Future Thor

Chapter 152: Investigation

Haofeng's physical injury is still quite serious, and a large amount of blood flows out of his chest. If Haofeng hadn't destroyed the venom in his blood with spiritual power, I'm afraid it would not have been as simple as bleeding.

"The spiritual power has consumed almost average in the silver armor shield protection in the move just now. Fortunately, there is this magic!" Haofeng looked at the deep pit caused by the ground, and he was also secretly surprised.

If it weren't for such a spell, I'm afraid that the laser shooting just now would definitely die here.

"Two-thirds of the power of the soul is also consumed!" Haofeng sighed and looked inside his body. In fact, the situation in his body is now the same as that of a tornado.

All kinds of energy consumption are seven or eight.

Haofeng walked step by step towards the coffee shop, and he found the author resting on the stool he had just sat on.

The two people sitting in front of him were controlled by the power of his soul. Of course, the man in a European suit could not control it for long.

"Who the hell asked you to attack me!" Haofeng said to the man in a European suit while looking for some cloth to hold down his wound.

"I don't know who the employer is, just let me follow Wang Luo and find an opportunity to assassinate you at any time!" The man in a European suit replied.

But how can Haofeng be satisfied with such an answer?

"What is the task of hiring you, tell me in detail, and the price." Haofeng immediately asked. He wanted to know more information. As long as he knew more information, it would be easier for the locked crowd.

After all, there are only two or three people who have offended, either Hua Xuan, or Xiongshan and others. Maybe it is not necessarily done by the freshman family of Nanjing University.

Haofeng was thinking while waiting for the other party's answer.

But there is a sudden change.

"Cough!" The man in a European suit suddenly coughed, and blood surged out of his mouth with some light green appearance, which was obviously poisoned.

The blood did not drip on the ground, but it strangely evaporated after more than ten seconds.

"How dare you take poison? I'm afraid this is a professional killer!" Haofeng was obviously shocked when he saw this scene, and he also knew some killers.

If you can take poison and poison yourself after arrest, it is obvious that the organization is unwilling to dig out more information.

"It seems that the price of those who want to harm me is not low, a rich family!" Haofeng thought to himself that his head was dedicated to Wang Luo's body.

The other party's face was dull and had no look. Seeing Haofeng looking at himself, he nodded respectfully to Haofeng and shouted, "Master!"

His cultivation can resist the control of Haofeng's soul power, but the instantaneous time is enough for Haofeng to control it.

"I hope to ask something!" Haofeng thought so, and then he began to ask Wang Luo.

"Why did you come to hurt me? Who is the man who assassinated me behind you!" Haofeng looked at Wang Luo's question with a nervous face, and the power of his soul penetrated into Wang Luo's body all the time.

He is also worried that what just happened will happen again. If his soul power feels any discomfort, he will also directly prevent Wang Luo from committing suicide and destroy the other party's venom with thunder spiritual power.

However, it is obvious that Wang Luo's body does not have these poisons.

This is a small loophole. After all, the poisonous scorpion woman who attacked Haofeng would not pay attention to this Wang Luo. She didn't expect that Haofeng could survive.

For Wang Luo, she only wants to use a small role once.

As for killing Wang Luo? That won't happen. The Wang family is one of the five major families in Nanjing. Killing Wang Luo is not of much benefit to the He family.

So the poisonous scorpion woman did not want to kill Wang Luo.

"Why do you want to harm the master? That's because you are the most suspected person who committed suicide in Wang Ling. I have been thinking about whether the master did it, so I hold a grudge against the master. As for the man who killed you, he is a killer. I was forced to blackmail him. I didn't mean that he followed me!" Wang Luo said all this slowly. He said it very real and there was no false element.

Haofeng heard that Wang Luo was actually answering his words. He was also happy and began to wait for Wang Luo to say more information.

"Then what's going on? How did he find you!" Haofeng continued to ask.

"That's because two days ago, the poisonous scorpion woman called me and thought that this was the person the poisonous scorpion woman ordered me to come!" Wang Luomune said with a frightened expression.

Obviously, he was also extremely afraid of the poisonous scorpion woman. That fear spread into the soul power of Haofeng, making him also feel Wang Luo's fear of the poisonous scorpion woman.

"Poisonous scorpion woman? Isn't this a legendary character?" Haofeng also knew this poisonous scorpion woman, and his mother once used this name to scare him. Hearing that it was the poisonous scorpion woman who wanted to harm her, Haofeng asked in a surprised tone.

