Pome Star

Chapter 15 Escape Plan

Why did you let the murderer escape? Is this the strength of your administration? Hegula rod up and down Ren Jingyu's office, full of anger, while Ren Jingyu sat quietly behind his desk and listened to Hegula's abuse.

This abuse has lasted for more than an hour, during which Hegula did not stop for a second, and Ren Jingyu did not open his mouth once.

"...So you idiots, cough, cough." Hegula swallowed a mouth with difficulty and seemed to be a little dry.

Ren Jingyu gently picked up his water glass.

Hexula grabbed the water cup and drank it all, and then continued to criticize.

Ren Jingyu took the water cup and put it on the table and continued to listen quietly.

Hegula finally seemed to lose his patience and asked loudly, "Don't you want to say something after saying so much?"

"The prince is protected, and all the free managers in the bureau have been assigned to hunt down Mo Cong. Do I need to say anything else?" Ren Jingyu asked calmly.

Hegula was speechy for a moment, and Ren Jingyu had already done everything he had to do. He really didn't need to say anything.

"If you don't mind, please guard in front of your beloved prince. If there is any progress in the pursuit, I will definitely inform you as soon as possible." Ren Jingyu calmly issued an eviction order.

"It's better to do so!" Hegula left the office coldly after throwing down a sentence.

At this time, Ren Jingyu gently rubbed his temples and muttered, "Where on earth did that stinky boy go?"

In fact, in this short night, Mo Qian did not escape too far. To be precise, he was still at the headquarters of the Administration.

A man in a black suit dressed like a workplace manager walked in the corridor of the Administration. He stopped in front of a house, looked carefully left and right, and then walked into the room.

In the room, Mo Greede was sitting in the corner and sleeping, and he didn't seem to worry too much about his situation.

"Well..." The man in the suit stroked his forehead with a headache, and then walked over to wake up Mo Gree.

"Well, have you had breakfast?" Don't ask sleepyly.

"I said, you don't know your situation?" The man in the suit asked with a defeated expression.

"The number one wanted criminal... or something like that, what's the problem?" Mo greedily shrugged his shoulders and asked.

"...Well, let's change the topic," the man in the suit was completely speechless: "Now the director ordered all managers without tasks to chase you. If you show up, I'm afraid you will be sent back immediately."

"Real?" Mo greedy said with a careless expression, "But, uncle, why do you help me? Don't you suspect that I am the murderer of the prince?"

"How come?" The man in the suit said disapprovingly, "Don't forget that we are managers. We are already facing an extremely complex environment. If you can't even believe it, it's really unimaginable... And then again, do you really think the director is going to punish you?"

"What do you mean?" Don't be greedy and ask back.

"You may not know that as a newcomer, the director is famous for protecting his shortcomings. He has never seen him severely punish any manager - of course, the premise is that the director recognizes the identity of that person's manager - so you are not in danger at all." The man in the suit explained.

"Is that so?" Mo Gree seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, stood up and walked out.

The man in the suit pulled Mo Greed back: "Are you crazy? How dare you go out so careless?"

"Didn't you say I'm not in danger?" Don't be greedy and ask strangely.

"I only said that the director would not really hurt you, but I didn't say that you were not in danger? Who do you think the director ordered you to be executed? The man in the suit quickly said, "This is just to stabilize the hearts of the visitors of the Star Empire, and the matter itself is very suspicious, and the director also needs time to figure it out, so all you have to do is to appear in front of him as late as possible, even after he solves the problem!" The man in the suit said.

"If that's the case, wouldn't it be enough for me to cooperate with him to perform the death penalty?" Mo Greed for a moment of thought and asked.

"Uh..." The man in the suit suffocated and quickly turned his eyes and immediately replied, "Don't forget who the director is going to show. The other party is a visitor of the second largest empire in the universe. With the trick of our earth, it is very likely to be seen through. Isn't this self-defeating?"

"Real?" Mo Greeded with a more puzzled expression: "But don't we master the technology of magic planes, real planes, future space-time and other planes at the same time? Can the other party also see the method of crossing the plane?

"This..." The man in the suit suffocated again: "Anyway, you believe that I'm not wrong. Do you think I will hurt you?"

"Of course not," Mo Greed quickly said, "Otherwise, why did the uncle help me?"

"Then I'll tell you the next plan," the man in the suit said calmly, "When the news of your escape came, the director had ordered the Air Border Bureau to be under martial law and sent a large number of managers to any place you may go. Although the most dangerous place is the safest place, you should hide here. Nothing, but there are many dreams at night, and you will inevitably be discovered by other managers, so you should..."

"Escape to a place that is generally impossible for me to go?" Don't be greedy and follow the man's ideas.

"Smart," the man snapped his finger and said, "But now the Authority not only enforces martial law, but also seals any door to contact points around the world..."

"You don't want me to escape from that mysterious tunnel, do you?" Don't ask in surprise.

"How can it be," the man resolutely vetoed: "That tunnel connects all planes. If it is not strictly managed, something will definitely happen, so there have been at least 10 S-level managers guarding the tunnel. If you dare to approach, I'm afraid you will be killed in an instant."

"So what do you mean?" Don't show a puzzled expression.

"In addition to other planes, don't we also have alien visitors?" The man smiled mysteriously and said, "They did not come to the earth through the tunnel, but took a spaceship. The airport where the spacecraft was moored was outside in the open space, because there was no special need to pay attention to, so the guard was not strict..."

"Escape in a spaceship?" Mo Gree felt a little dizzy: "Wait a minute, there are too many problems in it, right? For example, I can't fly a spaceship at all, and can that be done by a person?

The man smiled and said faintly, "What I want to say next is the point..."