Pome Star

Chapter 8 have no choice but to accept

"Uncle?" Bai Wei was stunned for a moment, and then stared at Ren Jingyu on the screen: "This guy is you..."

"I assigned it to you," Ren Jingyu said calmly, "Don't listen to me first. Aren't you always shouting that you don't want to take it with you at the base and become a qualified manager? Now that the opportunity comes, I will send you to X City, S Province to be responsible for the administration of that area.

"Really?" Bai Wei looked at Ren Jingyu unexpectedly and asked, "Is the uncle really willing to let us out of here?"

"Why do you use this tone like asking the kidnappers?" Ren Jingyu stared at Bai Wei and asked.

"That's great!" Bai Wei jumped up happily, but she immediately calmed down as if she remembered something: "Wait a minute... Do you mean S Province X City?"

"Is this where our new team leader is located?" The brunette girl Ziyue said calmly.

"So we haven't accepted such a guy yet!" Bai Wei said loudly.

"Oh, isn't it? Since you don't accept him, there's nothing you can do, boy, I'll find another partner for you. Ren Jingyu turned to Mo Greed and said.

Is that right? Will the newly established harem be dissolved, but there is nothing we can do. Mo Greed softly and said.

"Well, that's almost the same." Bai Wei nodded and said.

"Since there is no suitable team leader, you can continue to stay in the base. Ah, and I have raised the safety level. Don't think it's so easy to sneak out this time..." Ren Jingyu said casually.

"What? Wait a minute, didn't you say you would let us out? Bai Wei asked quickly.

"That's when there is a guardian." Ren Jingyu said calmly.

"Well, it seems that the relationship is a subtle mistake. It's the protector who is not the guardian..." Mo whispered greedily.

"What?" Bai Wei stared at Ren Jingyu with a very unwilling look.

"Don't say that I haven't given you a chance. The choice is in your hands, so what should you do?" Ren Jingyu said in a very angry and complaous tone commonly used by villains: "There are not many opportunities like this..."

"Uh..." Bai Wei showed an embarrassed expression, and after a moment, she replied dejectedly, "Okay..."

"Then that's the decision," Ren Jingyu said with a smile, "Let's go to X City, S Province tomorrow. You have to work hard to become a qualified manager." After saying that, the image of Ren Jingyu disappeared from the screen.

Bai Wei suddenly raised the ashtray on the table angrily and was ready to throw it on the big screen.

At this time, the image of Ren Jingyu suddenly appeared again: "Ah, by the way, if you destroy public property, it will be deducted from your salary. Based on the salary of Group Z, you can only eat instant noodles in the future." After saying that, the image of Ren Jingyu disappeared again.

"Well..." Bai Wei gritted her teeth and stared at the screen, but there was nothing she could do.

"Does that mean we are leaving tomorrow?" Ziyue stood up and said, "It looks like you need to pack your luggage."

"Eh, are you going to leave here?" Lan Xin said at a loss.

"Outside... should be the same as in videos such as TV and movies, but it is still necessary to confirm." Hongye gently held his eyes and said.

"Wow, I've finally been approved to leave here. What does it look like outside?" Qingjing clapped her hands happily.

Bai Wei looked at Mo Gre, who was smiling beside her, and sighed helplessly: "Alas..."

The next day, Mo Gree, who was still sleeping in the base, was awakened by Ren Jingyu.

Huh? What's the matter?" Don't rub your eyes and sit up and ask.

"The members of your group have left. Why are you still so leisurely as a team leader?" Ren Jingyu asked calmly.

"Eh?" Mo Greed up and suddenly became sleepy: "Have they left? What time does the plane take?

"That kind of slow transportation is not needed when it is not necessary." Ren Jingyu said calmly, "You should also have a certain understanding of the current environment in this world. You should use the thinking of managers to think about problems!"

"So what exactly is the manager's thinking?" Mo Greed loudly retorted, "What on earth do you want me to think after running through several planes? Flying with a sword? Space magic? Or is it teleportation?"

"Neither," Ren Jingyu pointed to a sudden empty wooden door next to him and said, "This is called any door, which can be transmitted at will within 1 billion light years. It is a technology product from the future..."

Don't be greedy: "...No, this is pirated..."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Ren Jingyu asked strangely and hid a semicircular pocket behind him.

"I said you know, you know it completely, you just hid another key prop behind you!" Don't say loudly.

"Don't care about such details." Ren Jingyu waved his hand and said.

"No, this kind of detail needs to be paid most attention to, right? It will definitely be infringed, right?" Mo Greed down his head and said.

"Don't worry, we are lurking deeply," Ren Jingyu said calmly, "Okay, go in quickly."

"Doesn't it really matter..." Mo wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then pushed the door into the other side of the random door.

The first thing that came into Mo Gree's eyes was the face of a familiar middle-aged man.

"Ah, I'm back." The owner of the bookstore said calmly, and next to him, Bai Wei and five other girls sat around a table.

Don't look around and find that it seems to be in a place similar to a basement.

"Back here?" Mo Gree showed more or less unexpected expressions.

"Of course, this is the contact point of X City, S Province of the Air and Border Bureau, that is to say, any tasks will be released on my behalf in the future, and I will also inform you of the situation of the Air Border Bureau," the man said calmly, "Tianfeng, the liaison officer of the Air and Border Bureau, is very happy to cooperate with you. Don't be greedy managers."

"So do I." Mo Greed his hand and said.

"By the way, another good goods have arrived. Do you want it?" Tianfeng asked again.

Mo Congre almost felt the contempt cast by Bai Wei and the other four solutions in an instant.

"This, it's not necessary..." Mo Greed and said speechlessly.

Is that right? It's a pity that this issue is actually very classic. Tianfeng shrugged his shoulders and said.

"But then again, everyone has just left the base and came to X City. Where did they settle down?" Mo Gan suddenly came to the five girls with great interest: "Since you are my harem, you should really be with me..."

"We live here." Bai Wei immediately replied, "And we are not your harem. Besides, this will blow you away."

"Do you live here?" Mo Greed repeated doubtfully, and his eyes slowly shifted to Tianfeng's body, and his eyes showed a little murderousness.

"Hey, don't think about it. Anyway, this is also the contact point of the air border bureau. There are still places to rest for managers. What you see is not all here." Tianfeng raised his hands to show his innocence.

Don't nod: "If that's the case, then I..."

"Go back to your home!" Bai Wei said calmly.

"In short, you are officially registered managers now, so let's start working tomorrow!" Tianfeng said with a smile.