Future Thor

Chapter 133: Big Mountain

I didn't expect it to be the big man in Xiongshan.

Haofeng also touched the back of his head with a headache. He remembered Xiongshan's leading boxing and strange snake tongue moves clearly, which was definitely as difficult as He Zhiqiang.

Even Haofeng suspected that Xiongshan had hidden his strength.

"But let's take one step and see how strong you are!" Haofeng raised the corners of his mouth slightly and smiled as if he were not smiling. If it were someone else, there would not be too much pressure.

This is also good.

Xiongshan in the distance took off his coat. It was just a rhino leather cloak, but it was too draggy. He took out a rectangular green jade box from his arms and pulled out a huge set of armor from the box about the size of a drawer.

This kind of box does not seem to be very big, but it can put many items in it. It is an imitation made of 'small space stone', but it is also valuable.

Each piece of the small space stone is very precious. The last time I saw it in the hands of Mr. Ouyang Dance, but Mr. Ouyang Dance is already a strong general, and the teachers in Nanjing University are extremely strong when they go outside.

is not an ordinary warrior, and if they work in Nanjing University, their salary will not be low, and they all have some treasures.

After taking out the armor from the box, Xiongshan happily stroked his set of armor with a lion's head on his black chest, with several lines connected to the joints of the iron boots on his feet, which was the guiding line.

Touching this set of armor, Xiongshan's eyes looking at Haofeng in the distance were full of a confident look.

"For good, I deliberately prepared the armor to deal with your thunder and lightning last time. Fortunately, I didn't take it away. Now it seems to work. How can your thunder and lightning hurt me!" Xiongshan said to himself in a low voice.

He has spent a lot of effort on lightning protection armor. This set of armor can guide 80% of the lightning to the ground, and those guiding lines are the guiding effect.

As long as he has this set of armor, he can indeed easily defeat Haofeng's thunder and lightning.

Haofeng did not know all this at this time. In ten minutes of preparation, he just adjusted his breath more perfectly. As for other students, they were clicking on the communication watch to inquire about the weaknesses of some opponents and other places.

They are obviously ready to know themselves and know their enemy and win every battle.

Shen Tao has prepared some protective measures, and he is also quickly studying his weakness for spiritual strength. His opponent is a moving goddess who is beautiful enough to suffocate countless men. The temperament released by the other party's body can make many people worship his pomegranate skirt.

Shen Tao also took advantage of the time to come and ask some questions about Haofeng's mental strength. Haofeng answered them one by one. After all, he is also an intermediate hypnotist.

And he is even stronger than the current strength in the attack power of mental strength, but Gong Wei is also not weak, and her mental power has been able to reach the damage in the middle of the war.

And she also practiced for two months, and she didn't know what she would cultivate. Haofeng asked Shen Tao to pay attention to safety.

When Haofeng glanced at another snow ink, the other party was putting a snow-white crystal in the energy card tank in his arm armor, which can be enhanced with its own source gas, but if there is a powerful energy crystal, the power that can be released is stronger. At this time What he installed is an E-grade energy crystal, and the energy will never be small.

How is it like a third brick-sized energy crystal? The price is estimated to be 200,000 yuan outside, but for this battle, it is obvious that Xuemo has also risked all this.

The foot is wiping two shiny sharp spikes, which is obviously his weapon.

Everyone is preparing their own weapons, but Haofeng has no weapons. He can't help sighing. He is really a poor man. If he has a chance, he'd better make some money.

Di Didi~~~ Suddenly, there was a sharp sound on the virtual display screen.

It's time.

Haofeng walked to the golden ring and went to the ring with Xiongshan at the same time.

At this time, Xiongshan had installed his armor, as if his whole body was wrapped in pieces of iron, armed to the teeth, leaving only his eyes and breathing nose holes.

Xiongshan was already big enough, but now he looks more majestic in this set of armor. Every step he takes, the armor on his body makes the sound of iron blocks hitting his teeth sour.

"Why are you so ugly? Is it possible that big men like this kind of armor? Haofeng felt a funny secret, and Haofeng looked at the direction of Xiongshan attentively.

Lions and rabbits must do their best. Haofeng doesn't want anything to happen here.

"Hey, come on, Basic Hao, I'd like to see how strong you are now." Xiongshan's two black eyes turned quickly, and he said with a sneer. Although he spoke, he was very cautious and did not intend to approach Haofeng.

