Future Thor

Chapter 28: Little Sparrow

"This time that boy is dead. Seeing that he is so arrogant and domineering that he actually scolds you, he must be dead! Brother Liu, don't worry, but if Brother Liu goes up, you need to promote us!" A group of people gathered around the law enforcement officer surnamed Liu and appeared in front of the gate of the building of the Law Enforcement Bureau.

"Ha ha, I heard that the deputy director of the bureau is going to retire, and this time it's time for Brother Liu!" A man echoed and said that his horse made the law enforcement officer surnamed Liu angry.

He has been saying with a smile, "It's easy to say, it's easy to say!" Everyone is my brother. I'm going to show the information to Huaxuan now.

Far away...

Haofeng's eyes were very sharp. At the first time, he saw the law enforcement officer surnamed Liu among this group of people. He calmly took a cup of star coffee in his hand and gently tasted a small bite.

There was a slight sneer at the corners of his mouth, and suddenly appeared in his eyes. His spiritual mind turned into a huge blade and followed the law enforcement bureau and rushed into it.

The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu walked very fast, which represented a very eagerness in his heart. Of course, there was also a trace of excitement.

For architecture, it still has to beat around the bush, which greatly increases the time spent. Although the speed of the law enforcement officer surnamed Liu is very fast.

But for Haofeng's direct penetration of the wall, it was still a little slower. His mental strength directly saw the female staff, and he did not say too many words, but directly pierced the other party's brain nerves.

"Hm!" The female staff's body trembling, and then her eyes began to become a little dull.

Haofeng has completed the state of control.

I have to say that since the other party was so vicious and wanted to harm himself, Haofeng did not show mercy this time.

This female staff member uses a more gentle way. Of course, the other party's sense of resistance is not particularly strong for controlling an ordinary person.

So Haofeng is also trying not to hurt the woman's brain. After all, the other party is not trying to harm himself.

Haofeng will not let go of the law enforcement officer surnamed Liu, nor will he kill innocent people indiscriminately.

When Haofeng happened to do everything, there was a violent sound of footsteps outside the door of the studio, which sounded like the sound of machine gun sweeping, which made Haofeng a little stunned.

Da Da!!!

"Haha." The door of the studio was pushed open, and there was a laughing voice. A group of law enforcement officers surnamed Liu came in, and he laughed happily at first.

Then, he smiled and asked the people in the studio, "Who was in charge of the road recording in the interrogation room just now?"

"It's me!" The woman controlled by Haofeng said.

"Oh? So have you recorded it yet? The smile on the face of the law enforcement officer surnamed Liu is still the same.

"It's a good record. I know you're going to do something big, so I just tested the sound quality, which is very good!" The female staff smiled, and her sweet dimples appeared in front of everyone.

"The voice is beautiful!" Haofeng sneered and added a sentence in his heart. Of course, he knew what was going on.

Such a kind practice warmed the heart of the law enforcement officer surnamed Liu. At this time, he looked at such a sensible woman and found that the other party was also a little beautiful.

And the devilish wife-like figure made the law enforcement officer surnamed Liu involuntarily approach her and said gently, "Oh? It's so good to me!"

After saying that, he also blinked his eyes and showed a look that he thought was very attractive.

The female staff did not say much, but took out a communication watch from her arms and put it in the palm of her hand and handed it to the other party.

The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu stretched out his hand to get it. When he grabbed the watch, his index finger was still holding the back of the female staff's hand, as if he was talking about something.

The female staff's face showed a trace of scarlet and whispered in a voice that only two people could hear: "There are many people here."

"Oh? Then I'm looking for you tonight! Wait for me to come back!" The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu also lowered his voice and said, with a trace of fanaticism in his eyes, a trace of beast-like fanaticism.

The woman smiled softly.

On the stall, Haofeng took a small sip. He suddenly took a big sip of star coffee, and there was a trace of joy in his heart.

The other party was caught.

Of course, the law enforcement officer surnamed Liu will not listen to the sound quality, or if there is any problem with the recording. Now he has heard the words of this female staff member, and he has no idea.

He walked to South China University where Huaxuan was located, and his two brothers were full of joy.

He quickly opened the police flying car of the Law Enforcement Bureau and drove towards South China University.

The resources around the very majestic South China University are relatively complete in Nanjing. The vast land looks like a small town.

