Pome Star

Chapter 66 Cosmic Idol

"The spacecraft is about to take off, please fasten your seat belts; the spacecraft is about to take off..." The beautiful female voice on the radio kept reminding passengers to pay attention to safety.

Don't fastened his seat belt and looked out through the window excitedly, although it was just the airport of the Border Agency.

I don't know if it's a compensation. Ren Jingyu rarely approved the holiday to the people of Team 9 of Group Z, and also gave them spaceship tickets to let everyone relax.

At this moment, Mo Grean is sitting next to the window. Although the spacecraft has not yet taken off, Mo Grean has begun to get excited.

After all, this is a mysterious universe that rushes out of the atmosphere to the vastness. You should know that this is only the privilege of a few people on earth.

However, it is a pity that there are not many people who are really willing to come.

When receiving the spaceship ticket, no one except Mo Gree showed an excited expression. Even Liang Yu, who had never been to the universe, just disdainfully threw the ticket aside and said coldly, "I want to practice. I don't have time to do such a boring thing."

And Bai Wei and others have been a spaceship for a long time. If they are used to it, there is nothing new.

A little unexpected, Ziyue also decided to go. When she made this decision, Bai Wei asked puzzledly. Ziyue just said faintly, "Because I feel that something very interesting will happen... Don't be so unlucky, something should happen this time..."

After hearing this sentence, Bai Wei looked completely defeated and gave up dissuade Ziyue from retreating.

And Mo Gree is crying without tears: "Don't say it as if my life is a tragedy..."

Returning to the spaceship, Ziyue sat next to Mo Greed with a light face, holding a book in her hands and reading quietly. This seems to be Ziyue's habit and always read something when she is free.

Seeing that Mo Cong has not calmed down since he got on the spaceship, he couldn't help asking, "Why are you so excited?"

"Well, how to say," Mo Greed up and looked back at Ziyue and said, "You see, this seems to be the first time we are alone. It should be regarded as a date... Isn't it not happy about such a thing?"

"Real?" Ziyue smiled faintly, and her reaction to Mo Yan's similar declaration was much calmer than that of Bai Wei.

"Uh... I feel like there was a conspiracy or something in your eyes just now... It's my illusion." Don't stare at Ziyue and said.

"hehe." Ziyue smiled and said nothing.

"Why don't you deny it..." Mo Greed and felt that his forehead had oozed cold sweat.

At this time, the spacecraft vibrated slightly, indicating that the spacecraft was taking off.

Mo Nep quickly put his face on the window. You know, this is the first time he has flown into space, and he doesn't want to miss any picture.

The spacecraft has been accelerating and has broken through the atmosphere in less than a minute, but the rapidity has not made the passengers in the cabin feel any sense of oppression. Obviously, compared with the manned rocket technology of various countries on earth, this kind of the most common passenger spacecraft is much ahead in technology.

After a while, the spacecraft has left the gravitational circle of the earth and came to the vast universe.

Don't greedy felt that his heart was shocked in an instant.

Only when you really come to the universe can you experience the depth and beauty of the universe.

After a long time, Mo Greed reluctantly withdrew his gaze from looking out of the window. Thinking of this beautiful scenery, only a few people on the earth had the right to watch it up close. Mo Grean felt very lucky.

"Does it look good?" Ziyue asked calmly.

"I feel that this life is worth it." Mo greedy subconsciously said that more than a month after becoming a manager, Mo greedy felt that it was better to live a plain life than this kind of boring, dangerous and very tired profession, but when he saw the vast universe, he suddenly felt that it was actually not bad to be a manager.

"By the way, where is this spacecraft going? What are our plans for this trip? Don't ask curiously.

"Huh? Brother, didn't you go to Marilu Monroe's concert? A man sitting in front of Mo greedy suddenly turned around and lay on the back of the seat and looked at Mo greedy and asked.

"Marilu Monroe? Who is it?" Don't ask with a confused face.

The man in front of him obviously showed an unhappy expression, but he saw that Mo Grean did look confused, and there was a sincere request in his eyes, so he said patiently, "Marilu Monroe is the most popular cosmic singer now. She not only has a charming temperament and a heavenly voice, but the most rare thing is that she does not have one. The air of a star is as gentle as the people around us... Ah... My little Menglian..." With that, the man in front of him has entered a state of nymphomania.

Mo greed pointed to the man and found that there was no response at all. He gave up the idea of continuing to ask for advice. He turned his head and looked at Ziyue and asked, "Sister Ziyue, do you know this Marilu Menglian?"

"Of course." Ziyue said with a faint smile, "Because this decision to come out is to listen to her concert."

"Huh? You didn't say it was because..."

"Do you really hope so?" Ziyue's smile became gentler.

"Please forgive me!" Mo Greed immediately replied, "But I didn't expect that Sister Ziyue would also like idol stars..."

Ziyue shook her head gently and said, "It's Bai Wei who really likes her. Menglian is her favorite idol star. What would she look like if she knew that she had missed this concert..."

"...isn't it? It's a little cruel..."

"It's just a joke," Ziyue said with a smile, "You should know that the tickets for every concert of Menglian have been speculated to sky-high prices. Even the farthest floating station tickets are not affordable for ordinary people. It's impossible to buy a ticket based on the salary issued by the Air Border Bureau. If Bai Wei comes but can't see it, it's better Don't let her know, will it?"

"So it is," Mo Greed and nodded suddenly: "But is this Marilu Monroe really that popular?"

As soon as Mo's words fell, he suddenly felt that the atmosphere around him had suddenly dropped several degrees, and it seemed that several substantial eyes were locked on him. Mo Grean looked at him and found that all the people in the cabin, men, women and children, were looking at him with murderous eyes.

"Now you know..." Ziyue said lightly, "She is really an idol of the whole universe now. After all, such a person with outstanding temperament, sweet and kind and gentle voice is almost synonymous with perfect women... I heard that even the first and second emperors of the universe The princes of the Dragon Dynasty and the Star Empire also have a special love for her. Her fan group is amazing..."

Mo Grean has squatted by the chair in order to avoid everyone's sight and whispered, "But this has nothing to do with us. Anyway, I'm sure I won't see her concert. I've been like this before I've seen it. I don't feel anything good about her; but then again, Sister Ziyue just mentioned that the Air Border Bureau will pay salaries. Can you tell me more about it?