Pome Star

Chapter 22 The Mysterious Attacker

It has been a week since the third prince left the earth. During this period, Mo Guan was hospitalized for three days due to cell activation and completed several insignificant miscellaneous tasks. Although he joined some incredible space, his life has not become colorful many times.

"Except for spending time with my harem after school and weekends!" This is a portrayal of Mo's heart.

Admittedly, as a newcomer to Group Z, Mo Grean will not be assigned any dangerous or large-scale tasks. Except for occasional errands, Mo Grean spends most of the time in the basement of a small bookstore and drinks tea and desserts with several girls such as Bai Wei.

It's school time again. Mo Lian and Bai Wei returned to the bookstore together. Ziyue, Lanxin, Hongye and Qingjing have returned to the bookstore. Mo Grean casually put down his schoolbag, stroked his hair narcissistically and said, "Then today also start my harem..."

"You big head in the harem!" Bai Wei casually retorted that she was more helpless and tired than angry. It has become a habit to refute Mo Greet like this every day.

After Mo Gan sat down, Lan Xin put a cup of black tea in front of Mo Gan and whispered with a shy look, "Please, please use it."

"Sure enough, Lan Xin is the most healing..." Mo looked at Lan Xin with a smile and said.

"Huh? Thank you, thank you..." Lan Xin looked at Mo greedy with nothing to do, and then quickly left the same place.

"Although shy looks cute, too shy makes people unable to start." Mo Greed and said with a gentle sigh.

Bai Wei took a look at Mo Greed and said calmly, "If you plan to attack Lanxin, I advise you'd better give up this idea."

"Why?" Mo Greed strangely asked, "Are you jealous? Did you give my love to others?

"I'm jealous of you! I mean for your own good. Bai Wei sighed helplessly and said, "You will naturally realize this in the future."

"Hmm?" Mo greedily stared at Bai Wei and didn't know what the meaning of her words was.

"But it's still the same idle every day..." Bai Wei lay on the table listlessly and said, "I thought I could do something to leave the base, but it turned out to be as idle as before..."

"No, I remember there are a lot of jobs suitable for Group Z, but you don't plan to go to work." The wind came in from the outside and said.

"That kind of boring chores is enough! Isn't there a job that is more suitable for our ability? Bai Wei said feebly.

"Isn't it good to be so idle?" Mo Greed a sip of black tea and said, "Such a leisurely and happy harem life every day..."

"Alas..." Bai Wei sighed feebly: "I'm too lazy to talk to you. Please go to humane destruction..."

Is it an interesting job? This is not, but there is a very strange thing," Tianfeng sat down and quickly tapped his finger in the void and said, "There will be more or less gang forces anywhere. After all, this society is mixed with dragons and snakes. There are all three teachings and nine streams. We are no exception. Generally, there are few Some people will take the initiative to provoke them - of course, except for their infighting, after all, the strong dragon does not suppress the local snake - but a week ago, a small gang nearby was suddenly attacked by a mysterious figure. This mysterious figure is very heavy. Basically, everyone who has come into contact with him has gone to support the city's medical career. It can be seen that this People are very likely to act because of hatred, but they have not died. It can be seen that this person's inner good thoughts have not been extinguished..."

"But this is just an ordinary revenge or something," Mo Greed a sip of black tea and said leisurely, "For example, the teenager who was killed in the gang fight was rescued by a foreign master who unintentionally passed by. After years of hard work, he returned to the sad place with deep hatred and set off A bloody wind..."

"Can it be more vulgar?" Bai Wei asked calmly.

"According to what we learned from the mouth of the injured, it was a man who attacked them. Judging from his voice, he was not old and may be about the same as you, but no one saw his true face because of the mask..." Tianfeng continued.

"Comic hero? There really exists such a guy with a fever that is so funny..." Mo said with a greedy smile, "Uh, wait, it seems that this kind of guy in the administration has caught a lot... Well, I'm out."

