world is unexpectedly large, and it is really suitable for transporting this machine.

"Then let's start informing Sue and ask her to contact all the fire demon mercenaries in the two kingdoms of elves and dwarves to come here to help!" Aurora shouted, "There's nothing we can do!"