Future Thor

Chapter 106: Long Ao's action

The other party's eyes have disappeared, and the feeling of crisis has slowly disappeared, which made Haofeng breathe a sigh of relief.

"It's okay." Haofeng said to Yan Xiaosu that it was not that he was unwilling to tell Yan Xiaosu about this matter, mainly because even he felt extremely dangerous, so it was absolutely devastating to involve Yan Xiaosu in.

Yan Xiaosu was really relieved to see Haofeng, and he couldn't continue to ask more questions.

"Well, it's late at night now. Let's go back to the dormitory and have a rest first!" Haofeng looked at the time and found that it was past seven o'clock in the evening. Today's military training has been tiring all day, and he should have rested earlier.

Unexpectedly, Yan Xiaosu glanced at Haofeng and refused, "Oh, but I won't go back for the time being. I'm going back after training for an hour. You go back first, boss."

Haofeng looked at Yan Xiaosu with relief, then nodded and left the training room and walked out of the military training playground. Some noisy beasts sounded, including the calls of long-tongue birds and tiger-billed pigs.

The place used for military training is next to the spirit beast place. It's dinner time, so they shouted one after another. This is a place that only junior students can go.

The monsters in it are provided for students to train against each other, and the high degree of danger is not suitable for the participation of freshmen.

Haofeng left the playground and walked in the direction of the dormitory. It took 20 minutes for Haofeng to walk back slowly, but he was not in a hurry and walked in the wide playground.

Students in the freshman and sophomore of Nanjing University are not allowed to leave Nanjing University, and only students in the senior year can move without restriction.

It is also because of this that there are few opportunities to see students in their seniors, and because more than half of the students usually live outside the university, Nanjing University seems to be rare.

Haofeng has been walking, and a super basketball court appeared on the way, covering a very large area, because the physical problems of basketball have been greatly improved 20 years ago.

The field is wider, the weight of the basketball has reached an amazing level, and the basket frame is also very high, built on a height of more than five meters.

This basketball court is built in the middle of six high-rise buildings. There are two cylindrical high-rise buildings on both sides of the basketball court, one in front and one in front of each side, which makes it impossible for the sun to shine.

At this time, a shadow appeared behind the wall of the building in front of the basketball court, and his figure slowly appeared in place, as if waiting for someone.

Haofeng passed through the basketball court and finally arrived at the front of the building. He saw the person hidden in the shadows. Before he could see the man's face clearly, he felt that it seemed to be wrapped in something.

"Wow~~~." There was a sudden gust of wind in the air, causing the branches and leaves of the poplar trees on both sides to sound.

Haofeng took a breath and the air around him suddenly changed sharply. He stretched out his hand and touched the air. At this time, he actually became a little slippery, as if something was mixed into the air.

"Is this the source?" Haofeng's face smelled the strong breath in the air, and the strong feeling could be much stronger than all his mana.

What the hell is going on?

Haofeng raised his head and looked at the figure who hid his face in the dark corner, and the other party slowly came out.

Seeing the appearance of the visitor clearly, Haofeng's face suddenly became frightened.

"Chief Instructor Long Ao? I don't know what you are looking for?" Haofeng's breathing made his tone sound less nervous.

It was Long Ao who came. He looked at Haofeng with a cold face. The black eyes under the resolute sword-carved cheek were full of susu Xiao's murderous spirit, which made Haofeng feel that the person came was not good.

"What else to install? It's just you and me here. Do you think it would be interesting to continue to install it? Long Ao came to Haofeng and stood firmly when he came 20 meters in front of Haofeng.

He is also a cautious person who has experienced hundreds of battles. Even if Haofeng's sudden sneak attack, he has time to prepare.

"What does this Long Ao mean? Does he know that I am the murderer of King Kai? Haofeng's brain rotated quickly, and he confirmed that he had left no trace at all. So why did the other party lock the target on himself?

Even if you are suspicious, you are just suspected, but you can't find a place to block yourself like this, right?

If you block yourself, there is only one possibility.

"Is he going to take action against me?" A drop of sweat appeared on Haofeng's forehead. What kind of strong person is the other party? If he does something to him, I'm afraid he may not even survive at all.

