Future Thor

Chapter 143: If you get the check, you can say anything

A large number of freshmen in the teaching building are in it, and no student is absent from class. What they learn in Nanjing University plays a great role.

Of course, there are also things like school rules, so there is generally no case of not going to class.

Haofeng passed the class on the first floor, which was noisyly washing the source air condensation object. Of course, the object is stipulated.

For example, if a mouse appears on the virtual blackboard, you need to use your own source to condense a mouse.

This is the ability to train the ability to control the source gas.

The smaller the thing, the more difficult it is to control. It is like pinching mud, and the smaller the shape, the more difficult it is to pinch.

When Haofeng passed by, he also played casually.

A thunder and lightning appeared beside Haofeng, and then the thunder and lightning changed into a human figure.

"Teacher, do you have a twin brother? And I like to wear blue clothes very much!" A student suddenly asked the teacher on the podium.

"What do you mean?" The teacher asked with a frown.

"Teacher, look at the window!" The student pointed over.

Many students looked over, and the teacher also turned his head and saw a group of 'people' formed by lightning

This person looks exactly like him, and his hairstyle and clothes are exactly the same.

"It's a magic work, even I can't do it by fabricating exactly the same people! I can only pinch out a rough model, but such a clear face can never be made. The teacher's eyes immediately sensed, which was fabricated by source gas.

This class is a 3101 class student. One of their monitor suddenly looked at Haofeng, who was walking towards the side of the virtual elevator.

"Is it Haofeng? Did he come back from the hospital? The monitor couldn't help but be surprised.

"Isn't it difficult?" Haofeng shook his head with a bitter smile. He was just playing for a while. Unexpectedly, so many students could see him.

In fact, Haofeng did not know that messages were being sent from their communication watches when he was seen by the students.

Many intelligence companies have even received such information at the first time.

Haofeng ignored the stunned teacher. He walked on his own. In fact, this teacher had just broken through the intermediate general.

Although every teacher here at Nanjing University has terrible strength, they are not omnipotent.

In this source gas fabrication course, not many people will be willing to spend their efforts to study it.

But Haofeng is also in a state of laying the foundation. His basic skills are very strict, and he can easily do these.


Haofeng walked out of the elevator door and immediately arrived at the door of the class, in which the students' comments came.

"Wait a minute. Although I know you are in a hurry to know the time of the holiday, you still have to finish this class!" Teacher Ouyang dance's gentle voice came from the classroom.

Hearing this sentence, the students in the class immediately waited for a moment.

"That's not the teacher, you also understand that it's rare to take a holiday. We haven't been home for so long. How much we miss home and how much we miss our parents!" A student said immediately.

"In my opinion, what you want most is your sister. Haha, I guess you don't go home as soon as you go out, but find a seven-star hotel to solve your needs!" A student said with a smile.

Haofeng couldn't help laughing when he heard this. He knew the teachers' methods best. His favorite thing was to sell the customs. Every holiday was delayed until the end.

Teachers from primary school to college probably like to play this. After all, it is more interesting to see that students are so anxious.

Suddenly, some footsteps appeared at the door of the class, and these sudden footsteps made Haofeng feel a little strange.

Now his ear power is still quite strong.

I just walked into the classroom.

"Good job, monitor!" More than a dozen students watched Haofeng come in at the door, and they bowed and shouted.

Haofeng was stunned by the sudden attack for a second.

"Hm, what are you doing? I don't have money. You are not a robbery, are you?" Haofeng is also a joke.

"Who dares to rob you, monitor, get out of the way." Karp's tall body came out from behind. As the crowd left, he pushed the cart in front of him with a large cake in the shape of a rotating dragon egg.

"Wow, where did this big cake come from?" Haofeng also said in surprise.

"This is made by the cake utensils in the stone in my small space. As soon as these children receive the message from you back, they will know and start to prepare!" Ouyang dance's eyes smiled in the shape of a crescent.

But you just came back from the medical building? And how could I know that I didn't tell anyone who decided to come to class?

"How did you know that I was coming back to class?" Haofeng asked curiously.

"Haofeng monitor, the shocking people you fabricated downstairs have been filmed into videos and put at night. Of course, we will know it at the first time!" Karp said with a laugh.

