Future Thor

Chapter 41: The Last Straw

Even if there are such obstacles, the obstacles are not infinite. Haofeng soon came to a vast open playground.

After all, there is no real start of school, so there are only sporadic people on it at this time.

Seeing the energy manufacturing skills of a large amount of light bursting on the wind and fire behind them, so that those who walked couldn't help but hide far away for fear of affecting their side.

Haofeng looked around the distance with the last afterglow of the sun. Now it is still quite bright, but he looked into the distance.

This place is really too big. It is a huge playground of 70 or 80 basketball courts. The whole town is the same school, even the teachers know that they are going to fight and kill people here.

When they came, it was estimated that Haofeng had been dismembered by five horses.

Haofeng looked back at the four people behind him and was suddenly scared. The four people were originally thousands of kilometers away from him, but now they are only 100 meters away.

The speed of catching up at this moment is really ridiculously fast. If Haofeng hadn't seen it, he would have been hard to believe it.

"If it goes on like this, in less than half a minute, I will be caught up!" Haofeng now wants his parents to give him one more leg. The speed of running is too slow.

The speed of the two wheels under the other party's feet is a little scary, but this is a source skill that he can't learn at all.

"Yes, it's stupid." Haofeng suddenly remembered that at this time of life and death, what else did he care about cultivation or technology?

He carried Yan Xiaosu's body on his shoulder, and his left hand was holding the other party's waist. His right index finger was pinched, and the magic spell was chanted in his mouth. A strong breeze spread around his body.

It seems to be a wandering dragon, marching quickly.

"Light spell!" Haofeng's two fingers suddenly pointed to his thighs, and the two dragons suddenly seemed to have vitality and flew quickly to Haofeng's legs.

surrounds the top.


Haofeng only felt that his body was light. His originally heavy body suddenly seemed to have strength again. He took a crazy step, and this horrible spiritual power acted on the top.

His speed suddenly began to improve, and he suddenly broke out, and he was balanced 70 meters away from the four people behind him.

His speed is finally no less than the other party's level.

"How is this possible?" The four men were also shocked, which was hard to imagine. Originally, the other party was an ordinary person, and he even ran faster than a motorcycle without even driving the source.

Now it suddenly ran out at a speed of 140 yards, which was like a lightning speed. This really puzzled them.

"I know!" The intelligence man suddenly opened his mouth and said such a sentence.

"What do you know?" Others hurriedly asked.

"According to the information I know, Yan Xiaosu on his shoulder is a direct family that controls a large number of medical economies in Nanjing, so it is normal for Yan Xiaosu to carry some forbidden drugs." The intelligence man's eyes sparkled.

The three men also flashed greedy in their eyes. What is the price of a bottle of banned medicine? This is really uncertain.

However, it must be expensive to enhance a person's instant physical strength to run as fast as these powerful masters.

The price of banned drugs is usually not generally expensive. After all, what is more expensive in the world? That depends on the degree of effect and rarity of these things on people.

When banned drugs fight for the life and death of ordinary people, the need for life-saving straw can be imagined, and the output must be pitifully small.

So the price is also sky-high.

If the other party still has it, then...

The four men thought of this and no longer reserved their spare strength. They wanted to capture Haofeng and then search Yan Xiaosu's body.

Haofeng originally wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but he saw that the four men behind him were like eating Viagra again, all like those who wanted to kill the emperor's soldiers.

"Damn it, did you mistake Viagra for sleeping pills again?" Haofeng cursed angrily, and then began to jump up desperately.

I won't play with you now.

Haofeng didn't know how he got here. Anyway, he ran for about half an hour, and his physical strength was almost exhausted. After all, he ran for half an hour at the speed of 100 meters. How many meters did he run?

It is estimated that it has already exceeded tens of thousands of meters away.

Although Haofeng is very tired, his brain is still very smart. When he is running, he has come up with some ways that are not the way.

Haofeng arrived at the gate of the school. Next to the two huge stone statues, a few slender lightnings suddenly solidified above his palms.

His eyes stared at the cylindrical suppressor above the giant tiger stone statue 'King' on the left, and his fingers flickered and lightning burst out.


The lightning shot above one of the corners of the circular suppressor and immediately tore one of the steel needles deeply inserted.

The top of the circular suppressor is shaking, but there are still seven or eight steel needles blocking it, and it is not so easy to fall down.

At this time. The remaining four men also arrived at the gate of the university, and they walked out of the school gate.

Haofeng did not stop, and he also tried to escape as far away as possible.

Just as soon as the other party walked out of the door.

"That's the time!" Haofeng's eyes burst into a cold light, and five or six thunderbolts burst out.

The four men did not mean to dodge, but just watched the five or six thunder shots with ice blue light, and the source of their bodies swelled up and protected them firmly.

It's just that they only saw that none of the five or six lightnings that were frighteningly fast could hit them.

"What a bad accuracy! Have you finished playing tricks? Under the absolute strength, what can you do with these things? One of the men said sarcasticly to Haofeng.

"Is that right?" Haofeng sneered. His body had been retreating and wanted to move out of a greater distance.

"Looking for death!!!" When the four men saw Haofeng's tone, they were also furious and were about to chop off the fish directly.

A cold air suddenly covered their backs.

Put!!! The four suddenly seemed to have been hit by a hammer on the spine behind them, making a crisp sound. Four people rushed forward and fell down one by one.

A solid dog gnawed mud, and the high look of the four people remained on their faces, but their eyes were full of disbelief.

They are decent students of this university. The skills they learn are still top in all aspects, and ordinary opponents of the same class as them are not necessarily their hands and feet.

Is it actually overshadowed by an unknown junior today?

It really made their chests block their breath with anger.

The four people carried the breath of their whole body and resisted the vigorous pressure behind them. They also felt a little better, but the four people couldn't move.

When the body can't move, only the source gas can block it.

After all, the place where Haofeng fled is far away. When the pressure was suppressed, he fled farther away, but the strong pressure coverage is indeed fierce.

Haofeng has come to the edge, and the situation on this side is much better.

Although Haofeng also felt extremely strong pressure, his body was able to move, because this is the edge. The pressure is only about a quarter of the center.

Haofeng's action seemed to be a three-slow shot. He looked at the four men with white faces and were already resisting the extremely strong pressure in the center.

At this time, it's just a stone statue being suppressed and removed.

This pressure has not been able to crush four college men to death, just restricting their movements. However, if they resist like this, nothing will happen.

There is a strong murderous atmosphere in Haofeng's eyes.

In the fingertips, awe-inspiring thunderous power was contained, and he aimed at one of the men and suddenly ejected away.

"No!!!" The man who was targeted by Haofeng screamed like killing pigs. Without attacking the other party, he was about to pee.


Thunder exploded away, tore the air pressure in the air, and shot directly into the other party's forehead.

Although the power is not particularly great for them, Haofeng only needs to harass and break the other party's source gas release. Sooner or later, the other party will be crushed by the pressure of the stone statue.

Unfortunately, Haofeng miscalculated that these terrible pressures can even crush the power of thunder.

This trace of thunderous pressure actually dissipated in the air at a distance of one meter in front of the other party.

"Haha!" The man, who was already terrified, cried with joy when he saw this scene. At that moment, he was obviously worried that he would die like this.

"Haha, grandson, I think you have any other means. When I can get out of here, I will definitely peel you and cramp!" That's what the man who almost died was thinking.

But he has no chance.

Tear!!! A stronger thunderbolt burst out, depleting nine layers of power, and the last trace hit the other party's chest.

At the peak of the other party, this will not play a particularly important role. It's not even worthy to tickle the other party.

But now it is the last straw to crush the camel.