Future Thor

Chapter 13: Therapy

Haofeng fled the scene, and his situation is not optimistic at this moment.

The whole body is full of blood, and even the blood has begun to drip to the ground, flowing into a search route.

As long as you are not blind, you can find yourself.

"It's troublesome to find me!" As Haofeng ran away, he began to think about it.

To cover up the blood drops on the ground, as a monk, he has some small spells.

"Dust-rolling!" A small spell appeared in Haofeng's mind. He has never used these spells, but Haofeng has never used them.

Haofeng aimed at the gorgeous blood stains on the ground, pointed his fingers at the ground, and his mouth thought about the decision, and his spirit gathered in the middle of his eyebrows for a long time.


The soil on the ground did not move at all, not even the wind came, and there was no reaction at all.

Master Mahler, how can't he?

But there is no time to wait for Haofeng to worry about this matter.

Dudu! ~~~ The sound of the police car appeared, and the police were already coming.

Hearing this, Haofeng's face turned pale. As mentioned above, the price of the car is simply expensive, and the speed is crazy. If you are targeted.

Unless Haofeng is promoted to the God of War, that is, a god-level figure among the warriors, he can't escape at all.

Haofeng quickly regained his composure in panic. He took off his coat and put it on his body, blocking the knife wound on his arm. The blood was stained with his coat, but it was much better than dripping on the ground.

I can't go home now!

Although Haofeng is a little dizzy, he is not dizzy. Haofeng's body is still very strong, but his body has also been invaded by some sources.

The residual breath exists on Haofeng's skin and flesh incisions, and if it is not cleaned up in time, it is also depleting Haofeng's life.

Haofeng was dizzy, but he still knew that he had run to some clinics built by the people.

Although the management is very strict and controls the hospitals in the market, many team fighters go out to hunt monsters and still like small clinics after being injured.

First of all, small clinics are relatively safe and will not randomly check their identities. As long as they can be paid, they will be treated, and some small clinics earn more money than large clinics.

There are also some banned drugs.

This is close to the city gate, so it is not difficult to find a clinic.

In Benlei Clinic, a hall of more than 100 square meters appeared in front of him. The large metal iron gate closed on both sides, and the gate could accommodate more than a dozen people to enter together.

It is not very big, but it is full of a lot of pungent smell, and a lot of shoe marks appear on the sloppy cement floor.

passers-by out. Usually, the people inside have entered a healing mechanical door, and ordinary minor injuries can be cured directly.

If you need to use drugs, it will be much more serious.

It is likely that he injured his internal injury and broke 70 or 80 bones, or got AIDS or something from 20 years ago.

It is rare for elixirs to be used for treatment.

Haofeng's bleeding appearance is very terrible and very strange. Anyone who looks at it carefully will understand that Haofeng's injury is not clear.

And the bleeding has made Haofeng's face begin to turn white. He felt that his vitality began to slowly fall. He knew that this could not continue to delay.

He quickly ran into the clinic. When he passed the special metal door, a green light directly swept over Haofeng's body, making him feel like entering his mother's arms for a while.

I feel better...

"This door has a healing function, but unfortunately it is too little!" Haofeng took a look at his whole body as if it had been blown by a blade tornado, and there was nothing to heal.

is only used for stabilization, not really for treatment.

After obediently paying the plane fee of 200 yuan, Haofeng waited for a moment. After passing through the gate of healing, two or more people could not come together, but only one by one.

And the treatment depends on the wound.

There are still 20 injured people in front of Haofeng, and the injuries are not the same. There are many people who hurt their muscles and bones, and even one person's intestines fell to the ground.

Some are more serious than Haofeng, and of course there are lighter than Haofeng.

"Male Gobi's!" Haofeng looked at the three mothers in front of him, but the kitchen knife cut his little finger, and the little wound also came to see.

You should know that the clinic has not experienced death while waiting. But this is the rule that must be followed no matter what.

It's just that one or two more people will die in a day because they have to come to see a well-off family.

But Haofeng didn't dare to mess around. It's only a few hundred steps away from his home. Some people even know themselves, if they mess around.

When he was pulled out, he said that he was angry and it was not good to crack the wound.

And for a moment, I can't die.