This is also really too tricky.

What to install? Sorry, I don't quite understand what you mean?" Haofeng frowned and thought about countermeasures, but even if he was resourceful, his mind was blank at such a time.

I'm joking. If the other party is stronger than him, he can rely on his smart brain to deal with it. Now the other party is thousands of times stronger than himself.

If you play tricks in front of him, it's not too much to tear yourself up according to the other party's current face.

Long Ao kicked the ground, and the whole ground suddenly trembled, as if it were a landslide earthquake. The powerful force shook so that Haofeng almost fell unstablely.

"Huh, don't you understand? Don't joke. I'm afraid your strength has already reached the king of war, right? If you dare to hurt Kaiwang, a teacher of Nanjing University, don't you dare to admit it now? Long Ao said in a cold tone.

How does he know? Haofeng's heart turned over stormy waves. After all, although he guessed some reasons, there was always some luck in his heart.

Now the other party directly told Kai Wang, as if he wanted to implement his criminal evidence with a hammer, which really scared Haofeng hard enough.

Haofeng was frightened, but his face forcibly kept calm.

"Don't think you can escape. Whether you are the king of war or not, the area within 300 meters in these four weeks has been wrapped in my domain." Long Ao has been staring at the expression on Haofeng's face, as if he wants to find some evidence from the other party's face.

"Doyu?" Haofeng was also stunned to speak when he heard this sentence.

Domain is a unique ability of the strong king of war. They can contain a powerful source gas into a space. In this space surrounded by source gas, his strength and speed will be greatly improved.

To put it simply, this space has turned into a part of his body during this period, and he will be like a fish in water here.

"You'd better admit it. I don't like to beat around the bush. I'm a strong man in the realm of the king of war. You can also do it by condescending to hurt a general. Don't you have the courage?" What Long Ao said was like a cold sword that could pierce people's hearts.

"I really don't know what you're talking about. Do you have any evidence? What if I'm really not the king of war? If I'm really just a small soldier, aren't you bullying me as a small soldier? Haofeng retorted that he now saw that it was impossible for the other party to let him go at all.

"Look for death!" Long Ao couldn't stand it anymore when he heard this. His whole body turned into a horrible phantom and appeared in front of Haofeng in an instant. His palm was as frivolous as a blade at Haofeng's neck and it was cut down.

The breath from the hand knife can oppress Haofeng to death, not to mention the power of this move. The whole space seems to be split by this knife, making the torn space wrinkled with traces.

What a strong power, is this the strength of the King of War?

Haofeng looked at the knife that could cut his head in just zero and zero five seconds. He also felt very helpless, and he could not stop this move for half a moment.

Even his strongest defensive silver armor shield is estimated to be unable to stop the opponent for a second.

Haofeng's pupils dilated as if they were death, but his pupils changed and became no longer like human eyes.

A crystal inverted crystal eyeball appeared in his eyeball, which was a pair of eyes that were more horrible than vipers, and the eyes of a creature for a reason.

"Longan?" Long Ao's eyes have been observing the changes of Haofeng, and his domain is also feeling the changes around him. As long as any wind blows, he can instantly prepare for the response. When his eyes see Haofeng's eyes turning into longan, he was also surprised.

Long Ao looked at Haofeng's skin being changed by a green hard armor skin in an instant. It was a green skin, and the texture on it looked as complicated as the words from ancient times.

"Ding~~~." It was just a moment, and Long Ao's hand knife finally hit Haofeng's neck.

His 100,000-jin powerful palm hit Haofeng's neck, only making a crisp tinkling sound. The crystal dragon scales growing on Haofeng's neck were comparable to super tough artificial diamonds. Long Ao's blow only left a snow-white dot on it.

How is it possible? Even a mountain will be cut off!" Long Ao looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief. When Haofeng became like this, he was already shocked, but he was psychologically prepared to an unacceptable level, but when his powerful move hit the other party, the other party was not injured at all. He has reached an unacceptable level.

"Are you a monster or a human!" Long Ao asked this sentence in consteration.