Future Thor

Chapter 162: Isn't it a dream?

In the blue sky, the light of a bright sun is rapidly shining below, and there is no super defensive wall built with any high alloy.

There is only a simple village, and all the buildings are built by nearby trees.

It looks like a slightly simple village, but there is a tranquility that belongs to a mountain village, which is unimaginable to the people of the city.

When the sun hung high in the sky, it was reflected below, and a ten-year-old man was farming a banker in a field.

The hot sun burned his skin vigorously, making his skin look very dark, but his strong body can withstand the scorching sun.

He dripped sweat from his chest and flowed down the line of his eight abdominal muscles to the rag around his waist.

"It's so sunny!" The man raised his hand and wiped the sweat on his forehead, looked up at the scorching sky, and then immediately closed his eyes by the dazzling light.

This is really dazzling.

He immediately looked down at his banker, which was a field where some vegetables were grown. More than half of the vegetables had matured and grew very green.

is obviously very good.

"It will be harvested in ten days!" The man smiled simple and said to himself happily.

At this time, two men in cloth and hemp trousers hurriedly passed by the man who was ploughing the field. They saw the man ploughing the field and paused.

"Haofeng, are you still working? Don't you know what happened today?" One of the men whose face was darker than Haofeng looked at the man who was ploughing the field and said.

"What happened? Why didn't you work today?" Haofeng looked at the two people's panicked look strangely, obviously as if he had just been shocked.

What's going on? How could it make these two brothers look so panicked?

This is the first time I have lived here in 1718 years that I have seen such a panic.

For these two honest farmers, even the last time their cattle were lost, they did not panic.

Haofeng began to think this matter was strange.

"Don't you know yet? You should have changed the field for a day, right? Something big happened in the village today. Two men died and three girls disappeared! Now the village head is summoning us to the gate of the village!" A man with a whiter complexion explained.

Is it dead?

"How can people die!" Haofeng immediately said in astonishment. The village he lives in is very safe. The village has only a population of about 1,000. In more than ten years, no such strange incident has happened except for the dying old man.

The black-skinned man wiped the sweat on his face, and his face was a little ugly.

"Do you remember the lake a kilometer away from the entrance of the village? Well, that's where it is. That's one of the water sources in our village, but today there is a tiger-faced snake-body lizard-legged monster!" The man with black skin color explained.

"Monster? How can there be monsters? Don't joke. There are no monsters in this world!" Haofeng was a little surprised, and he smiled twice and said.

Haofeng felt that these two kids must be playing with themselves.

Where are the monsters in this era? Those monsters, immortals and so on are all characters in the book. In this era, every family is farming to support themselves.

There is no danger outside the village. For so many years, the lake they mentioned has been explored for a long time. How can there be monsters?

Haofeng smiled and looked at the two people's expressions. He obviously wanted to see the two boy show their feet.

Then he joked with himself happily: This is all a joke on you. I didn't expect you to be quite smart.

But the two people's faces were still panicked and nervous, and there was no change at all, and they did not laugh with themselves at the same time.

"Is it true?" Haofeng's heart began to shake.

"It's true. One of the three dead girls is my aunt's daughter. Do you think I'm in the mood to joke? Haofeng, you don't know the situation. I don't blame you. Now I want to ask you for help. Let's go there together!" The black-faced man looked more unhappy, but then his expression eased


It was only a short time, and he recovered to look nervous about his cousin's safety.

"Let's go and have a look!" Haofeng was also shocked. He didn't think so much and followed them quickly to the door of the village.

In the lake thousands of meters away from the village gate, the perimeter of the crystal clear lake is full of people.

Haofeng glanced around and got a lot of good hands not only from his own village, but also from the people next village.

Many people hold a long knife as tall as a person in their hands, and the blade is already sharp and shiny. Obviously, if it is cut into pieces of meat, it can be easily separated into two halves.

"My knife is the sharpest. When I see that monster, I will definitely break it!" A strong man danced the crescent sickle in his hand and said majestically.

