Future Thor

Chapter 164: The tiger-faced demon wants to escape

"That demon's scale is so thick that we can't hurt it at all."

"But the village's water source is gone, and we will die sooner or later!"

"There's nothing we can do!"

The villagers are talking about it. They can't stand it anymore. Just ten days later, the village has reached a state of serious water shortage.

Only a few small wells of water can still be used, but it is a drop in the bucket to support these thousands of villagers.

The miasma began to permeate the village, and the villagers were hiding water by themselves, and even later went out to rob and grab water.

There is no way to take care of the crops. They have no extra water to irrigate.

To solve this problem, we must find a solution to the source. Some people have left here, but there are mountains around, and no one lives a hundred miles away.

Without water, let alone a hundred miles, you can't walk 30 miles.

Haofeng knows this truth. If he really escapes from the village, he may not even have the last well water supply, which will only fall into chaos.

In Haofeng's view, the real solution is to kill the tiger-faced demon, which is the only way at the same time.

But when he put forward this idea, 70% of the villagers in the village did not agree with this. In their idea, the tiger-faced demon was not a monster, but a kind of immortal.

We should contribute the sacrifice of boys and girls to the immortals, which will calm the anger of the tiger-faced immortals and the village may be smooth.

This is the opinion of some people, which eventually spread to all parts of the village.

The most irony is that their village chiefs have agreed with this statement, and they are looking at children in all households.

Finally, two *-year-old boys and girls were found.

The time to sacrifice boys and girls is the day after tomorrow. Children are served delicious food, and they don't know that they are very dangerous at all.

When Haofeng saw such a practice, he was immediately furious.

This is simply an extreme superstition.

"Dedicating boys and girls? Isn't this human life?" Haofeng scolded the villagers' ignorance when he saw the two children locked in the ancestral hall eating and drinking.

Haofeng began to find his own tools to build a huge long shape*. He walked into the deep mountains with the sickle left by Brother Scar.

It took a lot of time to find the strongest kind of wood. It took him two hours to cut down the tree.

Haofeng quickly built a simple*, and the base was built of wood. Haofeng took a lot of effort to build it successfully.

It took Haofeng half a day to make this small *.

"Only when you can hurt the monster's thing can you have a chance to kill it!" Haofeng thought of Brother Scar's sickle when he was building.

What kind of material is this? Haofeng doesn't know, but he understands that this is the only thing that can hurt the tiger-faced demon.

For the construction of

*, Haofeng succeeded with this extremely sharp sickle blade.

This sickle has been made into five*, which is simple and does not look particularly beautiful, but now is the time to kill the demon, and it is not the time to worry about whether it is good or not.

Haofeng immediately began to train the use of *, and accuracy was also a very troublesome place. Haofeng only slept for seven hours. After he was full of energy, he began to practice * shooting.

The tiger-faced demon is relatively large, so it is not difficult to target, but Haofeng still needs to practice from which part to hurt this demon.

At noon, the sacrifice has begun.

The village looks like beating gongs and drums, as if it were about to get married.

Haofeng has no time to sacrifice and practice.

Immediately walked out of the door, took what he had made*, and quickly ran to the direction of the lake.

Haofeng was very fast. He took a shortcut and arrived at the lake earlier than the villagers. He quickly found the obstacles by the lake.

There is an old tree of more than ten meters by the lake. This big tree is located by the lake and is usually full of water, so it grows very lushly.

Thousands of leaves are dense, and you can't see how many branches there are in this old tree.

Haofeng climbed up the tree flexibly. He found a suitable position to sit firmly on his body and found a more spacious branch to put himself*.

When he did all this, the villagers had already arrived below him.

"Wow!" The boy and girl cried loudly to find their mother.

The villagers ignored the crying of the two children. They just looked at the lake in the distance with a smile on their faces.

Today's lake is slightly calm, and there are not so many shocks than yesterday.

The villagers stopped beating gongs and drums, but quietly looked at the old village head among them. They were waiting for the old village head's instructions.

The village head held a slightly smaller dragon-shaped crutch in the palm of his hand. He looked deep at the center of the lake, and then glanced at the boy and girl twice.

