City of Dimlight

Chapter 289 First Test

Leo and the emperors of various countries gathered on the highest observation tower of the Rock City and looked at the warships that gradually appeared on the sea level. They were dumbfounded - the monster made of steel roared like thunder and appeared in front of their fleet like a giant.

"Bad!" Leo said, "It seems that Kozmo's first battle is quite difficult!" It doesn't matter," Matthew said from under his cloak, "When they get closer, then we will use the throwers and crossbows in the first wave, and finally send our fleet!"

"But look at their steel coat," Colin said, "I doubt that our stones can sink their warships - if our weapons are not lethal, what should we do?"

"Let's see," Leo said, "If it really doesn't work, we will send a magician to attack the group magic!"

The dwarf warships have appeared on the sea below, neatly arranged into a huge attack formation. It seems that there are hundreds of them, and the steam begins to condense above them, and then roars together.

"Start preparing!" Bosc below began to issue instructions, "The cataping car is ready!"

The creaking sound began to sound, and countless cataplings prepared the ammunition, "launch!"

The huge stone cut through the air and flew towards the warship, "Look at our first attack!"

The stone hit the warship and hit it countless times, but it didn't seem to be useful. The warship was not damaged at all and still hissed and approached.

The cataping machine on the warship began to turn, "Magician, prepare the defense shield!"

The magician below raised a defense shield, and a dazzling color flashed on the coast. Countless magic shields overlapped and faced the upcoming test.

The roar began to appear, and the dwarf's first boulder was thrown over. Both sides were watching the attack. Finally, this huge stone hit the magic shield.

This huge stone suddenly exploded at that moment, and this huge force smashed the magic shield. Countless soldiers below were injured in the explosion, and countless people died.

"What kind of weapon is this?" Leo shouted, "Teacher, what they throw out will explode!" I saw it," Matthew's voice had an indescribable smell: "It seems that the research was successful - when I was imprisoned, I learned that the dwarfs were studying a weapon that could explode, and now it seems that they have succeeded!"

"Bosk, change the way of attack," just as Leo began to shout, the warship began to prepare again. This time it was not a warship, but everything. Put the magic scroll in and throw it out!"

The cataping machine replaced all the ammunition with magic scrolls, and the elves began to launch magic. The elves used wind magic. The huge wind began to abuse along the coast. The hurricane played a role. The stones thrown by the dwarf were blown away from the right direction. Although they still reached the coast, they did not It hit the army and almost all of them hit the open space.

"Strike back!" Bosk seized the opportunity and ordered all the catapults to start throwing out the magic scrolls.

This attack obviously failed, and almost no scrolls were thrown on the opposite warship, but almost everyone noticed that one of the scrolls was tied to a stone bomb and hit the warship. The scroll began to explode in an instant, and the fire began to burn on the warship.

"H Long live! Long live!" The army made a thunderous shout, and it seemed that the enemy was not so difficult to deal with, at least now it has been hit!

But just a few minutes later, the cheers stopped, because the flame seemed to just ignite, and then extinguished on the steel deck, and the enemy's boulders flew over like a storm.

"Defense, defense!" Bosk shouted, "Now everyone protects the catapists, and the elves continue to use wind magic, while other magicians use defense shields!"

Under the attack of the storm, although it seems that many stones have deviated from the direction, there is a moment when the magic finally runs out. Countless stones hit the coast, and the formation below began to collapse. "Give up these catapses," Leo shouted, "The machine is different from us. There is no fatigue. We have this point. Can't compare with them!"

"But after losing these cataptors, we can't defend the coast!" Bosco shouted below, "Are you sure we have to do this?" Yes, give up the cataps to avoid more casualties!" Leo said, "All retreat to the city!"

Bosk gave the order to give up, and all the troops began to retreat. Under the protection of the warriors, the magician began to quickly leave the battlefield and return to the Rock City.

The warship approached the coast, then divided into queues and began to throw stones at the coast.

The dwarf did not dare to come up for a while, but the continuous stone attacks made the whole city at a loss. Just outside the city, all the legion commanders began urgent consultations to find a solution.

