Future Thor

Chapter 39: Bitter Child

This is the feeling of an instantaneous flood without a flood.

Haofeng's whole body seemed to be suppressed by two mountains of different weights, and the feeling of breaking his legs made him a little impulsive to commit suicide.

"It hurts so much!" There have been screams from many people.

The thunder power in Haofeng's body also burst out, and the thunder in the skeleton made a hiss sound to block these pressures, but compared with the powerful pressure.

Haofeng's power is obviously insignificant, and the two invisible energies devoured Haofeng's energy in an instant.

The situation of the people around them is even more horrible. Some people's thighs and knees are broken and splashed with a lot of blood, which is frightening.

Yan Xiaosu's situation is not much better. His thighs also cracked, and a trace of blood permeated the luxurious snow tiger cotton trousers.

"Well!!" Yan Xiaosu was screaming. He closed his eyes and knelt on the ground.

The pressure worked on his thighs and his shoulders, making his shoulders bleed.

Haofeng's eyes looked in his direction, and he could only forcibly separate a little spiritual strength to look around him.

He saw Yan Xiaosu's situation. Although the other party was miserable, he did not lie down. If he lay down, the pressure would not be on his thighs, but on the heart of his chest.

In that case, your heart will break and die in less than ten seconds.

Although this is not the way, it will last for a while.

"If it goes on like this... I'm going to die too!" Haofeng's eyes burst out with spiritual thoughts, but this invisible force can't stop the control of pressure.

He used these abilities to glance around and see if there was any change.

"If this is the case every year, I don't know how many people will die? This is not a slaughterhouse, is it?" Haofeng glanced at the two huge stone statue monsters. The closer the spiritual mind is, the more he will feel swallowed up.

He quickly drove around... and looked at the two majestic blue and steel doors behind him, and the door was open.

This is the gate of Nanjing University. It is also amazing that a large number of students are watching the situation outside.

The pressure did not suppress these students.

It is estimated that these pressures are just to suppress the people in front of the door.

"Kka!" One of Haofeng's front teeth was directly bitten and cracked. Haofeng clenched his teeth. The terrible pressure made him painful and could only rely on this to remove the pain.

Haofeng's eyes were about to spewing blood. The thunderous power of his body seemed to be squeezed out, and there was no more suppression, and every place resisted the pressure.

But before leaving the body, it was destroyed and dissipated in the air.

There is no trace of the world except for a hisshrill sound like a worm.

"It's really strong!!!" Haofeng spit out a drop of blood, and his eyes began to show lax signs, which was already the feeling of leaving his body.

If you are a master, you can indeed leave the body and soul and swim in the sky, but if you are a person at this level, only one can do such a state.


Haofeng's eyes showed extremely frightened. Is he going to die? Maybe.

Cough~~ Two more mouthfuls of blood spit out. His consciousness looked at his brother Yan Xiaosu next to him. The blood from the other party's mouth was already frighteningly gushing, and the ground was full of blood.

All people are in this state.

In this group of freshmen, all of them spit out a lot of blood, only Haofeng spit out five or six mouthfuls.

However, Haofeng is just a stronger ant. In the face of such terrible pressure, he is still an ant.

This kind of suffering can drive people crazy every second.

Haofeng was also half-dead in pain. He couldn't feel the arrival of the next second. It seemed that he would not exist in this world at the next second.

At this time, a rainbow burst out in the air and turned into a rainbow arc of five-color light appeared in the sky. A horrible human stood in the void and looked down at this place.

Only then did I see his clothes clearly. I saw him wearing a snow-white robe, and the appearance of the Confucian ancient scholar was extremely peaceful.

Seeing this person seems to have seen the impact of endless intellectual power on his spirit, which is extremely comfortable.

This human seems to have an incomprehensible power, standing in the void, without any wind and waves can control the shaking of his figure. The whole person stands there, as if he has the whole world.

If you see it from a senior government official, I'm afraid you will call "Director Wang Xu!" very politely.

This person is the university director of Nanjing University. He is already the strong man of the power of the king of war. This is a kind of ability of the king of war. Standing in the void, he can walk like the moon without gravity.

