Future Thor

He Zhiqiang felt extremely angry. None of these four people dared to confront him, but these people actually played such a conspiracy and trick, which made him very angry.

He was stunned just now, which made the four of Haofeng directly open hundreds of meters away for a moment. After all, they were explosive running speed. In the first few seconds, the speed of the explosion was very strong.

"This is your search for death." He Zhiqiang's eyes burst into a fierce murderous intention. Although he would not kill these four people, it was enough to seriously injure them completely.

Boom!!! He Zhiqiang's figure suddenly burst into a huge sound, and his whole body seemed to turn into a super robot and burst out at a frightening speed.

"Run!!!" This is what Haofeng and other four people want to do most. They didn't even continue fighting, but just ran forward desperately.

The speed of the four people is not slow. In the case of trying his best, Haofeng also tried his best. No one will continue to retain his strength in the last lap and a half.

Everyone is running fast. Haofeng Shentao and other three people are ethereal with gun squad leader. If the leaves are floating on the water, Xiongshan is an explosive way to run. Every time they run, there will always be a sound of explosion.

"There is so much movement behind you!" Haofeng also heard He Zhiqiang's crazy footsteps behind him, and the sound made by the other party was no smaller than Xiongshan.

Among the four Haofeng, Xiongshan runs the fastest. After all, the other party is a senior warrior, and it is normal to be faster. The second is Haofeng, whose figure is about five meters behind Xiongshan.

As for Shen Tao, they are 20 meters away behind Haofeng. The speed difference between them is not particularly big, and the physique of this master with a gun is also good, which is not much different from Shen Tao who has been trained in the army for many years.

Three minutes passed, and Haofeng and four others directly ran through this circle completely. After all, it was only two or three kilometers away just now, and now there is only the last lap left.

is also the circle that determines the outcome.

They are very fast. The most important thing is that there is a killing god chasing them behind them. No one is fully sure to fight with He Zhiqiang. The strength of the other party is obviously much stronger than them.

Unless the card is used.

"You are dead." The cold voice came close to their backs. He Zhiqiang's figure had floated behind them, and the distance of hundreds of meters was swallowed up in such a little time.

Haofeng looked back and was also shocked. He Zhiqiang's figure appeared five meters away from Shen Tao, as if a lonely ghost was behind him.

Shen Tao obviously felt the strangeness behind him. He could only spread his legs and run wildly, and didn't even have time to look back.

There is still a distance of more than 9,000 meters. At the speed of the other party, it is simply a matter of catching up.

Haofeng was thinking hard about countermeasures, and the Xiongshan in front of him was also constantly approached by him. The other party's speed was only a little worse than him, that is, only a trace.

Of course, this is when many means of Haofeng cannot be used. If you give a light technique now, it is estimated that everyone will be directly thrown behind.

"The running speed of the monitor is really amazing. They are not like a competition, just like a battle. This is a chase!" The students of class 3102 watched the running battle on this side.

They are only in the seventh circle at this time.

"I'm here, die!" He Zhiqiang's figure suddenly appeared in the air in front of Shen Tao, and his eyes seemed to be a long-dead demon to the extreme. He twisted his body in the air and suddenly swept the direction of Shen Tao's chest.

His speed is so fast that Shen Tao doesn't even have a chance to block it.

"Put~~~." Shen Tao could feel the pain of tearing from his chest at that moment. At least a dozen ribs were broken at the same time, and his whole body was swept back.

Dongdong~~~ Shen Tao's legs rubbed on the ground and made a terrible sound, and the power from He Zhiqiang's feet spread from Shen Tao's body to the ground.

"Oh? Not dead?" He Zhiqiang stared at Shen Tao's direction strangely in his eyes. The other party was seriously injured, but it was still far from half dead.

Shen Tao sat on the ground, and his eyes were full of disbelief. He stroked his broken sternum, and his underwear was kicked into a small opening.

"Grandpa's E-level soft armor was kicked and cracked. The kick just now is definitely the power of the general! Po�qin!" Shen Tao spit out the blood from his mouth to the gravel floor.

Swil~~~ Three figures appeared in front of Shen Tao. It was the original three instructors who took out some therapeutic instruments and began to treat Shen Tao.

