Pome Star

Chapter 32 The Appearance of a Strong Enemy

Sitting in the taxi to Ziwu Street, Liang Yu and Mo Qian did not say a word, but the former was like a cheetah ready to go, and the latter was like a mouse on the eve of the earthquake.

The driver who is driving keeps sweating coldly and seems to be in a very frightened state.

After all, any normal driver will feel uneasy when pulling a person with a bandage wrapped around his head and another person with two guns around his waist at night.

In fact, this car was the fifth car stopped by Mo Cong. Considering that the starting point was too far from the destination, Mo Cong pulled Liang Yu to choose to take the car. However, when he saw that the empty cars they beckoned quickly passed by, he was afraid that he could not avoid it. Mo Cong, who was in a very bad mood, finally couldn't bear to change his clothes when the fourth car passed by. The pistol stopped the fifth empty car.

The car was parked in the warehouse on Ziwu Street, and the two got out of the car. When Mo Gan had just taken out the money to pay the bill, the driver had already desperately stepped on the accelerator and sped away.

"Hey! Money... Forget it, be careful of a car accident so fast..."

"Bum! Boom!!!!!

Mo looked at the beautiful sparks ignited in the distance with a blank face, turned around and said to Liang Yu, "Do you have any plans?"

"The time to meet is limited by the other party. When you occupy the sky, the other party will ambush and occupy the land ahead of us, and their number must be more than us. What's the point of occupying people and making plans in a one-sided situation?" Liang Yu asked calmly.

Mo Cong looked at Liang Yu speechlessly: "... I know that you are still here. Now the first thing to worry about is your brain!"

"It's more practical to consider your own retreat than this," Liang Yu took out a metal stick from his pocket and turned into a long gun as soon as he grasped it hard: "Because I didn't leave a way out for myself from the beginning."

"Well, I'm awake now. Good luck." Mo Greed said to Liang Yu and turned around and was ready to leave.

"Don't be in a hurry to go, little brother," a figure came out of the darkness and blocked Mo Greed's way. Mo Greed carefully and found that it was the leader under Liu Tianjun. Liu Ye: "I received your gift before, and you had to return it anyway, didn't you?"

After Mo Grean pulled out his two guns without hesitation and decided not to rely on the self-defense mechanism of Tianling Ring, Mo Grean was much more active than before, and for Mo Grean, who had gone through a ghost door, he would get rid of any trouble of going to send himself there again.

However, Mo Cong did not shoot, because when Liu Ye's voice fell, dozens of figures came out of the darkness and completely surrounded Mo Cong and Liang Yu in the middle. Even if Mo Cong could kill a few, he could never stop other people's attacks.

Liang Yu calmly raised his long gun and pointed it at the person in front of him, as if he was ready to take the first time.

"Don't get excited, you two," Liu Ye raised his hands and seemed to mean that he didn't mean to do it: "That little brother seems to be very hard to find someone, and our boss is also interested in you, so please go into the warehouse to talk."

"Is your boss... talking about Liu Tianjun?" Mo Greed at Liu Ye and asked.

"That's just the boss on the surface." Liu Ye smiled and shrugged his shoulders: "Well, you two, please."

Liang Yu looked at Liu Ye coldly and strode into the warehouse.

"Hey! Liang Yu!" Mo Greed up his intention to stop Liang Yu, but found that the latter turned a deaf ear to his call: "Maybe you can break through the chaos outside. Don't you become a turtle in the urn inside? If I become a ghost again, I will definitely not let this guy go!" Although he said this, Mo Grebe still followed Liang Yu into the warehouse.

At this time, in the huge warehouse, only a pile of wooden boxes were piled up close to the inside, covered with canvas, while the place near the entrance was completely empty.

When he walked to the center of the open space, Liang Yu stopped, and Mo Qian, who followed behind, also stopped. Liu Ye and others, who surrounded the two from behind, also stopped.

Suddenly, Mo Gre felt that there was something wrong with Liang Yu's mood. He held the barrel of the gun and seemed to be very excited. Looking along Liang Yu's sight, Mo Cong saw a 20-year-old young man with short silver hair lying leisurely on the pile of boxes. When he saw Mo Cong coming, he suddenly sat on the box and greeted them, "yo."

Mo Greed vaguely felt bad. He quickly reached out to grab Liang Yu, but still slowed down.

Liang Yu suddenly kicked the tail of the long gun in his hand. The long gun flew away from his hand like lightning to the silver-haired young man. At the moment when the long gun flew out, Liang Yu also stepped on the ground and jumped to the silver-haired young man.

"This idiot, the other party is obviously fearless, and does he dare to rush there head-on?" Mo greedy stared at Liang Yu, and the two guns in his hand pointed at Liu Ye. Even if he was obviously outnumbered, Mo Grean still held the mentality of killing and earning one by one.

Looking at the long gun that flew straight in, the silver-haired young man sat on the box with a smile and seemed to have no intention of dodging. It was not until the tip of the gun was about to pierce his eyes that he raised a hand and pointed his palm to the flying long gun.

The tip of the gun stabbed the palm of the silver-haired young man's hand, but it stopped after only a few minutes of meat, and the blood that should have been splashed did not appear.

When they saw this scene, Mo Yan and Liang Yu showed more or less surprised expressions.

At the moment when Liang Yu was distracted, the silver-haired young man suddenly started, met Liang Yu in the air, and stepped heavily on Liang Yu's chest.

Liang Yu suddenly fell down and fell heavily on the floor, spitting blood from his mouth.

And the silver-haired youth fell back to the box with the help of reaction.

Without Liang Yu to recover, he had found that his long gun flew straight back, and the tip of the gun was emitting a cold light towards him.

Mo Greed quickly raised the pistol and pulled the trigger intuitively without aiming. The bullet hit the barrel and wiped out a spark. At the same time, it also slightly changed the projection trajectory of the long gun, but it was only slightly changed. Liang Yu quickly turned his head to one side, and the sharp tip of the gun wiped his cheeks on the floor next to his head. On the top, a few drops of blood flowed from the new fine wound on his cheek.

"Cut... this guy is really powerful." Mo Greed at the silver-haired young man sitting on the pile of boxes, and his inner uneasiness became stronger and stronger.

And the silver-haired young man looked at his palm: "I didn't expect it to hurt me. I thought it couldn't be pierced at all. You don't seem to be an ordinary person."

Liang Yu slowly stood up, pulled out the long gun inserted on the ground with one hand, and looked at the silver-haired young man with blood red eyes.

The silver-haired young man was not affected by Liang Yu's eyes that were enough to kill people at all, but sucked his nose like a dog: "Wait a minute, it seems to be a little like us, but it's a little different. It feels very faint, and the expression of 'the hatred of killing my father is irrecongance'... Boy, your father was me Bite to death, you were scratched by me again. How did you survive?"

Liang Yu did not answer the question of the silver-haired youth, but gritted his teeth and said word by word, "It seems that you still remember, saving me time to clarify my intention."

"No, I don't remember at all," the silver-haired young man shook his head and said, "There are so many people who were bitten to death by me. If everyone remembers it, it will be exhausting."

Liang Yu suddenly lost control and quickly started to rush over, but this time he did not try to attack the condescending silver-haired young man, but rushed to the bottom of boxes he was sitting on. He pierced a wooden box and pulled hard, and the pile of boxes drawn from the bottom of the kettle suddenly had a chain reaction and scattered. The silver-haired young man reacted quickly and jumped on the box before the box piled away and fell gently to the ground.

Liang Yu turned around and pointed a gun at the silver-haired young man: "Then, I'll let you remember it well!"