Future Thor

Chapter 157: Only one chance

A lot of garbage was poured on the poisonous scorpion woman, making her beautiful hair look a little messy.

Haofeng rolled on the ground several times before stabilizing his figure. He looked up in the direction of the poisonous scorpion woman.

The poisonous scorpion woman was slowly standing up, and her whole body was filled with a purple-black light. At this time, a scarlet blood flowed from the corners of her mouth under her beautiful face.

Looking down, a large piece of her coat was torn off, revealing her snow-white shoulders. Three inches above her chest flashed with thunder and lightning, but it had been slowly consumed by the purple-black source.

"How could I release the thunderball the moment I attacked you?" The poisonous scorpion woman looked in the direction of Haofeng in disbelief, and she said in astonishment.

In just 5 seconds, Haofeng actually released the attack and even hurt himself.

This kind of reaction ability is really too evil.

"Must be killed!" The poisonous scorpion woman thought so in her heart that she didn't have any love. After all, the boy killed the young master. No matter how talented he was, he must die today.

Haofeng breathed heavily the air around him. There was only some deep pain on his body, not very much in his eyes.

"Wow! The attack speed, movement speed, and damage of the poisonous scorpion woman are close to the strength of the intermediate peak general, but her fighting ability is only the strength of the junior general!" Haofeng looked at the direction of the poisonous scorpion woman and began to calculate in his heart.

The strength of the intermediate peak battle can completely crush himself.

Basically, intermediate warriors can kill themselves. With their current strength, not to mention the poisonous scorpion woman, even an ordinary intermediate warrior can kill themselves.

"Her ability to bear injury is not as strong as mine. Maybe I can write here!" Haofeng has calculated this.

"Even if you can fight!" The purple and black source of the poisonous scorpion woman suddenly soared, and her whole body turned into an illusory and horrible shadow, which had reached Haofeng in an instant.

Haofeng was shocked. He really couldn't keep up with the speed of the other party. The poisonous scorpion woman grabbed Haofeng's face with one foot.

"Ghost Claw!" The purple-black source gas formed a horrible black ghost claw form, which fell from top to bottom, and the murderous spirit of the five-finger ghost claws condensed on it, which was as sharp as an E-level weapon.

"It's not good!" Seeing this move of the poisonous scorpion woman, Haofeng's face became panicked.

His physical fighting ability is very strong, but it is far from being able to resist knives.

If this ghost claw is caught, your whole face will be cut open.

In danger, Haofeng's speed can't compare with the attack speed of the poisonous scorpion woman. The other party moved here from a distance and even used a powerful martial arts skill.

This period of time is just enough for Haofeng to raise his arm.

Haofeng's hands went up, and a large amount of thunder spiritual power on his arm condensed on it.


After this move, the poisonous scorpion woman directly grabbed Haofeng's close thunder spirit five openings and grabbed his claws on Haofeng's skin and skin.

Five blood scar wounds suddenly appeared on the arm, and a large amount of blood surged out, and the ground was full of blood.

The power contained in this grasp obviously reached 7,000 to 8,000 pounds, and Haofeng undoubtedly relied on this force and retreated.

It has retreated four or five meters away.

The poisonous scorpion woman did not intend to continue to pursue Haofeng. She quietly looked at Haofeng's backward figure. She sneered and whispered, "Do you think you have escaped? Kill my young master, and this time I will kill you!"

The poisonous scorpion woman also condensed on the other palm on the side of her thigh at the same time, with five claws with one meter long ghost claws.

Two ghost claws waved in the air, and the air seemed to be constantly cut.

The appearance of the poisonous scorpion woman at this time looks horrible and gloomy like a evil woman.

At the top of a bungalow residential building, two virtual shadows floated in it, and the breath of the two virtual shadows is far more than a thousand times that of a poisonous scorpion woman.

"Big tiger, do you think this boy will die!" Qinglong opened his mouth and said to the tiger with some strange white runes on his yellow fur next to him.

"It's hard to say, this boy is not the opponent of this ghost woman. I can only stick to it." The tiger looked at Haofeng's direction and said.

"If he is going to die, then you can't take action?" Qinglong asked at the head.

"This... this boy made an experiment of my research, and I also owe him a favor!" The tiger's beard** twice, and it said awkwardly.

The semi-finished formation given to Haofeng last time, Haofeng is the white mouse of the tiger.

