Future Thor

Chapter 361: Preparation for Siege

The cannibal knelt in front of a woman in a fiery red coat. He looked at the woman in front of him with great respect, as if waiting for the woman to make some choice.

Haofeng stood aside and looked at the beautiful woman in fiery red in front of him. On the other party, he felt a stronger breath than himself.

"This is the ancestor of the demon emperor in Hongsen Mountain! I didn't expect to be so young!" Haofeng looked carefully at the young and beautiful woman in front of him. The other party's face is not inferior to that of the green sea snake, and it may be because of her clothes, which makes people look extremely fanatical.

The rosefinch did not look at the cannibal demon king in front of him. Just now, the two had told her about the matter. Unexpectedly, the man in front of them actually wanted to attack Huangyan City and planned to use his own strength.

Is it possible? Why did you lose your previous game? It can be said that the big reason is because of the teenager in front of him, because he escaped from Hongsen Mountain with secret skills, so he let her lose to the nine-tailed little white fox. Although she did not have such a big man's disciple, just as she really lost, all her anger was completely on Haofeng's body.

It's all caused by him, but even so, Haofeng's strength is no worse than her now. It's impossible to revenge by force, but it's okay at this time.

"What do you think of this?" The rosefinch did not continue to watch the two. She looked in the direction of the Qingting sea snake next to Haofeng, as if waiting for the Qingting sea snake to speak for a moment.

The Qingting sea snake didn't know how to reply to his original ancestor's words.

After all, Qingting Sea Snake was the most loyal subordinate of the rosefinch before, but now he doesn't obey her orders.

"We can also work for Hongsen Mountain this time, and a small town in Huangyan City can actually hurt the majesty of Hongsen Mountain. It's better to send troops to attack!" Qingting sea snake said to the rosefinch. Although she was talking about the red mountains, it was heard in everyone's ears that the Qingting sea snake was standing on the side of Haofeng.

"You said that well!" Zhuque pondered for a while and then said. As she spoke, she nodded, as if she was very recognized.

Haofeng saw that the rosefinch in front of him nodded like this, and he couldn't help but be secretly happy. Isn't the other party's recognition that there is a way?

But Haofeng thought so, but Qingting Sea Snake and the Cannibal Demon King didn't think so. When they saw the rosefinch showing such an expression, they were silent and didn't know what they were thinking.

"Sure enough, my arm has turned out, and it's really a waste of my training for you. Listen to this and want me to help him? It's so beautiful. I don't agree with this matter, and you don't have to mention it!" Zhuque suddenly changed another face and sneered and said.

"What?" Haofeng said in surprise.

"What kind of attitude is this, this is!" The white tiger complained on the side.

Both the cannibal demon king and the Qingting sea snake sighed, as if they had already known that the rosefinch in front of them would talk like this. They were not too surprised. On the contrary, they looked at the beautiful face of the rosefinch with a firm expression and understood that this was probably really impossible.

The man-eating demon king is not as much known as the Qingting sea snake. After all, the Qingting sea snake knows that the rosefinch suffered a great loss in the hands of the nine-tailed little white fox, so now he vents his anger on Haofeng and clearly wants to make him unhappy.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense. This is my territory. Leave quickly, or don't blame me for doing it!" Zhuque didn't pay attention to everyone's surprise. She said that she turned over and turned over. She didn't show her good face to everyone at all, which made the air a little embarrassed for a moment.

What the hell is going on? Haofeng was scolded by the rosefinch and felt that his stomach suddenly burst into flames.

This ancestor is too difficult to talk, and he suddenly wants to drive people away. Am I offended you? Haofeng looked at the rosefinch in front of him, and he suddenly wanted to slap her impulsively, this dead woman.

It seemed that everyone felt the murderous spirit of Haofeng. Qingting Sea Snake came forward and put its slender white hand on Haofeng's shoulder, signaling not to be too impulsive. Haofeng had to look at Qingting Sea Snake, but she just shook her head, obviously not to do it.

"Forget it, let's get out of here! It makes her unhappy just to make her want to fight with you. She can't fight with you now because of the existence of that adult!" The Qingting sea snake whispered in Haofeng's ear.

What Qingting Sea Snake said was really correct. Although the rosefinch's tone was very bad, she wanted to force Haofeng to do it. As long as Haofeng did something, she would teach the boy in front of her.

Even if you can't kill Haofeng, it's always a good thing to beat him. And because it was provoked by Haofeng himself, the rosefinch believes that as long as he does not kill Haofeng, the adult will not appear.

She thought very well, and it was also very correct. It is true, but there are still some things that are not correct, that is, the rosefinch thought that as long as she did not kill, in fact, even if she wanted to kill Haofeng, the nine-tailed little white fox would not appear.

Even if he couldn't find a help hand, Haofeng still planned to take revenge. He thought so when he was about to turn around and leave.

At this time, the cannibal demon king, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly stood up and said a surprising word to the rosefinch in front of him, which made the rosefinch immediately stunned.

