Future Thor

Chapter 316: Just like people

After rubbing the large number of calls of the birth of his palm, Haofeng smiled bitterly and said secretly, "It's really a long time!"

His eyes looked again at the nine-tailed little white fox that disappeared in front of him.

The other party looked at himself with a smile and said, "Let's practice this Liuchen swordsmanship. Your talent is really ordinary, but you have finally practiced the first move. Remember that if you want the sword in your hand to become stronger in the future, it is to kill as many lives as possible!"

"When the number of deaths and injuries in your hand reaches a level, your sword will be very proficient, and then you can practice the second move!"

With this last sentence, the voice of the nine-tailed little white fox finally disappeared, and the coldness of the whole space immediately thawed and disappeared.

Haofeng glanced at a black lightning blade held on his right hand, and gently touched his index finger in the palm of his right hand.

Only a bang was heard, and the sword disappeared.

Obviously, Haofeng's sword was composed of gas. He glanced at the surrounding walls, and the sword marks with many cow hair did not disappear.

"I split a total of 310,000 swords, and finally achieved success. The first sword of Liuchen swordsmanship can kill and drink color, and can split 10,000 swords in an instant!" Haofeng took a gentle breath. He tidied up his clothes. At this time, Xiaoqing slowly came out of another room in the cave.

The look on her face became more rosy. Obviously, the injury has recovered, and now she has returned to the strength of the first-level demon emperor.

"Feng Shao!" Xiaoqing said with a smile. She felt that Haofeng's anger was obviously in the Jindan period, and she was in a very good mood!

"Hm, how are the two green dragons and white tigers now?" Haofeng has regarded the two big demons as his uncle's generation in his heart.

"Their situation is not bad, but they need to really recover and need to go to Hongsen Mountain, and their spirits are damaged. Obviously, their souls have also been attacked. The attack of the owner of Huangyan City is very domineering and can actually hurt the soul!" Xiaoqing sighed helplessly.

"Where are they now!" Haofeng heard Xiaoqing say this, and he said after he was moved.

Right here, Xiaoqing gently brushed his sleeves, and two extremely weak virtual souls appeared in front of him, and their breath had been weakened to the extreme.

Now maybe people in a gasification period can easily clean up the two big demons.

"Ning!" Haofeng saw the transparent shape of a white and green virtual soul. His eyes suddenly opened and shouted in the direction of the two monsters.


A gloomy wind hit the air, and the soul power in Haofeng's mind burst out in an instant, lingering in the bodies of the two big demons.

"Bum!" Hearing the crisp sound, the bodies of the two monsters, which were originally transparent, solidified a little again, and obviously looked much better.

"Feng Shao, you will have the power of your soul!" Xiaoqing was stunned and didn't expect that this problem would be solved by Haofeng so simply.

You should know that she is not worried that the two demons will die, but she is very worried that she will become two idiot monsters because of the damage of her soul.

If that's the case, no matter how strong they are, it's useless. The two crazy monsters may hurt their own people.

Now, if Haofeng solves this problem lightly, a big stone hanging in her heart is put down, and she can't help but have more confidence in Haofeng.

"He will definitely avenge us!" Xiaoqing thinks so.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm just a coincidence. All right, let's go! Let's go to Hongsen Mountain!" Haofeng nodded to Xiaoqing.

"Okay!" Xiaoqing nod and then walked ahead.

Haofeng followed Xiaoqing and quickly walked out of the cave. Because Xiaoqing was so bored that she studied the structure of the cave when Haofeng and others were practicing and recuperating.

The cave is surrounded by a strong array, which is impossible for her to unravel.

So this cave is very strange, but the Qingting sea snake knew that this was not the time to cause trouble, so she just looked for the entrance and exit of this place in detail.

Finally, she found the exit of the cave, but she did not dare to go out, because they fought with the owner of Huangyan City, and the aura of the other party was likely to be hidden in their bodies.

If she goes out, she is likely to be discovered by the owner of Huangyan City, so she is still hiding in this cave.

In the next few days, she finally refined all the qi in her body and changed her clothes before fading all the breath.

This time, when he came out of the cave, Xiaoqing told Haofeng these things in detail. Haofeng immediately scanned the cave with his divine consciousness, but it was strange that it could be scanned in the outer place, but there was a more powerful array to block his consciousness.