"Yes, the poisonous scorpion woman is back again. I don't know why she wants to treat you, but she threatened me to help her complete the task of calling you out, or she will kill me!" Wang Luo said after recalling the words of the poisonous scorpion woman.

Haofeng calmed down his emotions. He didn't think about the horrible poisonous scorpion woman in his childhood. He just thought that he didn't seem to have much connection with the poisonous scorpion woman, let alone have a grudge.

I haven't even seen it.

Smart like Haofeng also doesn't understand what's going on.

"When this poisonous scorpion woman was a child, she heard that it was all about those big shots. She showed her warrior cultivation at this point. She would not ask the intermediate war to assassinate herself in the future at such a difficult price, right? And those two laser guns, I'm afraid their price is more than 10 million!" Haofeng thought to himself.

There is definitely a big thing that has offended the legendary person.

"Whether this character exists or not, or Wang Luo has been cheated, I will check it." Haofeng began to think about this.

It is impossible for Wang Luo to lie under the control of his soul.

If you check it yourself, you can only check it on the poisonous scorpion woman.

In the cafe, several director-like middle-aged men were looking in the direction of Haofeng, and they were hesitating whether to call an ambulance for Haofeng.

But if you do this, will you offend the group behind Haofeng?

These bosses of Bremen Cafe still know how to calculate, and they have called the law enforcement bureau of the rescue.

They don't seem to interfere with Haofeng's affairs. The guests in the cafe are walking, and they don't want to be tortuated by themselves.

Only Haofeng and Wang Luo are still sitting in the whole lobby.

About five minutes have passed.

"Dudu~~~." The law enforcement government car of the law enforcement bureau has arrived, and many men in law enforcement armor came down. They surrounded Haofeng at the first time, and they tested Haofeng's vitality with instruments.

Haofeng's wound was just a little deep. The law enforcement officer of the law enforcement bureau gave Haofeng some green lizard gene potions. After shooting these potions, Haofeng's injury was much better.

The people of the Law Enforcement Bureau asked Haofeng a few words, and then began to block the surroundings, and even looked for the location of laser gun shooting.

The people of the Law Enforcement Bureau wear real mecha, with 12 sets of E-grade armor, and can even fight against a senior general.

They are looking for secrets around them.

Haofeng sat in the cafe, and soon Yan Tianhua came to the scene with several medium-level robots, and Yan Xiaotian also followed him.

When they saw Haofeng, they began to ask.

"How could someone assassinate you?" Yan Tianhua felt a little strange and asked, and the pen he used was very big.

It can even be said that if the same lineup is used to assassinate Yan Tianhua, I'm afraid Yan Tianhua will not stay.

Yan Xiaotian quickly took some small medicine particles and let Haofeng eat them. When she looked at her pale face, her eyes were a little cold and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"I don't know, but I have something I want you to do for a favor, Uncle Yan!" Haofeng put on a new set of clothes brought to him by Yan Xiaotian, and then said to Yan Tianhua.

"What's the matter? Do you have any clues? Don't worry, I will definitely investigate it!" Yan Tianhua said to Haofeng with a smile that the more Haofeng wants to trouble him, the more he looks outside.

In this way, if Yan Tianhua asks him for help in the future, Haofeng will not shirk it.

"Yes, I know that this matter should be related to the poisonous scorpion woman. There are few people I offended. I would like to ask you to help me investigate the poisonous scorpion woman!" Haofeng thought for a moment and said that if he was asked to investigate, he would definitely not be able to investigate anything.

I have no money and no connections.

Yan Tianhua is more than himself, at least his connections are not comparable to his descendants.

"Poisonous scorpion woman? Isn't this a legendary character? I heard that she left Nanjing before, but she came back? OK, I'll investigate for you. You should pay attention to it during this period. If the other party can do it once, he will definitely be ready for protection for the second time!" Yan Tianhua said a few words to Haofeng.

"It's okay, don't worry." Haofeng took a breath. He needed to go home to practice. He stood up. Yan Xiaotian did not say anything, but stood quietly beside him and watched Haofeng stand up. She seemed to be worried that Haofeng would fall later and kept watching.

"Okay, don't be late. I'll go back and investigate now. Take a good rest and wait for my news!" Yan Tianhua said to Haofeng.

"Let me send him back! Dad, it's really dangerous for him to be injured like this!" Yan Xiaotian finally spoke and said to Yan Tianhua.

"All right!" Yan Tianhua's eyes showed a trace of surprise.

Did her daughter take the initiative to send a boy home?