"My ogre will be separated from Hongsen Mountain and survive on its own from today. Please approve!"

After saying that, the cannibal demon king knelt on one knee again and looked at the red sparrow's eyes with some resolute expression. Obviously, the help of the red sparrow made the cannibal demon king feel unhappy and wanted to get out of the red mountains.

Hearing this sentence, the rosefinch was a little stunned. If the red mountain at this time is a famous force among many mountains, then one-third of the reasons is the existence of the ogre clan, because these bloodthirsty monsters do not dare to give face.

Not to mention that the strength of the current cannibal demon king has been improved, which is almost the same as her, which is a real good hand. After a while, the rosefinch even planned to upgrade the position of the cannibal demon king and make him a red mountain power above ten thousand people under one person.

But the cannibal demon king actually said this sentence for everyone's face. What does this mean? It's really about to turn against Hongsen Dashan. Her heart felt a little uncomfortable.

"How can you...!" The rosefinch frowned and said in disbelief.

"There's nothing to do. If you don't help him, then I'll help him." The cannibal stood up, and there was a firm expression in the appearance of the green-skinned old man.

What he means is very clear, that is, I plan to do this.

"You!!!" The thin clothes on the rosefinch suddenly burned, and the fierce flame turned into a horrible flame tiger, wrapping this place, obviously angry.

"What am I? If I want to leave, I will leave. Don't you want to give you face now?" The cannibal demon king sneered and said that he was indeed kneeling for face and respectfully told the rosefinch that he wanted to leave, but the other party was still angry. The cannibal said with a sneer.

After all, the strength of the cannibal demon king is not much worse than that of the rosefinch. It is impossible to keep it, and now there is a person of the same level here. If the rosefinch wants to do it, he will definitely do it. Two to one, the rosefinch will lose even if it is powerful.

At that time, he would really tear his face and fight. When Haofeng heard the words of the cannibal demon king, his heart was extremely happy. Of course, he also understood the wishes of the cannibal demon king's calculation. When the rosefinch flames soared out, he also stepped on this side with a sneer, and the black silk suddenly burst away, and a lot of thunder The force around his body also formed an extremely powerful aura.

Zou saw Haofeng's movements. Although she wanted to move, she still stabilized her impulse, turned her head coldly, and never looked at everyone's expressions again.

"Go!" Haofeng took a look at the cannibal demon king and didn't give much respect to the rosefinch. He directly said to the cannibal demon king to keep up.

Everyone listened to Haofeng's words, and then turned away. The rosefinch turned back. She looked at Haofeng's back and suddenly sneered and said, "Go and attack. The city owner of Huangyan City is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Even if I fight with him, I'm afraid only 40% can win. !"

"I found the suffering by myself. Since you betrayed me, I will sit and wait to watch the play! This scene should not disappoint me!" The sound of the rosefinch's sharp ears came out.

Everyone accompanied the ogre to his back mountain, and hundreds of thousands of ogre were active. This can be regarded as the headquarters of the ogre clan. Giant ogres are living one by one, but they may have received the foreshadowing of their own king, but this time they have not seen them eating people.

"What are you going to do?" Haofeng followed the cannibal demon king and said.

"To attack Huangyan City, I need to move our people first, and then order troops!" The ogre head also said a few words, and then began to command the ogre around him in the language of the ogre clan.

Haofeng looked boredly. The cannibal demon king's action speed was very fast, but he still felt that the time was a little long, so he chatted with Bai Hu.

"White Tiger! What do you think of the strength of this cannibal demon king!"

"It's quite strong, at least similar to you. If it weren't for Lord Jiuwei, I'm afraid you would have died last time. Both monsters and humans have adventures. To be honest, this man-eating demon king's adventure is no worse than yours, and he can even summon the gods of the divine world!" White Tiger thought for a moment and then said.

"Yes, if it's really a matter of life, I'm afraid it's five-five! What if it is with the rosefinch? Haofeng thought about it for a moment. Although he is quite strong, the cannibal demon king is also ridiculously strong. If it weren't for the nine-tailed little white fox, he would really not have seen the sun tomorrow.

"Sanqi, if the rosefinch plays with its life, don't underestimate the mythical beasts. You can only release the power that can rival the half-demon immortals on some powerful moves, but the rosefinch is a real half-demon immortal. If you really fight for a long time, you will definitely lose, but just now you If the two fight against the rosefinch, they may win 70%!" Bai Hu thought about it carefully and said.

Haofeng pondered, and he looked in the direction of Huangyan City and didn't know what he was thinking, but time flew by.

When the cannibal demon king stood beside Haofeng, he was still in a daze. The cannibal demon king asked Haofeng, "What are you thinking?"

Haofeng came to his senses. He looked at the cannibal demon king and shook his head with a wry smile. Somehow he felt some uneasiness.

He has been waiting for a long siege battle, and it is about to begin.