And it is obvious that the force is much stronger than he imagined, which is estimated to be similar to the great perfection of the Yuanying period. Although Haofeng is also curious, he is not a greedy person who can't think about money, so he still plans to come in and find out when his cultivation comes up.

On a stone wall in this cave, he made a piece of Lei Yujian, a total of two pieces, one of which was put into the wall, and one of which was put in his pocket.

Walking out of the cave, I found that it had come out of Huangyan City, just by a small lake in the south not far from Huangyan City.

Haofeng came out. Originally, he didn't know the way, but Qingting Sea Snake was obviously familiar with this generation, and she also knew a lot about going to Hongsen Mountain.

Maybe it was an elder who had been a red forest mountain, so she knew very well how to walk the fastest. When they returned to the red forest mountain again, it only took half an hour.

You should know that it took two or three hours to get to this place, but now it has arrived half an hour with the improvement of strength.

Hongsen Mountain is completely different from when the Qingting Sea Snake left. The mountain road is full of monsters. They have no disputes. On the contrary, they walk together, and the surrounding mountains are already leaning around Hongsen Mountain.

10,000 meters away, Haofeng stopped moving forward and flew in mid-air to look at the various distribution patterns of the seven mountains.

This is a strange layout, and Haofeng feels that if he takes a step in, he will be found.

Red Mountain is no longer open to the public. It has become a kingdom, a kingdom belonging to monsters, and its construction is no less than that of human beings.

All kinds of strange rune carvings form a small array around, in which a large number of monster groups live, and each ethnic group occupies a large area of territory.

"How do I feel that I will be attacked if I step in?" Haofeng thought doubtfully that he didn't know why he had such a feeling, but he believed that such a feeling would not be wrong.

The beautiful woman with a blue shirt beside her saw such beautiful rivers and mountains. Her eyes were as surprised as Haofeng. At the same time, she said in an uncertain tone, "The seven dragons of the demon clan?"

When Haofeng heard Xiaoqing talking like this, he couldn't help but be stunned and asked her, "What is the seven dragon coil tail array!"

"This is a formation used by demons. Don't you see that there will be a lot of different heights like tails behind those peaks, and the peaks are the raised spikes on these tails."

"Yes!" Haofeng took a closer look, and it was true.

"This formation is very strong. In ancient times, there were demon fairies killed by semi-demon immortals with this array!" Xiaoqing looked into Haofeng's eyes and said in horror.

"Kill the demon fairy!" Haofeng was stunned and obviously couldn't believe it.

You should know that if the half-demon immortals are described by the realm of human cultivation, they will be strong at the ancestral level of the Yuanying period, but they are far from becoming immortals.

The gap is not a matter of realm, but a matter of quality.

This is the same as the relationship between wood and iron.

The demon fairy can already be regarded as a human god.

Even the 30 perfect old monsters in the infancy may not be his opponents.

"But this formation seems to be some defects!" Xiaoqing continued to carefully scan the direction of the formation. Obviously, the peaks of these mountains will contain aura.

It's just that this aura is obviously not particularly large.

"The spiritual power required by such a formation is also huge. Obviously, the ancestor of Hongsen Mountain doesn't have so much money!" Haofeng nodded and understood.

Xiaoqing also agrees with Haofeng's words, although she knows that the ancestor of Hongsen Mountain is a half-step demon fairy.

"Master, you still have to be more careful! That ancestor is a real half-step demon fairy!" Xiaoqing thought for a moment or said to Haofeng.

"Don't worry, even if it's a sea of knives and fire, I'm going to break through. The green dragon and white tiger have great kindness to me, and I will definitely save them!" Haofeng's eyes sparkled with perseverance, and he had made up his mind.

"You... Which mountain are you two from!" At this time, a bald-headed demon king suddenly kicked the ground from the ground and burst into a terrible power. He stood in mid-air and looked at Haofeng and Qingting sea snake with some unclear bites.

It is a medium-term demon king. Obviously, it is not particularly human-speaking, but after seeing the demonic spirit on the Qingting sea snake, it also speaks with human words.

Some powerful monsters like to speak human language to highlight their high status. Haofeng couldn't help smiling when he saw this stammer demon king, which was really similar to human beings.