Future Thor

Chapter 335: Success

The trees have collapsed a lot, and even there are huge holes in the ground. I don't know why. This clear, devastated and porous ground and the dozens of trees that have been destroyed are obviously due to the war just now.

I didn't expect such a huge shock.

"Who won?" The woman in the distance and the fourth captain obviously raised their hearts to their throats, and their fists were full of hand sweat.

This is a game of money, and the feeling of gamblers suddenly filled their whole body.

If you lose, the price is too serious.

Just now, the situation was very good. Haofeng and Montenegro understated a collision attack. There was no particularly gorgeous and vast attack, but when the two collided together, their breath exploded at the same time.

It is not very clear what the collision between the two is like.

"Wow!" Haofeng gasped and stood in the deep pit and took a look at Montenegro, which was already full of blood. In fact, his condition was not particularly good. The bone shelves all over his body were close to falling apart. His right hand was fractured and his right shoulder had been concave.

"At the moment just now, I resisted his attack with my body. He probably didn't expect it." Haofeng smiled bitterly. This time it was a tragic victory, just bullying Montenegro's poor defense.

He used water demon power to build a water defense prison in front of him and released silver armor shield on his body. Unexpectedly, these two defenses could be directly broken. The powerful force shattered his defense and destroyed the bones on his right shoulder.

However, it was this opportunity that made him take the air and hit Montenegro's abdomen with one hand. In fact, Haofeng was absolutely defeated by Montenegro. The opponent's strength and speed were exactly more than twice as much as Haofeng, but how could he think that Haofeng got super defense through Xiaoqing?

One palm hit the key point of Montenegro's abdomen. If he hadn't underestimated the enemy, it was likely that Haofeng would have really lose.

"Don't scold me. I know what's on your heart. Don't argue. I'm killing myself this time." Haofeng waved his hand and made a weak voice to the black mountain that was about to fall into a coma.

Hearing this, the anger in Montenegro's eyes slowly disappeared until he closed his eyes.

When Haofeng wanted to say something else, his eyes suddenly lit up, and a man wearing a whole set of black dragon pattern armor appeared in front of him. I only felt that the man's fingers were a little, and the white light stimulated Haofeng's eyes, making his eyes suddenly close. Then the feeling of spinning came, and the scenery in front of him suddenly changed. He stood in front of an old and dusty round table, and a faint * fragrance came out.

I looked a lot at the five people around me, three men and two women, four of whom collected their breath very well, and did not have any hostility to themselves, but more with some appreciation.

But one of the women, who was about 1.7 meters tall and had slender legs, looked at her eyes full of a strong murderous intent.

I don't know how I offended this guy.

"Little guy, you will become our companion. Let me introduce you. This is the largest leader of our Black Dragon Army, the commander of the Black Dragon Army, surnamed Long!" A short man with a figure of only 1.56 meters looked into his eyes and said cordially.

"This grandson, how do you think I won 1.8 million for him?" Haofeng saw the short man introduce himself so enthusiastically, so he also had a good impression.

Long Jun picked up the small wine glass in his hand and drank it slowly, but his eyes were still looking at Haofeng, and a pair of deep eyes full of strong breath carefully looked at the breath of his body.

Obviously, there is anything strange about observing yourself.

The demonic practitioners are very mysterious.

"Never be seen anything strange!" Haofeng thought to himself that he had not looked at the dragon commander for a long time.

He knelt down on one knee and punched the direction of Long Jun.

"I've met the Dragon Army!"

It is unimaginable that a powerful man with comparable strength at the peak of the middle of the Yuanying period kneed on one knee to a perfect guy in the golden elixir period.

To put it plainly, is, if you face a person younger than yourself, for example, will you kneel down to your nephew?

How much quality can you withstand to do such a behavior?

When he finished saying this sentence, Haofeng was about to stand up when a slightly cold voice came.

"What do you want to do? The military commander hasn't said anything yet. Do you want to stand up? What a rude thing!" That was the woman who felt very bad about herself just now. She only saw her mean eyes looking in her direction. Obviously, she was very dissatisfied with herself, and there was even an impulse to kill herself in her eyes.