Xiongshan is definitely not as simple-minded as he is.

Before he became animalized, he was even very calculating.

After all, Haofeng is really too mysterious. In so many duels, Xiongshan has also paid attention to the battle on Haofeng's side, but Haofeng will never solve more than three moves.

How can we see how much Haofeng's strength has reached?

He was obviously a little nervous to deal with such a mysterious evil, and the surface of his body was filled with a thin layer of black gas. He never dared to let go of his source protection.

How can you be so afraid of yourself?

Haofeng saw that although it was ironic on Xiongshan's mouth, he did not dare to attack directly. Obviously, he was waiting for him to take action first to test his secret.

"What are you nervous about? Come and beat me? Aren't you afraid?" Haofeng said after revealing Xiongshan's idea.

"How can I be afraid of you? Since you want me to do it, well, I'll let you see if you can stop my strength!" Xiongshan felt a little annoyed when he was said to be central. He cursed a word to hide the embarrassment on his face.

Then his whole body directly turned into a whirlwind, and his huge casserole-like fist hit Haofeng's forehead.

Whoo~~~ The air is danced by this huge fist, and the power contained in the super fist directly tore the air to make a sound, which seems to have the power of thousands of lists.

Seeing the heavy hammer of the fist on his forehead, Haofeng's mouth showed a confident smile. He didn't mean to stop it at all, so he stood where he was.

"Go to hell!" Xiongshan saw this scene, and he was ecstatic. He knew clearly how strong his fist was.

Even when he didn't use all his strength, he was able to beat a tiger-headed bull-headed monster and fell to the ground.

Now he has used all his strength, and his strength is definitely beyond the imagination of ordinary students.

Boom!!! The fist hit Haofeng's forehead, as if it hit some hard obstruction, without any brittle cracking, or the expected creepy broken bones of Xiongshan.

"Oh, it's really a little painful!" Haofeng's voice came from under his fist.

"What? How is this possible?" Xiongshan was stunned. Although his punch did not use the blessing of vitality, his power definitely exceeded a thousand lists.

The person who was hit alive didn't look hurt at all.

When Xiongshan was surprised, he felt that his fist thumb was suddenly grabbed by a palm, and then felt severe pain.

The strength of that palm is even three points greater than his strength.

He stiffly twisted his fist posture into a palm. Xiongshan frowned and saw the expression of Haofeng covered by his huge fist. The other party actually looked at him calmly.

Haofeng's head didn't even bleed, and he didn't feel hurt at all, but his other palm stroked the top of his head that had just been smashed.

"It hurts!" Haofeng smiled. His fighting ability was in a state of great success. Just now, he just wanted to try how much power his body could withstand.

However, it is obvious that Xiongshan's strength has just exceeded the limit that his body can withstand, so he feels pain. In fact, the bones inside were also misplaced at the moment, but Haofeng's strong physique returned to its original state in an instant.

Xiongshan still looked at it in disbelief. His other palm was already helping his thumb out of Haofeng's palm, but the other party's palm was like an iron pliers, and he had to use all his strength to pull out his finger.

I am a strong man who cultivates strength.

Haofeng's power is not lower than him at all?

Xiongshan's face is very ugly, and he is not happy that he can pull out his thumb.

"You give me a punch, and then I'll send you!" Haofeng's voice suddenly came.

"Ring!!!" Haofeng shouted, and a terrible thunder current suddenly broke out on his body. He punched the waist of the tall and strong Xiongshan.

"It's not good!!!" Xiongshan also intends to make some preparations.

Boom!!! The fist speed far exceeded his reaction speed and hit him directly in the middle of his waist. At this time, his waist was exactly a vacant place, and he was hit by Haofeng's punch.

Bang bang~~~ Xiongshan's huge body retreated, as if he had been hit by a car and could not control the pace of regression.

"Thunder Fist!!!" The thunder on Haofeng's fist directly covered Xiongshan's body at this moment and invaded his body.

Haofeng did not dare to be careless in the face of Xiongshan. It was also in Haofeng's calculation to let the other party punch. In fact, it was to get close to Xiongshan's body and find a dead corner to attack.

But what Haofeng didn't expect was that his thunder permeated Xiongshan's body.

Xiongshan did not feel nervous when he saw the dazzling thunder and lightning.