"Hey, but you'd better ask Lord Xiaobai for instructions. If you do something unhappy, don't blame my brother for not reminding you. Lord Xiaobai's punishment is terrible!" Qinglong said with a smile.

"Hey, anyway, if this boy knows that I will help, it will be meaningless. The battle of life and death is also a must on the road to practice. If he doesn't pass, I can't help him again and again. Let's see what he does this time!" The tiger seemed to think of something, shook the tiger's head and sighed and said

Qinglong's leader slightly clicked to show his recognition. In fact, it also saw Haofeng's cultivation during this period. Although he was not the best among so many descendants he had seen, he could also rank in the top five.

Such a genius also needs to be tempered.

Haofeng took a look at the injury on his arm and saw that he could see the white bones inside. He was secretly happy.

If the spiritual force hadn't stopped him, he would have cut off his hands directly.

"What a sharp knife, I can't take care of so much now." Haofeng glanced around, and he sighed and pinched a decision with both hands.

His fingers pinched all kinds of magic decisions as fast as lightning, and whispered in a low voice, "The body is armor, the body surface is silver, and the shield turns into its body, transforms energy, and gathers! " get up!"


The flashing light of silver condensed on his body, and a large amount of thunder spiritual power turned into silver light at this moment.

Da Da!!! Pieces of silver shields were built and turned into a set of white silver armor covering Haofeng's body.

This set of armor is transparent, and you can't see the inside, but you can see the outside inside.

Haofeng's whole body was armed with this set of armor, and even his eyes and mouth were completely protected.

The strongest defense!

Haofeng looked at the poisonous scorpion woman in the distance and was very cautious. The other party would come to give himself a blow at any time. Haofeng was also worried about whether his silver shield shield could resist the ghost claws of the poisonous scorpion woman.

"Ha ha, there is such equipment. No wonder it didn't die under the laser gun, but is this useful?" The figure of the poisonous scorpion woman came slowly, and her figure was gone.


The ghost's claws shrugged on the ground, pulling out ten horrible scratches.

Hao Ting saw the scratches on the ground, and she felt frightened, as if it were made by an invisible ghost.

I didn't see anyone at all, but I saw this horrible scratch suddenly appeared.

This really made her extremely terrified. This is no longer the time for her to be an audience. She slowly stepped back, as if she was worried that her walking sound would disturb the ghostly young woman.

"It's coming!" Haofeng's feet bent slightly, and he only saw a flower in front of him.

"The chaotic dance of the ghost's claws!" The cold voice of the poisonous scorpion woman came, and then the claws all over the sky appeared in front of Haofeng. The horrible ghost claws seemed to turn into a big tree and drop a lot of leaves.

"BangDang!!!" A large number of sparks bloomed in an instant, and the silver armor on Haofeng's body was immediately attacked by terror.

Hundreds of ghost claws attacked every part of Haofeng's whole body in an instant.

"It's so fast." Haofeng stood in front of his chest with one hand, which was holding the method to maintain the silver armor protection from being destroyed.

Only when he suffered a fierce attack, Haofeng's maintained palm immediately trembled like Berginson's disease.

"Cluck!" Haofeng gritted his teeth and persisted with the attack outside. After a set of attacks, his spiritual power was consumed more violently.

The scorpion woman's figure is like a rose petal floating in the night, turning into dozens of figures, and you can't see which of her is the real entity.

Haofeng's eyes are staring at the poisonous scorpion woman. He has been trying his best to observe the rules. Haofeng's eyes have become ice blue, and his eyes are completely condensed by thunder.

Eyepower also changes very strongly.

"What a strong defense, it actually resisted!" The poisonous scorpion woman was shocked. Her claws grabbed this set of armor and actually had the power to bounce back to her.

put a little burden on her figure, and the speed did not reach her limit.

The two were restrained by each other in this way. After a minute, the poisonous scorpion woman maintained hundreds of ghost claws and consumed a lot of gas.

Waved a hundred ghost claws in a second or two, and even reached the full blow of the middle-level strongman, which was horrible.

"Go to hell, go to hell!!!" The poisonous scorpion woman's face was already a little dizzy and red, but she still maintained her ghost claws.

Haofeng's armor has been caught and fell off, and now it looks as ragged as beggars' clothes.

"I only have one chance!" Haofeng has found some rules. His three thunder fists have been used twice, and now there is only the last time left.

If three thunder fist attacks are in the critical case of the poisonous scorpion woman, there is still a chance to seriously injured her, or even kill her!