His attention was focused on the two stone statues at the door. Seeing the endless pressure, he frowned, and the energy actually reached the energy of the success of the war.

If it gathers and condenses into a concentrated point to press on one person, it will be absolutely horrible to the extreme. I'm afraid that the king of war is under pressure.

"How can it be like this?" Wang Xu looked at the two large stone statues doubtfully. He knew the origin of the two stone statues.

But such a situation will really puzzle him.

"Save these people first, otherwise their parents will be in trouble!" Wang Xu thought that his body shook and appeared in front of two stone statues. He took out two small cylinder-shaped boxes with his fingertips, which were full of several steel needles, and a snow-white energy crystal stone appeared above, releasing extremely powerful energy.

aimed at the two white stones above the forehead of the two stone statues and pressed them down heavily.

clicked, the cylinder rotated, and the sharp steel needle inside pierced the stone statue. In the broken opening of the stone statue, a stream of scarlet blood actually flowed out of it.

The smell is thousands of times stronger than ordinary blood.

It's a disgusting situation. If it weren't for everyone suffering from great pain, I don't know how many people are vomiting now.

The elegant scholar man did not show how much he wanted to vomit. He quietly watched the output of this scene and slowly faded as the light from the stone.

His frown relaxed. At this time, a large number of tall men and women in black dresses came out, and there was a trace of doubt between their eyebrows.

They didn't look at those people who knelt on the ground and lay on the ground with blood.

They looked at the man floating in the air and said respectfully, "Director!"

"You take these people to the medical emergency room. If you can't save them, forget it. If you want to attack our school with this excuse, you don't have to give me face. You don't have to appeal directly to their college and arrest the rumormonger. I'll take the charge!" Wang Xu gave all kinds of orders. He seemed to be a commander and spoke domineeringly.

The reputation of Nanjing University is really too big, and many universities are also famous for giving face, but secretly they are doing cold hands.

This time there has been such a big situation, and the government's jurisdiction is so sophisticated, these strange people who died at the gate of their university will definitely become an excuse.

However, Wang Xu's order directly tells everyone that Nanjing University is not easy to bully at all.

Haofeng felt that his throat was burning. He finally breathed a sigh of relief. The whole area had fallen around him, and the pressure disappeared.

He didn't know what drove him to stand still. Although his thighs were trembling crazily, he did stand still.

A large amount of blood has dried up on the small stone statue square. More than 300 people were scattered everywhere, but all of them fell to the ground.

Like the harvested wheat, bare, such a scene makes Haofeng really look a little special.

"Don't be stunned, go and do it!"

The Confucian man's eyes glanced at the direction of Haofeng, just a glance, as if the falling meteor hit Haofeng's heart. It was heavy, and every part of his body seemed to have been pierced by the sword light. He could see through the bottom and shouted at the people beside him, and then the faint darkness disappeared. It's gone.

"What a strong man!" Haofeng made a embold, and such a person could not be offended at all.

Although Haofeng did not know that this person was the strength of the King of War, he knew that if this person wanted to kill Hua Xuan, he would probably just move his finger.

The male and female figures in black dresses have also turned into phantoms, and the speed has reached an extreme speed. Obviously, Haofeng can't see clearly at all. In addition to holding the men around them, men and women are also pressing the communication watches in their hands.

A series of machines rushed out of the campus and carried the personnel on their shoulders. The robot was more powerful. He directly picked up seven or eight people and quickly jumped up and ran into the college.

Haofeng stood behind the crowded team. At this time, the people in front of him had been cleaned up, and the three men and women saw where Haofeng was.

"This boy really has backbone. Such a powerful pressure is still standing. Hey hey, I guess he is a little powerful!" An obese man said

"Yes, such a kind of man should be a strong group of freshmen, but his family background should not be particularly good!" Another man replied.

The feeling of Haofeng in their tone is also very respectful.

Haofeng was about to smile bitterly, and his heart was also helpless.

"Fra, stand, how difficult it is to deal with. What are you two still doing? Hurry up and knock him unconscious." The woman's voice sounded.

"Yes!!!" The two men agreed.
