Future Thor

Chapter 390: The Human Life of the Nine-tailed Little Fox

A year later, Huangyan City was renamed Haoyan City. The city owner was confirmed by Haofeng. He modified a large area in Haoyan City and rectified the atmosphere.

Today is the day of his wedding, and all kinds of immortals have received his invitations.

"Dad!" The sound of playing music lingered all over the street, which made people feel extremely happy.

Red lanterns and red paper clothes cover the whole Huangyan City, as if they have changed a set of clothes. Today's Huangyan City looks extremely beautiful.

The gate around Huangyan City was completely opened, and a large number of people went in and out.

Different kinds of creatures come in and out, including humans and monsters, but those are all good monsters, and basically those who can come are Taoist beings.

"It's today, right? We all came here at five o'clock in the morning. There are so many people. The current owner of Huangyan City also has a lot of face!"

"It's true, but it's not called Huangyan City now. It has been renamed Haoyan City. It is said that it is the name of the city owner and the city owner's wife!"

"It's really meaningful!"

When many people were walking, they were talking. Although many of them were able to fly, they had already landed thousands of kilometers away from Haoyan City.

This is a respect for the lord of the city.

"Haha, I didn't expect that so many people would come to our Haoyan City today. It's really lively. The big room of hot buns I prepared has been sold out, and the business is quite prosperous!"

"I have sold a lot of things from Haoyan City!"

Some men and women doing business on the street have an extremely beautiful look on their faces, and there will be such an expression in this troubled world.

This is stability. This is an ordinary life that will not be afraid of being killed invisibly. This is the life that monks long for. It can accommodate monsters and scientific and technological human beings in Haoyan City.

You are not allowed to abuse other races or attack them.

In a suspended floor in the sky, Haofeng stood on this 100-story suspended European-style rotating building. At this time, there were many people standing next to him.

One year has made Haofeng's face more mature and stable, and the breath on his body has also solidified in the realm of great perfection in the Yuanying period.

"Son, it seems that you have really grown up and can not only govern your family, but also the national city!" Standing on a crystal bench next to a circular crystal table behind Haofeng, there were three or four people sitting.

Among them, they are already 40 or 50 years old.

It was Haofeng's father, Haotian.

"Now there is enough peace. No one dares to do it in Haoyan City. With the help of the purple maple fairy, the defense has condensed a first-class fairy array. Although the materials are insufficient, the array cannot exert such strong strength in the fairyland, but even if it is the power of the divine period, there are no three Five months of crazy attacks can't be broken!"

A slightly proud voice came from the left side of Haofeng. It was a white tiger in a white robe and a pair of philosopher-like black glasses. At this time, he looked like a middle-aged man.

His breath has also condensed to the realm of the great perfection of the demon emperor, and obviously has returned to its peak state.

"Do not show off!" Qinglong is also on the side. Its breath is not much weaker than that of the white tiger. Obviously, it has not only recovered from injury, but also recovered its cultivation.

"Damn it, are you so powerful?"

"I have practiced a few elixirs that let Lao Hao and others directly break through the cultivation of the golden elixir period!" Qinglong refuted without hesitation.

Haofeng took a look at the two old men fighting between Qinglong and White Tiger. He shook his head with a bitter smile and looked in the other direction behind him.

At this time, three women are planting some colorful flowers in the small garden built at the top of this floor. The three women are Xiaoqing in a light blue gown and Li Ruo in a white gown. The last one is wearing a dark blue dress, which is as beautiful as a Western wedding dress.

Any one of the three women is absolutely beautiful outside, with a perfect appearance and figure, but they are playing like children at this time, and there is a happy voice of joy from time to time.

This is the dress decorated for Yan Xiaotian in the flowers. The blue robe slowly turned red under Yan Xiaotian's smile.

The bride's dress has appeared, and Haofeng also smiled. He did not hesitate. His body trembled, and the luxurious groom's clothes appeared, and the red and festive colors filled everyone's eyes.

Haofeng has never dressed himself up much. At this time, when he was wearing this happy robe, his facial features were already extremely exquisite and looked handsome.

The cannibal demon king still looked like the old housekeeper. He stood behind Haofeng, but he also picked up a wine pot in his hand and began to drink it.

There are delicious and delicious food, and the cannibal demon king also showed a faint smile.