Seeing that he released such a look at himself, Haofeng felt extremely unhappy.

The moment he looked up, Haofeng stared at the woman, and a green demonic light flashed in his eyes.

"How dare you stare at me without education?" The woman suddenly seemed to have been stepped on the cat's tail and made a sharp sound, as if her nails were scratching the glass. She immediately stood up, and the black dragon's armor on her body burst into a light blue light.

A cold feeling floated in the air, as if the temperature had dropped by dozens of degrees in an instant. The woman looked at herself a little viciously, as if she owed her hundreds of thousands of yuan.

The powerful cold spiritual power was released to Haofeng's body, forming a faint sense of crisis injury. You should know that Haofeng is seriously injured now, and this cold spiritual power directly stimulates his wound.

It was like a thin needle piercing his wound, making him grin for a long time.

"If I don't teach you a lesson, I really think I'm easy to bully!" Obviously, the woman was full of anger and had no place to vent, and the other captains frowned when they saw the scene.

The realization of this woman's temper is obviously unreasonable, but her identity is not low, and it is hard to say anything if everyone is at the same level.

Just look at it like this.

The woman showed her slender white fingers, and sharp long ice-like claws slowly appeared at the tip of the jade fingers, and wisps of white air on the claws permeated around.

Haofeng frowned. Obviously, he didn't expect how this woman was like a madman. There was no big reason to plan to kill himself. Now he really doesn't have the extra strength to withstand this woman's attack.

Just as the evil-looking woman was about to take action, the dwarf captain next to him suddenly appeared in front of him. Haofeng looked at his not-so-tight body, and the feeling of his body that was about to be frozen slowly disappeared.

The dwarf body surface in front of him released a faint spiritual power of fire attributes, and the temperature around him changed to warm again.

"What do you want to do? Do you attack your teammates? This is a violation of military rules!" The short captain said with a sarcastic look on his face.

"It's none of your business!" The woman lost so many top-grade spiritual stones, and there was no possibility of controlling her emotions at this time. As soon as she patted the table, her whole body flew backwards, and the surface of the body marked also burst into a terrible ice atmosphere at this time.

"Good luck. I'm going to have a life-and-death war with you!" The sarcasm on the dwarf captain's face was even stronger, and the flame on his body also expanded rapidly.

Just as the two sides were on the verge of breaking out, the Longjun, who was sitting at the top, shouted coldly.


The magnificent breath was released from his body, and Jin Danqi's powerful spiritual suppression made the captain below feel that there were two more mountains on his shoulders, and he suddenly couldn't breathe.

Haofeng was not restrained by this pressure, which was estimated to be done by the military commander on purpose.

The dwarf captain and the woman's face changed, and then stepped back two steps, spit out a mouthful of blood, and actually suffered some injuries between being roared.

Knowing that the military commander was angry, they didn't dare to say anything more. They could only take two steps back and stand still.

Things calmed down, and the Long army commander sitting above looked at Haofeng.

"The personal guard comparison of the Black Dragon Army is over. You are the 23 captain!" Long said calmly that he did not explain so much, but only promulgated this information. Obviously, all this was up to him.

"Jingle!" A black dragon pattern token carved with 23 fell to the ground from the front and made a sound.

"If you have any questions, just ask them! Fifth sister, come here!" Long Jun stood up without looking at Haofeng, and then looked at the extremely beautiful mature woman in her thirties and said a word.

The woman stared at Haofeng angrily, and then followed him and left.

"This guy seems to be going to find something cheap on this woman!" Haofeng understood when he saw this scene. Obviously, the commander had some unusual relationship with the fifth captain.

I don't know where I offended the five captains.

When Haofeng thought about this, the captains on both sides also stood up one after another.

"Congratulations!" The three captains arched their hands and smiled at Haofeng.

"Thank you!" Haofeng smiled happily. He knew that he was a little closer to Li Ruo this time. If he could, as long as he had a good rest, he could use this captain token to go into the center of the city lord's mansion to find Li Ruo.

"Don't be fine!" Haofeng glanced at the sky covered by trees in the distance.