"It's so strong. It's really too strong. I guess I have to use a gun to have a chance to hurt this He Zhiqiang!" The monitor with a gun was also surprised to see this scene. He was very close to Shen Tao.

The time just happened in an instant. As soon as he had this idea, a ghostly evil figure flashed in front of him.

He Zhiqiang grinned at him, and then turned his body from the left with the same move, driving his left leg to aim at the gun squad leader's chest and swept over.

Under He Zhiqiang's red trousers, a long flame-red whip swept through.

He Zhiqiang didn't even bother to say the word death this time. He only needed one foot, even if he could seriously injured the person directly or even put him in a coma.

"Open!" But at this time, when the squad leader with a gun saw this scene, he directly took out a stone like a gem from his arms, and he immediately crushed the stone.

Dang! A white light mask of a round ball appeared in front of him and directly wrapped his figure in it.

He Zhiqiang's cold eyes also frowned involuntarily. He didn't expect that since the other party had prepared such a thing, he kicked directly into the other party's mask.

Boom!!! It seemed that a shell hit the top, and the white mask trembled, as if it had been seriously injured. The squad leader with a gun immediately turned around and left.

"Protective shield?" A name appeared in He Zhiqiang's mind, and he also knew what it was.

is a kind of high-tech protective equipment, which can protect against some super attacks. Of course, it is also graded. The level of this mask is obviously E-level, that is to say, this is at least a general-level mask.

"I can blow up this mask, but the wasted time is not worth it. Let you go!" He Zhiqiang thought coldly in his heart. He suddenly kicked the ground and rushed in the direction of Haofeng.

"Wow! What a pervert. It can almost hurt ordinary warriors. The squad leader who used the gun was also relieved. Just now, he was just gambling. If the other party doesn't care about anything and really comes to attack himself, he can't help it.

Fortunately, this is a competition for the ranking of running, not a real fight, otherwise they are really similar to ants.

"It's just that the boy is also in trouble, and I don't know how to deal with that madman He Zhiqiang!" The squad leader looked at Haofeng in the distance with a gun, and he stroked the two small golden pistols on his chest.

"Would you like to give him a hand? Let's see if this shot can hurt this He Zhiqiang?" The monitor with a gun sneered.

"The boss will be fine, cough!" Shen Tao also looked at this side.

Haofeng frowned. He looked back again and saw He Zhiqiang jumping on the ground like a ghost. The other party only landed once about ten meters, jumping as fast as lightning.

"If it goes on like this, we will catch up in less than a minute!" Haofeng was also surprised. The other party's speed was so fast that it was almost the same as his use of light body skills.

"Shen Tao is seriously injured. Is this boy going to attack me? What should I do?" Haofeng also began to worry, and the power of the other party's foot was very horrible.

It's simply not what the warrior can stop at this stage.

"I don't care. Let's walk step by step." The hair above Haofeng's forehead was also wet by Han paper, and he always paid attention to the state behind him.

Ten seconds...30 seconds...60 seconds...

"I caught up with you, boy." He Zhiqiang's voice coldly came into Haofeng's ears, and his figure also appeared in front of Haofeng.

Haofeng didn't even think about it. He directly dodged the other party's traffic jam and ran to the left.

"Do you still want to run?" He Zhiqiang also quickly followed, and his figure also turned around and chased after him.

It only takes a moment to catch up with such a close distance, but Haofeng suddenly stopped again and ran in the right direction like a sharp brake.

When He Zhiqiang planned to catch up again, he began to go to the left again.

Haofeng's figure seems to be walking in the shape of 'Z' to avoid He Zhiqiang's figure. I have to say that it is indeed effective to walk in the same place.

He Zhiqiang's speed is very strong, but stopping at such a temporary corner did delay his speed, which made him unable to catch up with Haofeng for a while.

"The boss is indeed a wise man!" Shen Tao laughed and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"This is not a long-term solution, but this is indeed a good solution!" Haofeng's eyes glanced at Xiongshan, which was getting farther and farther away from him. At this time, the other party's mouth was upturned, as if Haofeng had bought time for him and he was very happy.

"See if you can still laugh later!" A cunning smile appeared at the corners of Haofeng's mouth, as if he was planning something.