He sighed with a slight heavy smell.

"Throw down the two babies!" The village head said.

"Cluck!" Haofeng looked at all this on the tree. When he saw that the village head actually said such words, he also looked very ugly.

The village head's behavior is too superstitious.

The two children are tied with ropes, and the adults are a little unbearable, but the parents of these two children are not there. For their own lives, even if they can't bear to do it, they can only do it.

They picked up the child and threw it in the direction of the lake.


The two little children were thrown directly into the lake.

The cold lake irritated the two children. They coughed quickly. Obviously, there was water in their throats, and the two children suddenly cried.

Haofeng clenched the * in his hand, and it was difficult for him to see the extreme degree.

I didn't expect that villagers who were so familiar with me could do such a thing for their own benefit.

This made him feel a little sad.

"I must save these two children!" Haofeng made up his mind and said secretly. He had brightened his eyes and looked carefully at the lake in the distance.

The villagers began to retreat. They saw that the lake was very eager to get those water, and many people still held back their thirst.

The baby's crying voice is getting louder and louder. No one is bound, and they don't know how tired they are. Fear makes them cry.

The sound is really loud, which is enough to cause a sensation around.

Papa! A crisp sound.

At this time, a figure in the lake jumped and hit the water, and the distant distance was not particularly clear.

This is a huge fish.

"Is it coming?" Haofeng's heart stabilized and his face became solemn.

Roar!!! As it got closer and closer, the other party's speed was really too fast. As it swam on the water quickly, it roared wildly beside it.

The other party's injury seems to have recovered. His bullet hurt his mouth, but now the other party has no appearance of being injured.

It looks very healthy.

Haofeng never thought that this tiger-faced demon would be so resilient.

The tiger-faced demon saw two children crying in the distance. Its speed became faster and faster, and the whole demon soared at a super high speed.

"So fast, I can't aim like this!" Haofeng's face changed, and he had been aiming at the direction of the tiger-faced demon.

If you hit the other party's scales, it will only hurt this big fish at most.

It's impossible to kill. The other party's shining armor-like fish scales are not just for nothing.

To find the key point of the other party, how can this big demon be found now? Haofeng fell into a desperate situation for a while.

There's nothing he can do.

I can only watch this big demon come quickly.

"Wow! No, I don't want it. Mom, save me!" When the girl saw the horrible monster only one or two meters away from her, she cried even louder.

Haofeng's palm tightly clasped the trigger, and his eyes seemed to stare out blood.

He doesn't even dare to blink now, just quietly watching this scene.

Roar! The tiger-faced demon suddenly flew up, opened its mouth and devoured it in the direction of the girl.

If this blow is bitten, I'm afraid it will eat the girl directly.

Haofeng did not dare to hesitate at all. At the moment when the other party rushed to the girl, he immediately pulled the trigger.

"Puff!" A flashing arrow immediately shot out, which was too fast for ordinary people to see with the naked eye.

Haofeng lay a few meters above the little girl, so he is still very close to the tiger-faced demon. Can the accuracy be any worse than making a target for a cow?

Obviously impossible.


The arrow directly pierced some directions on the tiger-faced demon's nose, and some places above the tiger's face with two thick nostrils were directly hit by a strong impact.

"Oh!" The tiger-faced demon's body bent down in front of the girl.

The chance of splashing water is very high in an instant.

The girl looked at this scene in shock.

"Go to hell!" Haofeng looked at the tiger-faced demon lying on the water, opened his mouth and wanted to go in the direction of the girl.

"Look for death!" Haofeng had just installed a new arrow. Seeing such a scene, he couldn't help it. His face was cold and he pressed the trigger again.


Another arrow flew out, and this time it directly pierced the soft white belly of the tiger-faced demon.


The blood splashed extremely high in an instant.

"Is the immortal going to be seriously injured?" The villagers in the distance watched this scene in disbelief.

Haofeng did something they couldn't imagine.

The tiger-faced demon struggled and wanted to get up. More than 20 centimeters of arrows were not hurt deeply in front of its flesh.

The tiger-faced demon wants to escape to the lake.

If you do this, I'm afraid you still won't be able to catch this big demon.