Fortunately, this clinic is still a little high-quality. It provides at least a row of automatic cleaning seats. Haofeng looked relatively clean, so he sat on it and began to rest.

Closing his eyes, he began to concentrate on resisting his aura on the wound, blocking the wound fiercely and reducing the pressure on the wound.

But the crazy source gas destroyed Haofeng's body, as if to completely damage it.

A faint black source appeared in front of Haofeng's eyes.

The transparent color has changed, becoming such a light black, as if it were poisoned.


The wound ruptured, the gene cells began to be swallowed up by black gas, and the wound on Haofeng's arm became black.

How could this happen? Is it possible that the crazy pervert just now is poisonous?

Haofeng frowned. He didn't have time to investigate the pervert just now. After all, the other party was really too fierce, if he hadn't used the forbidden book.

I guess I must have fallen into the wind, and it was when the other party lost a leg, I fell into the wind.

Whether it is strength or speed, the other party is better than him.

If he continues, he will definitely die. Haofeng looked at the injury on his body and shook his head with a wry smile. He was really a little proud. How strong do you think you are?

As a result, such a horrible character appeared and abused himself like this.

"Ha ha, if it is known by the nine-tailed little white fox, I'm afraid it will drive me crazy!" Haofeng laughed to himself a few times, as if he could not feel the pain on his body.


A man clenched his fist and ran out from behind the door of healing. He looked at his body and found that it was intact.

There are 19...

Look at this formation, it will take a long time. The injury is not serious, and it will not take long to recover, but there are still seven or eight people in front of them who are more serious than Haofeng.

"No hurry, no hurry!" Haofeng's eyelids slowly became heavy.

Green trees and grass, several huge towering trees contain terrible pressure, and a creature with bullhead, snake and antlers roams in the beautiful lake.

With a radius of tens of thousands of meters, several buildings towering into the clouds engraved with several characters of South China College appeared here, surrounded by a defensive shield.

In the top floor of the best European-style building in the middle...

An old man turned his back to several middle-aged people and looked angrily at the scenery outside the transparent glass doors and windows. He frowned, hummed coldly, and a smoke-like smell spewed out from the tip of his nose.

The majestic pressure is like the pressure of heaven and earth, and it is extremely horrible...

If Haofeng is here, I'm afraid he will find that the old man is standing in this space with an unimaginable energy, a little smell like the smell of the nine-tailed little white fox.

Although it's only a trace, God knows how strong the nine-tailed little white fox is...

A person stands in this space, as if he has the support of the whole space.

With a terrible sense of distance, many people stood in front of him as if they had seen a world.

"Who on earth did it? Just killed my grandson!!!" Like a horrible dragon roaring crazily.

The whole building trembled a little, and several middle-aged people behind them also trembled with horror, as if they could not withstand the roar of the old man.

The turbulent breath of these middle-aged people is hundreds of times more than Haofeng, but they are still extremely afraid.

Then fell into silence...

The old man put his palm behind his back, and a strong pressure in his whole body broke out and pressed down, as if he were breathing alone.

"Speak!!!" The old man shouted loudly.

"Well!!!" Several middle-aged people trembling and blurted out a word.

"I don't know for the time being, the man is really walking too fast..." A middle-aged man said boldly.

The middle-aged man lowered his head and said. When he was about to look up, suddenly, the red light appeared in front of him, and then his whole body became shrimp-shaped, and blood surged from his mouth.

He knelt to the ground, and a hot palm print appeared in his chest.

Say that sooner or later, all people have noticed this appearance now, and they are even more afraid.

"Waste, although my grandson was a warrior in the early stage, he had killed two monks in the middle of the gasification period. Even if he encountered the high gasification period, he had the power to escape. If he encountered the foundation-building period, how could he die with the life-saving treasure I gave him? You bastards. Can't you find it out?" The old man resisted the anger in his chest.

Several middle-aged people dare not refute the old man's words.

It's true that the old man's grandson is a fierce character, and it's very horrible and can't be simply assassinated.

If you want to kill him, at least you have to be a master in the middle of the foundation period.

If Haofeng knew this, he would regret it.

I regret not searching the body of the rich boy who was full of treasure...