Pome Star

Chapter 44 All Members Participate in Training

"Hmm?" Mo Greed up weakly and looked at Liang Yu: "So you are M?"

"...why did you get to this topic..."

"Well, no matter how you think about it, it's all the sadistic and trembling uncle S's new taming plan. It's like how you look at it..." Mo Greedy's words haven't finished, and he has been punched Bai Wei on the head.

"Give me a serious answer!"

"Pain, pain, pain..." Mo rubbed his head and said, "What is the 35th parallel world that sent a rescue application, so I was sent to carry out a rescue mission and hone myself at the same time? What kind of world is the 35th parallel world?"

"35 parallel world," Hongye quickly tapped the virtual keyboard and said calmly and rhythmically: "* Almost exactly the same as the modern world we live in. Three years ago, the world suddenly broke out the spread of large-scale biochemical viruses worldwide, and the infected people became zombies without exception, and People who are bitten or scratched by zombies will also become new zombies, and human survival is seriously endangered. At present, human beings in the world live in five large settlements around the world, fighting against zombies while studying ways to eliminate zombies and restrain viruses, but no significant progress has been made. Recently, zombies have been active. The living environment of human beings in the world is getting worse and worse.

"What is this?" Resident Evil 3? Mo greedy looked at Hongye strangely and asked, "And why do you deal with undead creatures such as zombies? Since the world is almost finished, why not rescue them through the plane channel? Are you going to move to an uninhabited planet or some other plane that is suitable for human habitation?

"Article 1 of the Regulations of the Administration: As a manager, you must not actively interfere with the original order of any plane, absolutely do not interfere in things that will lead to the original order of the plane to destroy the chaos of the plane, and absolutely do not destroy the interference or lead to the destruction of the original trajectory of the disturbed plane." Hongye continued to quickly tap the virtual keyboard and said, "Oviolator, palace punishment!"

Don't be greedy: "...Ask me, the punishment system is..."

"The director decided it himself." The red leaf said expressionlessly.

"Ha..." Don't look like this: "Then if the female manager violates the rules..."

"The director will talk to her alone in the secret room to do ideological education work." Hongye continued.

Don't be greedy: "..."

"And if the original plane order is destroyed, it will be hunted down by another organization on the blacklist." Hongye held her glasses and continued to say.

"Another organization?" Don't ask curiously.

"A similar existence as our administration, but completely different from our concept," Bai Wei said: "There have been several conflicts directly and indirectly with our administration, but there is also cooperation. Well, these are the matters of C-level and above managers. We don't have to "

"That's right." Mo greedy nodded. Since it's not something he needs to know, Mo greedy is too lazy to think more: "Hongye, continue to introduce things about the world."

"Next is the information about your mission and experience," Hongye said calmly. "With your current combat effectiveness, the mission is not a high risk factor for you. Take the combat effectiveness of an ordinary person in that world as 10, and the combat effectiveness of people with melee weapons. 20, the combat effectiveness of light weapons is 45, heavy weapons are 100, the combat effectiveness of an ordinary zombie is 15, and the combat effectiveness of various mutant zombies ranges from 30 to 300, while your current combat effectiveness is about 150 to 220. Although there are still dangers, high combat effectiveness The number of mutant zombies is rare and is rarely encountered, and you only perform general assistance tasks. The probability of encountering high-mutant zombies is no more than 6%. Counting the help of people in the world you may receive, your probability of distress is less than 2%.

After listening to this big paragraph, Mo touched his chin greedily and said, "Is my combat effectiveness only that much?"

"That's proportional to the combat effectiveness of an ordinary person in that world," Hongye said calmly, "If the combat effectiveness of an S-level manager of the Authority is 10, then your combat effectiveness is 3.14159265358979..."

"Huh? Is it so high?" Don't ask with a happy face.

"No, it starts from 2000 decimal places." Hongye immediately shattered Mo's delusion.

Don't squat in a small corner: "Anyway, people like me are like this... Anyway, people like me are like this..."

"Ah... Xiao Mo has become so dark..." Qing Jing looked at Mo's back and said.

Liang Yu looked at the red leaf calmly: "My comment."

"Use the original weapons, the combat effectiveness is about 170~190, and use the existing weapons, the combat effectiveness is about 210~230." Hongye said simply.

Liang Yu touched his gun bag in surprise: "There is about 70~90 room for improvement... Then I'll decide on this mission!"

Bai Wei took a look at Liang Yu and said firmly, "I'll go too!"

"Wow! Husband and wife follow, husband and wife follow!" Qingjing's already excited body began to smoke.

"After this incident, I have realized my lack of strength," Bai Wei said seriously, "If I don't improve my strength, it will only become a drag, so I will also go."

"I'll go too." This time, it was Ziyue. Unlike before, Ziyue spoke very calmly and did not have the unique gentle and charming smile in the past.

Obviously, the engagement with the Millennium Corpse King has had a great impact on Ziyue.

"Hmm?" Lan Xin, with a little tired look, looked at Ziyue: "That, that, in this case, I will also..."

"Qingjing also wants to go, and Qingjing also wants to go!" Qing Jing jumped and said, and at the same time, her excited and gossipy eyes kept wandering among Mo Cong, Bai Wei and Liang Yu. Obviously, her purpose was not to hone her strength or something.

"That biological virus is very valuable," Hongye said calmly, "I need to study it in depth."

"I said..." Mo Greed his head and looked at the crowd: "It's not a spring outing organized by the school. Why did everyone join in..."

At this moment, the light screen on the wall lit up again.

"It's rare for everyone to be so self-motivated," Ren Jingyu's face appeared in front of the crowd again: "Then I will specially approve the group training plan of Team 9 and leave early tomorrow morning. Please be prepared. You won't be able to come back for a long time."

Mo Greed suddenly had a feeling of being deceived and pointed to the light screen and shouted, "Is that what you planned at the beginning?"

"How can it be? I'm not a prophet," Ren Jingyu said with a smile, "Then have a good rest tonight." After saying that, Ren Jingyu cut off contact.