Pome Star

Chapter 25 Suffering is fruitless

"Of course." The middle-aged man said without hesitation, took out a magnetic card from his pocket and handed it to the strong man behind him, "Let the brothers see a doctor." After saying that, he nodded to Mo Grean and Bai Wei and said, "Then please come with me."

The strong man who followed the middle-aged man did not know what to do for a moment, but when he wanted to keep up, he was stopped by the eyes of the middle-aged man.

"Do you not doubt us now?" Bai Wei asked strangely.

"Of course, I have some sources of information," the middle-aged man said calmly: "At least the number of attackers, weapons and characteristics are still clear. Since they are inconsistent with the two, the misunderstanding has naturally been clarified."

"Why did you let your men attack us when you knew this?" Bai Wei asked unhappyly.

"In extraordinary times, in addition to embankment targets, you should also be careful of those who fish in troubled waters," the middle-aged man calmly explained: "Just now, I just tried the qualifications of the two. If there is any offense, then I apologize."

"If we are just ordinary people, I'm afraid we have been killed by you, right?" At this time, Mo Gree asked calmly.

"Of course not," the middle-aged man smiled faintly: "Life is at all. I won't use this kind of thing as a joke, at most, just stay in the hospital for a few months."

"You..." Bai Wei was suddenly furious and clenched her fist to beat the middle-aged man, but Mo Greed her wrist tightly: "Let's talk about business."

The middle-aged man's eyes showed approval: "Please follow me."

Everyone present did not notice that a pair of bright and divine eyes quietly stared at this scene in the darkest corner of the hall. When Mo Dan and Bai Wei were taken away by the middle-aged man, the owner of these eyes also quietly disappeared into the darkness.

——————Split line————

In the box of the nightclub, a middle-aged man sat opposite Mo Gan and Bai Wei and calmly introduced himself: "My name is Liu Tianjun. I am the owner of this nightclub. I have been on the road for two years. There are a group of brothers who are willing to follow, and the brothers on the road also give some face."

"My name is Mo Dree. As for what we do, I'm sorry I have no comment." Don't say it calmly.

"I can understand," Liu Tianjun smiled faintly and said, "You are here for the mysterious attacker who recently stirred up the underground world. Even if you are not like him, it should be almost the same."

"It seems that we don't need to say anything more to you." Mo nodded and said.

"I heard that every time the attacker attacked a place, he would ask the same question: 'Are you a zombie?' Although it sounds like a delusional violence, I have long realized that this seemingly normal world is far from as simple as it seems," Liu Tianjun said calmly: " I don't care what you want to do, but I think since you come to me, I have the right to know, right?"

"We learned from some sources that the attacker will come to visit you tonight, so we came here in advance to wait for work," Mo Yan explained: "But it seems that there are some misunderstandings..."

"So I'm causing trouble for you two," Liu Tianjun bowed slightly and said, "In that case, I apologize. So what are you two going to do next?

"Well, there is no new plan at present, just continue to wait here according to the previous plan." Bai Wei shrugged her shoulders and said.

"If you can resume business as soon as possible, it may help us more." Don't be greedy.

"Of course," Liu Tianjun said with a smile, "Speaking of which, the attacker recently made the brothers on the road panic. If you two can solve this problem, then on behalf of the brothers on the road, I would like to thank you two."

"There is no need to thank you for your responsibility." Don't say it politely.

"Is there a responsibility?" Liu Tianjun took a deep look at Mo Greed, and then stood up and walked out: "Then please take a rest here. If there is any situation, please."

A moment after Liu Tianjun left the room, the TV screen originally used for KTV in the room suddenly opened automatically, showing pictures in all corners of the nightclub. It seemed to be the lens of the monitor. Obviously, Liu Tianjun trusted the two. A moment later, a waiter came in with fruit plate drinks and other snacks and put them on the table.

"It seems that tonight's voluntary viewing is set." Mo Greed out and said.

"Speaking of which," Bai Wei took a sip of the drink and said, "What happened to you when you fought just now? Why is the reaction so slow?"

"Actually, I don't know what's going on," Mo said with a wry smile and said, "In the final analysis, I'm just an ordinary high school student. I don't have any experience in fighting at all. Fighting is just because of the spiritual ring. I didn't do anything at all just now, as if the spiritual ring is manipulating my body. The same."

"The first time I saw you kill the bull's head, I thought you were a genius, but I didn't expect it to be the same..." Bai Wei sighed gently and said, "This is the self-defense mechanism of the Tianling ring. Anyway, the Tianling ring is also a product of several plane technology. Although it is the primary equipment of the manager, it has it. , you have been out of the category of ordinary people. After blood verification, the synchronization rate between the spirit ring and the user can reach more than 100%. Just now, it was just the spirit ring that judged that you were dangerous and inaction, so it can autonomously stimulate nerves to achieve the purpose of controlling your body battle, although this is not good, although It's enough to deal with ordinary people, but you know the environment we have to face. With the self-defense mechanism of the spiritual ring alone, you will die.

"Real?" After listening to it, Mo Greed secretly said that it was dangerous.

"So, in the future, use the spiritual ring more, practice more by yourself, remember the feeling of fighting, and control the spiritual ring independently, otherwise it is really difficult to say what will happen." Bai Wei said calmly.

"Do you care about me?" Mo greedy stared at Bai Wei and asked.


"Ah, it's really touching. I didn't expect that you, who always curse me to die, are actually still full of concern for me," Mo said with a grin, "In fact, I still have a very important position in your heart. After all, it's a benefactor. The routine of heroes saving beautiful women and loving heroes is still very suitable for the current development. Sure enough, Ao Jiao is the king..."


Bai Wei picked up the beverage bottle and threw it directly to Mo Dian, and then the room quieted down.

Huh? Stars?" Don looked at the ceiling and muttered.

——————Division line————


Don't be greedy: "Why hasn't that guy come yet?"

Bai Wei: "Who knows, it should be coming soon."


Don't be greedy: "Will the location be wrong?"

Bai Wei: "Ah~~~~ No, although Qingjing is still young, her divination is first-class."


Mo Greedy: "Sure enough, that guy won't come. We're just wasting time."

Bai Wei: "Huh? How... will...and...wait..."


Don't be greedy: "It can't be that guy who found something, what do you think? Hello, hello?"

Bai Wei: "Z......z......z......z..."


Don't be greedy: "Ah~~~~ I'm so sleepy...Z......z......z......z..."

Bai Wei: "Z......z......z......z..."