At this moment, Hua Xuan is lying on a white **. His body is illuminated by a strange rainbow light, and his injury is also recovering quickly.

Hua Xuan's injury is heavier than Haofeng's. A large number of boxing wounds and bones have even been broken into powder. The attack power of E-level medium-sized robots is very horrible.

The bones of his whole body have been broken, and the source of his body has been attacked by the thunder of Haofeng's purple light energy. Now the attributes of his body have been changed.

His source gas attribute is lava, that is, fire, which is pure fire. If he practices later, his energy will carry a very terrible temperature power.

But now there is a trace of thunder in his attributes, which makes his potential a little declining, which really scares him.

If you are injured, according to his terrorist treatment equipment, there is no problem at all, but these potential injuries are not like this.

The potential is damaged and it is difficult to recover.

This is also a place that scares him. It's too difficult for him to catch the trace of thunder, so he has been lying ** and can't move anywhere else these days.

The treatment equipment on the body is much higher than that of Yan Xiaosu's family.

Maybe his grandfather has a way to treat Thunder, but he doesn't dare to talk about this to his grandfather. After all, the other party is likely to feel that he can't do anything and is a waste.

Huaxuan still knows about Grandpa's horror.

He couldn't bear the anger of the King of War, and he could only rely on the family's healing equipment to start treatment.

He lay on **. After a long time, he also hated Haofeng. Now he can't wait to peel the monster and cramps and pull the thunder power of Haofeng out of his bone marrow.

Lying for longer and longer, Hua Xuan's temper is getting bigger and bigger, and even he has thought of finding some illegal killers to assassinate Haofeng.

However, he still resisted it. After all, he still hoped to kill Haofeng in person.

As for the matter of Yan Tianhua and his son, he has not had time to attack for the time being. After all, the other party is not a small man. It will take some time to move him, and killing Haofeng is different.

This person without any * is the best person to vent his emotions.

Just as Hua Xuan was furious, his door was pushed open, and three men came in, one of whom was about 30 years old in a national face wearing guard armor.

He is the law enforcement officer surnamed Liu.

"Hello, Master Hua!" The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu said with a smile when he saw Hua Xuan lying on the sick ** face.

"What's the matter?" Hua Xuan said coldly that the law enforcement officer surnamed Liu is not very powerful outside the law enforcement bureau, but in front of him, he is really not as good as a dog.

"I have the evidence of murder of the man named Haofeng you are looking for!" The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu continued with a flattering smile.

He can guarantee that the other party will be very excited.

"What, do you have evidence of his murder? Isn't it hurting?" Hua Xuan's eyes suddenly opened, and a powerful smell of fire elements permeated the air, so that the two powerful law enforcement officers behind the law enforcement officer surnamed Liu could not open their eyelids.

"Hey, I made some tricks. I know some of your expressions on him, so I came up with a way. Then a sound was recorded. Look at it!" The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu said politely. As he spoke, he took out the communication watch in his arms.

A terrible flame pressure suddenly hovered around the body of the teenager in front of him and directly oppressed the whole air.

The law enforcement officer's eyes suddenly stagnated, and the source of his body secretly moved. Then he calmed down, but the two law enforcement officers behind him blushed with oppression, almost spit out blood, and his breath was still breathless.

"What do you want!" Hua Xuan sat up and brushed his palms, and the pressure in the air dissipated.

The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu nodded secretly in his heart. Hua Xuan in front of him can indeed be said to be a proud son. He is talented and young, but his cultivation is already comparable to that of many universities.

The cultivation is unfathomable, and it is likely to have the opportunity to become a senior general in the future.

As for the King of War, that's too little. Even a genius like Hua Xuan has only a chance to attack.

But this is enough to do those things for yourself. His * is indeed very horrible.

In Nanjing, there is one in his family for more than a dozen war kings, and he is also a veteran who has entered the realm of war kings for a long time.

There is no one in Nanjing who does not give face to their family.

"I want a deputy director, and I want to be a deputy director of the law enforcement bureau. Can you do it?" The law enforcement officer surnamed Liu shouted crazily.

"I promise you!" Hua Xuan said with a disdainful smile at the corners of his mouth.

A consensus has been reached, but can the law enforcement officer surnamed Liu really give what Hua Xuan, the devil, wants?