At the same time, Kozmo began to appear from a remote corner with his own small fleet, ready to use magic scrolls to attack the enemy's warships.

In the rotating attack, after each wave of attacks, the warships are about a few hours apart. These ships will go to the back to rest, wait for the machine to cool down, and then some ships carrying supplies will begin to put on supplementary supplies.

Kozmo took the orcs and slowly approached the fleet in the supply behind under the protection of the night. "Each person has a scroll, and then throws the scrolls in along the hull," Kozmo ordered: "There is a difference in the scroll, so we must look at what kind of scroll, that is, to find out what kind of magic is against this steel. The machine is useful!"

There are dozens of warships in front of them. The orcs divided into teams and began to approach, tying their own scrolls to the ship. These scrolls are all using magic control devices and can be started at the same time under the control of magic.

Everything went smoothly, but when it was almost successful, suddenly there was a sharp whistle sound on the ship, which quickly aroused the vigilance of the ships. Countless torches and glowing things were taken out and looked around for the traces of the orcs on the sea.

"Quickly, trigger the magic array!"

The orc sacrifice launched a magic array on the swaying ship, and there were already noisy footsteps on the ship. The orcs in the sea desperately pushed the boat from the water to make it leave the place.


A series of magic scrolls began to launch, and countless ice, flames and rock magic appeared on the ship. For a moment, it seemed that these ships began to crumble, as if they could not hold on.

Dwarfs appeared on the steel wheel next to

. They held a similar small crossbow car in their hands and began to shoot arrows crazily in front of the orcs.

"Quickly, retreat!" Although Kozmo ordered to escape loudly, he turned around and flew towards the ship, "I'll block them!"

When he landed on the deck, surrounded by dwarfs, Kozmo looked at the magic-bapted warships and laughed and said, "You cowards, come and try my sword!"

The dwarf did not attack. A humanoid machine came out of the crowd. Through the crystal inlaid in the middle, Kozmo saw a dwarf sitting in the middle - this is a melee machine, with a huge shield on the left hand and a long sword on the right hand!

Kozmo rushed up, and the sword with fighting spirit and the sword in the machine's hand were cut together. With a loud noise, the sword in the machine's hand was cut into two sections, but at this time, the huge shield hit Kozmo fiercely and swept him out.

Kozmo hit the ground and hit the machine. The machine was blown out by this impact force. When he lay on the ground, his whole body smoked and seemed to have been destroyed.

"Is this your weapon?" Kozmo laughed, regardless of whether the dwarf could understand or not, "I can destroy all this pile of things!" His body was faintly painful. The time he was hit, he found the strength of the enemy, but Kozmo still looked indifferent to strengthen his momentum.

But soon Kozmo found something wrong. A large circle of dwarfs around him disappeared, and now he is surrounded by that kind of robots!

The battle began again. Kozmo rushed left and right among the enemy, and the sword in his hand kept cutting on the enemy. Although the machine in this place was cut into pieces, he was also injured enough that he was serious enough to prepare to leave.

Kozmo rushed to the right, and several machines immediately blocked him, but his body reversed, rushed out to the side, and rushed straight to the side of the ship.


Kozmo jumped into the water. He took a deep breath, tried his best to swim down quickly, and then left the area from the water. At this time, countless crossbows flew past him, but the aimless shooting made all this non-threatening.

About 20 minutes later, Kozmo emerged from 800 yards away and began to watch his results.

It seems that all this is very successful. All the fleets have left the attack area of the fleet. The only pity is that these warships are not damaged at all!

"It seems that magic has limited lethality on these things!" Kozmo said, "I have to go back and tell Leo that we need to choose a new way to deal with them!"

He began to slide himself, found a reef rising into the air, and then flew quickly towards the Rock City.

In the temporary command post on the wall, Kozmo rushed in and said loudly as soon as he entered the door, "Hey, everyone, our magic scrolls don't seem to work!" But he saw the sad expression on Leo and everyone's faces, "What's wrong?"

"The bad news on your side doesn't seem to be the worst," Leo said. "Now there is worse news - the dragon can almost use the dimension gate!"