"Feast!" Haofeng smiled at the people behind him and said, pinching his fingers, and a strong white light and lightning hit the sky.


Various colors of fireworks gathered together to form an extremely beautiful pattern. The fireworks did not disperse, just like an LED lamp.

It's just that this light is so bright that it shines the whole Haoyan City brightly. No matter where they are in the city, they raised their heads and watched the dazzling fireworks converge into a few big words in the sky.

"Thank you for the wedding day of Haofeng and Yan Xiaotian!"

The beautiful flame was still shining. When it was released, the extremely strong spiritual power in the shattered light turned into a fog and landed.

Haoyan City's spiritual power at this moment is ten times stronger than that outside.

"This is powder. The fireworks are actually mixed with a large amount of top-grade spiritual stone powder. How much is this?"

"Look, a bottle of things fell from the sky!"

"It seems to be wine!"

Most of the people in Haoyan City are either monks, powerful monsters or technological human beings. They all have stronger physique than ordinary people, and the many jade wine bottles that have landed are firmly grasped in the palm of their hands.

"Thank you to everyone who can come. These are fairy wines brewed with the best fruits. Although drinking them, there is no guarantee that they can have much effect, but they can comb the muscles and veins, and the realm of monks with the following strength below can jump to jump to a level!" Haofeng's voice came to everyone's ears.

"I wipe, good things can actually improve a realm?"

"It's true that I took a sip of this thing, which actually brought me from the beginning of the Jindan period to the peak of the early Jindan period."

"What a good thing. The owner of Haofeng City is really a good man!"

Outside the city, there was a prosperity, and many men and women were talking and laughing happily, and many monks sat on the street and began to practice when their spiritual power was strong.

In the suspended building, there are many banquets in a large auditorium. The people who can sit here are all monks above the Yuanying period. Of course, Haofeng's relatives are excluded.

On the wedding table, Haofeng stood in place. He smiled at the many strong monks below. I have to say that some of the super strong men at the peak of the war emperor have also come, but there are no war saints among human beings.

It's not that he doesn't give him face, but those scientific and technological human beings with the strength of the war saint don't know where they are closed, and there is no way to inform them at all.

However, two of the power of the god period came, and a dragon leader came to the demon world, but his temper was a little strange. He drank wine quietly and did not sit at the same table with others.

"Thank you for coming. Now please eat and drink by yourself! You're welcome!" Haofeng smiled and waved his hand to everyone. There were a lot of wine and dishes at each table.

These are not ordinary wine and dishes, and the spiritual power contained in them is extremely high.

"Congratulations on your early birth!" A man in a security uniform smiled and raised the cup in his hand.

Everyone also reacted and raised the cup to Haofeng one after another.

"Thank you!" Haofeng picked up an ivory cup and took a big sip of wine. Yan Xiaotian took Haofeng's shoulder, and she was also very happy.

Haofeng began to toast one by one.

When it came to the table of parents and Yan Tianhua, the elders loved their children and did not let Haofeng drink much. Although they also knew that Haofeng would not get drunk, this was also an incomparable concern.

He kept toasting, and Haofeng didn't know how many cups he had drunk. When he arrived at the table of the guy in the security uniform, he smiled at the man in the security uniform.

This man is the second strong man in the god period. Haofeng also saw it once, but he disappeared quickly and didn't expect that he would come to drink in person this time.

This is a great monk, but he was just a security guard at the beginning.

"The young man is quite good. It seems that you don't know me very well. Let me introduce him to you. My former name was a wine and meat monk!" The security guard looked at Haofeng's eyes and smiled, then patted Haofeng on the shoulder and began to drink.

At this moment, an untimely voice sounded.

"Damn boy, you didn't invite me to the wedding!" Hearing Haofeng's ears, even Haofeng, who is now cultivated, still felt a pleasant voice of a mature woman with a feeling of numb scalp.

That's the voice of the nine-tailed little white fox.

"Ah, I forgot this aunt. She hasn't appeared, so I forgot!" Haofeng hasn't had time to regret it, and there is a flower in front of him.

A beautiful woman in a snow-white gown appeared in place, with nine hairy and holy tails behind her.

The degree of perfection in beauty made the whole audience stunned. Both men and women and those who already had companions were stunned when they saw the arrival of this woman.