Tianfeng shook his head helplessly and continued, "The last feature is that the attacked person was asked the same question before being attacked: 'Are you a zombie?' Whether the attacked person answers yes or no, he will be attacked.

"Zombie?" Bai Wei repeated in a low voice.

"Is this a profound brain teasers?" Don't touch your chin and meditate.

"The problem is not here..." Tianfeng put down his finger and said, "After the police investigated these situations, they felt that things were a little unusual, so they reported to their superiors. After learning about this situation, the senior management threw the matter to us, but there were no free managers nearby, and this was for those who had recognized It's just a small thing for us to know the multi-scale world, so we haven't dealt with it. If you have time, you might as well investigate... Remember, just to investigate, you are still Z-level managers. If you are in danger, ask for support and evacuate the dangerous area immediately.

"Don't worry, we will complete this task perfectly!" Bai Wei got up and promised vigorously.

"Huh? Do you really want to do it?" Mo Greed said unexpectedly.

"Of course!" Bai Wei nodded firmly and said, "Hongye, what can we tell us?"

"At present, the information is very limited," Hongye calmly held his glasses and knocked flexibly in the void with ten fingers. A line of subtitles constantly appeared on the light screen in front of him: "First of all, you need to face a melee master. The weapon he uses should be a long gun, which is from the hospitalized person's confession and The wound can be verified. Secondly, the attacker mentioned a key word 'zombie', which means that you are likely to encounter this necromancer, but this name is very general, because at present, zombies can be simply divided into three types.

"The first is zombies, that is, biochemical zombies created in Western science fiction movies. They are a terrible creature produced due to virus infection or mutation. There are many characteristics of this creature. Some only have feelings for light, some only feel for sound, and some are slow to move, but some are sensitive. Wolves, but they all have only one instinct to 'eat' and attack all the living creatures around them, or their own kind. The creatures they bite will also become new zombies in a short time.

"The second is the world of swords and magic, the undead race and the zombies of the natural disaster army. They do not eat people and have low-level wisdom, can spread diseases, and are dominated by advanced undead creatures or necromancers.

"The third is a real zombie, which originated from Chinese folklore. It refers to a corpse whose limbs are stiff, head is not low, eyes are not oblique, legs are not separated, and do not decompose. This kind of zombie acts only by instinct, but it does not eat people but sucks the blood of living people. People who are bitten by zombies will also be infected. However, unlike zombies, this kind of zombie, like practitioners, will evolve with the passage of time, become more and more powerful, and even compete with practitioners. The degree of

After saying this big paragraph in one breath, Hongye took a deep breath, stood up and walked into another room in the basement.

Mo greedy and Bai Wei watched Hongye leave. After a moment, Hongye returned to the room and put a small red medical bag on the table: "In view of the different threats that three zombies may pose, this bag is equipped with antiviral antidotes, purification potions, glutinous rice and Sanqing Taoist charms, and some Blood pills and bandages should help you.

"Thank you, Red Leaf." Bai Wei took the medical bag and said to Mo Greed, "Let's go."

"Uh, wait a minute," Mo Greed quickly asked, "Is it just the two of us?"

"Of course, do you still need to trouble Sister Ziyue for such a trivial matter?" Bai Wei said disapprovingly, "Whether it is Lanxin, Hongye or Qingjing, they belong to non-combatants. In fact, we naturally did it ourselves."

"But in addition to the inexplicable attacker, our opponent also has zombies..." Mo Lian reminded: "Isn't it more certain if there is Sister Ziyue? By the way, you can also cultivate the relationship between us..."

"So there is no need for so many people for such a trivial matter," Bai Wei waved her hand and said, "And it's better not to owe Sister Ziyue casually, otherwise something unpredictable will happen later..."

Mo Greed his head and looked at Ziyue. The latter put down the book and smiled faintly: "What's wrong?"

"No, nothing." Mo Grebe immediately shook his head: "Let's go."