Pome Star

Chapter 29 Gifts

Liu Ye stared at the Sanqing Taoist charm on the ground, and his face kept changing. Finally, his pale face turned to iron cyan and turned around and ran away.

And at the corner, Mo Gree calmly stared at Liu Ye's back, and his brain was running at a high speed.

"When we were talking about the attacker just now, this guy suddenly said confidently that the attacker would regret... Why was he suddenly so confident? Does he know what will happen? Is he very strong? No, it's impossible. If it's really like this, he will leave the day after the unnecessary thing happens, but if so, why did he come back before the limelight is over? Can you still be confident? If you think so, there is only one reasonable explanation... He is going to move rescue soldiers this time, which is powerful enough.

"Now this guy is probably going to see the rescuers he moved in. Although he cares very much about the strength he relies on, he always feels that the consequences will be miserable if he goes deeper with my strength..." Mo Greed and muttered, "Thinking twice is the secret of health and longevity. The next thing to pay attention to is The movement of the attackers. If I have a credible backer, I will definitely find a way to bring out the enemies in the dark and destroy them in one fell swoop, then their next step is likely to be..."

"But if the attacker didn't fight with me, he might really be trapped by those people. Although he has gained some time now, he has no idea how the attacker will act next... Forget it, let's go home and sleep."

——————Split line————

The next day, school.

As usual in campus life, Mo Gree also lay lazily on the table as usual.

At this moment, he is still thinking about what direction this matter will go, although it may be very dangerous to continue to investigate.

"Well, the class is over now." The teacher combined the textbook and walked out of the classroom with the bell after class.

"Ah~~~~ Sure enough, it's better to take a nap." Mo Greed and muttered in a low voice. When he was about to close his eyes and fall asleep, Liang Yu, a beautiful ice man sitting in front of him, stood up and walked to Bai Wei.

"Hmm?" While Mo Greed and followed Liang Yu, all the girls in the class focused on Liang Yu.

Liang Yu, who has always been strangers and acquaintances, has always been a lonely floating cloud. How could he suddenly find a female voice?

"Can I talk to you?" Liang Yu said coldly that even if he asked him, his tone was still so cold, but people familiar with him knew that this was the best attitude Liang Yu could show.

"Huh? Me?" Bai Wei looked at Liang Yu unexpectedly. When she came to the class for a while, she also learned about Liang Yu's character from other girls. I don't know why he would suddenly come to her.

Killing spirit, countless murderous spirits rose from the class, but one came from boys, and the rest came from girls.

Naturally, Mo Gre from boys is greedy, and the murderous spirit is directly locked on Liang Yu, while the girls in the whole class targeted Bai Wei.

"Is it okay?" Liang Yu asked again.

"Uh, okay." Bai Wei was a little uncomfortable with the gloomy atmosphere at this moment and quickly replied.

Liang Yu nodded and walked out first. Bai Wei followed him out of the classroom.

After walking all the way to the path behind the teaching building, Liang Yu stopped. At this moment, there was no one here.

"Well, what can I do for you?" Bai Wei looked at Liang Yu curiously and asked.

"Have you and Mo Grean known each other for a long time?" Liang Yu said faintly.

"Hmm?" Bai Wei showed an unexpected expression. She had never had contact with Mo greedy at school. Generally speaking, she couldn't see the relationship between the two at all.

"Why do you ask?" Bai Wei asked puzzledly.

Liang Yu did not answer and raised his finger behind Bai Wei. Bai Wei looked back and found that at the corner of the wall, half of Mo Gree's face was staring at here, and the resentment in his eyes made people shudder.

"It seems that it's an acquaintance." Liang Yu said calmly.

Bai Wei sweated and clenched her fist to walk to the corner.

"Bum! Ping, Ping, Ping!"

Bai Wei clapped her hands and walked back to Liang Yu: "It's a little evil. Don't care about him."

"Have you known each other for a long time?" Liang Yu continued to ask.

Huh? How come? If you really want to talk about it, it will only take half a month..." Bai Wei thought for a moment and said, "Did you come to me to ask him about it?"

"Of course not," Liang Yu took out a small and exquisite amulet from his pocket and handed it to Bai Wei: "This is for you."

"Huh? Send it to me?" Bai Wei looked at Liang Yu unexpectedly. The amulet was a yellow paper triangle, which looked like a souvenir that a Taoist temple could exchange for a few yuan.

"Why, don't you like it?" Liang Yu's tone was much softer, and with his handsome appearance, the charm index soared.

"Uh, no," Bai Wei looked at Liang Yu's handsome face and suddenly felt a fever on her cheeks. She quickly lowered her head and whispered, "However, this is the first time she has received a gift from a boy, so..."

"Real?" Liang Yu put the amulet on Bai Wei's palm: "Then please cherish it..."

After saying that, Liang Yu first stepped away from where he was. When he walked to the corner, he quickly glanced at Bai Wei with the corner of his eyes before leaving.

Bai Wei stood still and looked at the amulet in her hand at a loss: "What does this mean?"

Suddenly, Bai Wei felt a shocking resentment covering her. She looked up and found that when the window facing the path of the teaching building was covered with the faces of the girls in the grade. Obviously, they had been paying attention to this scene just now. Although they could not hear what the two said, Bai Wei came from Liang Yu Getting something in your hand is enough to explain everything.

"Ah~oh." Bai Wei suddenly felt bad. When she was about to escape, Mo Gree, who didn't know when she got up, had come to her.

At this moment, Mo Gree's body smelled of vinegar, staring at Bai Wei with a resentful face and blood and tears.

"Uh... I forgot that there is another problem here." Bai Wei wiped her cold sweat and said.

"Just now..." As soon as Mo Greed his mouth, the ground suddenly began to shake violently, accompanied by the sound of trampling on thousands of horses.

"Hmm? What's going on?" Bai Wei looked along the sound source and found that the girls who watched this scene in the teaching building had rushed down collectively. Obviously, it was too late to escape.

As soon as Mo Cong turned around, he was instantly trampled under his feet by the girl army that launched the charge.

"What did you do?"

"How did you do it?"

"What did he give you?"

The girls threw out all the problems, and Bai Wei, who was already at a loss, could only barely deal with it with a smile.

At this moment, in the position where Mo Runi was standing just now, a translucent white bird with a golden halo slowly rose to the sky.