The intelligence is so horrible that Haofeng couldn't help sighing.

But he is also very happy. After all, so many students have been paying attention to their news, and obviously care about themselves.

"I guess I'm also a good monitor who won the hearts of my classmates!" Everything Haofeng does is done according to his personality.

Whether it is to help your students or what, they do according to their own personality and are not pretentious.

So the students all like Haofeng, and even Karp, a hot guy. When he knew that Haofeng could scare off Xiongshan, and even fought with He Zhiqiang and got the first place in the freshman assessment results.

He has begun to change from jealousy and hatred of Haofeng to admiration.

"Don't care too much. You are all students in your class. Now you are in class, and you still need some class discipline. Go back to your seats first!" Haofeng was hugged by this crowd, and even several female students secretly touched their chests with their little hands, which scared him to say immediately.

"Okay, monitor!" The students sat back in their seats in an orderly manner.

"The deterrent is higher than mine! Ha ha!" Ouyang Wu felt a little funny when she saw this scene.

Each of this group of students has a father with tens of millions of Chinese coins outside, which is usually very difficult to manage.

Sometimes they don't necessarily listen to Ouyang Wu's words.

"Okay, let's concentrate on the class. This is the last class. I guess everyone will have a holiday after this class! Let's eat the cake later after class. Haofeng said with a smile.

This group of students now seems to regard themselves as heroes in the class, which is as famous as the heroes in the national classic book "Water Xu Zhuan".

Many girls from rich families are paying attention to their side, and they are thinking that there will be a strong man to protect themselves in the future.

After Haofeng entered Nanjing University, he repeatedly radiated his own light, which has attracted the attention of young students.

Now 17 or 18 years old is the time when these female students most yearn for that feeling between boyfriend and girlfriend.

Haofeng casually found a seat and planned to sit down, but he found that all the students would look in their own direction, even more than the teacher.

"Am I so charming?" Haofeng couldn't help smiling bitterly.

Ouyang Wu saw this scene, and she felt very funny. Just now, when Haofeng didn't come, they were still stable.

Now when they see the arrival of Haofeng, they don't pay attention to their own meaning.

In fact, the students have a lot to ask. After all, before that, they were surprised why Haofeng practiced so many courses, but later his strength was so strong.

They really want to ask these questions about cultivation, so they are looking at the direction of Haofeng.

Of course, many of them were because Haofeng could beat down the usually arrogant and domineering He Zhiqiang, so he looked at Haofeng with admiration.

" monitor, I would like to ask you, how on earth can you become so strong?" A male student sitting next to Haofeng summoned up the courage to ask this question.

He did not suppress his voice, and the whole class heard this question.

"Hm?" Ouyang Wu is curious about this. After all, she has talked to Haofeng before, but Haofeng is still my own way.

Everyone understands the principle of greed, but Haofeng has done it.

"Xiaofeng, I think you have been away for a whole month, and your classmates have a lot to say to you. In the next class time, you can say something to your classmates!" Ouyang dance suddenly said.

"This...is a little troublesome!" Haofeng thought to himself that he had never thought about saying his own affairs so troublesomely when he came to class.

"Yes, monitor, here are 50,000 Chinese coins. This is some of the commission for us to win the money of other students after your victory. Suddenly, a gorgeously dressed student handed a white bank check in his hand to Haofeng.

In fact, it doesn't need to be so troublesome. Nowadays, technology is easy to remit money, but these students don't have Haofeng's bank number.


Seeing the check, Haofeng directly put the money into his pocket without saying a word. Now he is extremely poor. Haofeng raised the corners of his mouth and looked at the eyes of the group of students and then coughed gently and said, "Since everyone wants to listen to my cultivation experience so much, I will say one or two. I hope Don't dislike it!"

Haofeng got the check with a completely different attitude from before he got the check.

However, these students who respect Haofeng don't think much. 50,000 yuan is actually equivalent to half a month's pocket money for any one of them.

They are all seriously waiting for Haofeng to talk about their cultivation experience.

However, Haofeng didn't have much to say about the things he practiced. His eyes turned and suddenly had a trace of thought.