"It's too dangerous underwater. You'd better not go down." A village girl immediately grabbed his shoulder and said.

"Gone go, you are a woman, what do you know? If there are really monsters, we must get rid of them. This is two-thirds of the water source of our village!" The strong sickle man said with a sneer.

"That's right! Brother Scar, we will go into the water with you!" Several men followed the strong man and said.

"Don't go down!" Some bitter-hearted women began to unite to teach these vigorous young men in their twenties.

"No, there is no two-thirds of the water in the village! Is it possible that you won't drink water again?" The strong man replied with a sneer.

"Too impulsive!" Haofeng first looked at the lake a few times, and he felt that the ripples floating on the water of the lake were much faster than usual.

This is obviously a problem under the lake.

It's not good to rush out.

Of course, there are still many young people in the village who want to be heroes. They all want to kill the monsters in the water and find the missing girls.

In this way, as long as they find girls, they can immediately propose marriage to their families. The customs of the village are very simple, and they are all yellow-flowered daughters. The population of the village is not large, and there are only a few girls. Young boys are still eager for these.

There is another group of people next to them. Their dressing habits are a little different from those on this side. One of them is a man in a red striped sleeveless coat looking coldly at this side.

"It's really useless. The women in the village don't listen to you. Brother Scar, you don't get along well!" The man in red said.

"Haha, that's right, that's it!" The man in red was followed by seven or eight young people as strong as calves, who laughed!

"Bullshit, do we need to evaluate our affairs by the people in your village?" Brother Scar obviously stared at the man in red angrily and shouted angrily.

He just pretended to ignore it, but he had begun to walk slowly in the direction of the lake.

The village leaders on both sides are 70 or 80 years old, and they can't stop these two men.

"I'm going down. Don't be brave!" Brother Scar obviously gritted his teeth and said cruelly. He sneered at the man in red behind him.

"No!" The women still shouted, but Brother Scar ignored their thoughts.

Haofeng's eyes focused on the turbulent water flow in the distance. His water quality is not bad. He has already seen that the water is absolutely dangerous, and there is a problem with the direction of the water flow in the center of the whole lake.

Will something that can affect the direction of water flow be a simple thing?

Haofeng's body suddenly came to Brother Scar. He stretched out his hand to stop Brother Scar from walking towards the lake.

"Xiaofeng? Why are you doing this? Brother Scar looked at Haofeng unhappily and asked. He didn't understand why Haofeng was blocking his way.

"There is danger in the lake. You'd better not go there now!" Haofeng said to Brother Scar that the other party's reputation is not good in his own village.

But after all, this is a life, and Haofeng doesn't want him to be in any danger.

"Haha, another interception came, this scar brother is really water!"

"Get out of here!" Brother Scar seemed to hear the laughter of the man in red behind him. His anger immediately rushed up, and he hit Haofeng's shoulder with one arm.


Haofeng fell on the shallow water of the lake.

"Cough!" Haofeng felt that his nose was poured into it by a few mouthfuls of water. When he raised his head again, he had seen Brother Scar begin to swim, followed by six or seven young men behind him.

The man in red passed by Haofeng's side, and he showed a sarcastic look, and then quickly followed Brother Scar.

"These two are really stubborn!" Haofeng's face was a little ugly. He wiped off the beads of water on his face and stood up and wet his back.

Haofeng looked at the people in the distance swimming quickly and immediately swam to the center of the lake.

"Wow!" At this moment, a strange fish scale tail flashed from the surface of the water.

Haofeng stared at the fish scale tail, which was more than two meters long, and his face suddenly changed. He had never seen such a big fish.

"Is there really a monster?" Haofeng thought about this with horror. He really couldn't believe that there were such monsters in the world.

He has lived for ten* years and didn't believe in such a thing.

But I really saw it today.

The monster's tail is full of power, but after two ripples, the lake began to turbulent.

"Is it this monster that affects the flow of the lake?" An idea flashed in Haofeng's mind that he didn't believe in.

This is a huge lake of thousands of square meters.

He is not dreaming, is he?