Pome Star

Chapter 72 Dinner

Marilu Monroe quietly came to her hotel, which is also one of the best hotels on Apocalypse.

Because of her secret whereabouts, it was not until she moved into the hotel that her five suitors got the news. Naturally, the five people naturally needed to prepare carefully to capture Menglian's heart.

At this time, Menglian is looking at the music score in her room. Unlike ordinary singers, Menglian does not have her own lyricist or songwriter. Everything is done by herself, which shows that she is not just an external girl but lacks an inner girl.

At this time, the professional woman walked into the room with a translucent electronic screen in her hand.

Menglian put down the music score and focused on the woman in professional clothes.

"We also learned an interesting thing about the Charens good man," the professional woman said calmly: "He floated in the Apocalypse with the four princes of the Dragon Dynasty on the first night he came to the Apocalypse. In the end, he won, so he was favored by many women in Apocalypse. Now It seems to be a hot topic among Apocalypse women.

"It seems to be a kind and excellent person." Menglian whispered.

"To be honest, I don't think there is a good reason for your conclusion," the professional dress woman said lightly: "It's just a popular royal blood..."

"But what he did for the people of this planet..." Menglian quickly defended, with the faint intention of defending Charens.

"Well, the information shows that what he has done in the past is completely unlinked to the charity ambassador. The sudden change must be malicious." The professional dress woman said coldly, as if she didn't care about Prince Charens' identity.

"Sister Nalan!" Menglian said a little, but her delicate and beautiful face made this expression more like coquettish.

"Are you on that side so soon?" The woman called Nalan seemed to say unhappily, "It seems that the Charens good man who invited you to dinner before seemed to have done something wrong."

"I accept his invitation." Menglian simply said.

Nalan seemed to realize that she had said something wrong and gently patted her mouth and regretted why she wanted to talk too much. Menglian was naive like a child in her heart. If the candidate she came into contact with, she didn't know what would happen.

"Can you arrange it, Sister Nalan?" Menglian looked at Nalan with a beneg look.

"One of us will always regret what happened today." Nalan sighed and walked out of the room.

——————Split line————

"Your Highness, Your Highness." Hegula rushed into Charens' room with an excited face.

"What happened?" Charens frowned and asked, obviously Hegula's behavior was a little imprewd.

"I accepted!" Hegula shouted excitedly, "Your Highness, they accepted!"

"What did you accept?" Charens looked at Hegula inexplicably and didn't know what the bodyguard was doing.

Hegula took a deep breath and said as calmly as possible, "Miss Menglian has accepted your invitation to dinner."

"What?" Charens suddenly stood up.

"You heard it correctly," Hegula also said excitedly, "Just now, her agent informed me that Miss Menglian agreed to your invitation, and it will be tonight."

Charens clenched his fist hard, and even if his identity was as prominent as he was at this moment, he couldn't hide his excitement: "Great!"

"That's great!" Mo Greed's excited shout suddenly came from the next door: "Lion's winning streak, Lien Zhan's winning streak! Celebrate, you must celebrate!"

"Uh..." Charens's good mood was suddenly destroyed, and he quickly told Hegula, "Tonight's event must not be disturbed by any uncertainties, especially under our eyes."

"I understand." Hegula simply said.

"Well, I'll prepare for it... After all, it's our first date." Charens said with a little narcissistic look. At this moment, he is full of confidence. It seems that the future script has been written, and he just needs to follow it.

In Mo's room, Mo Grean just came out of the health cabin and planned to find something to eat, but found that Hegula didn't know when he came to his room and was sitting on the sofa staring at him. His eyes were not sentimental, but it was the most horrible to look at the talent with no expression.

"Well, what's the matter?" Don't ask greedily.

"No." Hegula said coldly.

"Uh, okay." Mo Greed for room service to send some food, and while waiting, Hegula still stared at him without saying a word.

"Well, did I offend you?" Don't ask greedily.

"No." Hegula said calmly.

"So, what do you want to do?"

"Keep an eye on you."

"Okay." Mo Gree turned around and lay back in the health cabin, injected new nutrients and closed his eyes to enter the world of the game.

——————Split line————

In the dining room of the most upscale Apocalypse Hotel, Charence in a suit and leather sat opposite Menglian in evening dress.

And Menglian's agent, Nalan, sat next to Menglian and looked at Charenz with a cold expression. Obviously, she did not like Charenz.

Charence also vaguely felt the other party's attitude towards him, so he tried not to look at Nalan.

"Maybe you have heard it many times, but I still want to say that you are really beautiful." Charens said with a faint smile that it is a woman's nature to love beauty, and no woman doesn't like others to praise her beauty, which is an eternal truth.

"Thank you." Menglian said lightly, "Actually, I just want to thank you for everything you have done for them on behalf of the people in the Apocalypse Star slum."

"Hmm?" Charens showed a puzzled expression, and after a moment, he remembered what Mo Gre did before.

"Ah...that's it," Charens immediately reacted and said with a philanthropist-like look, "This is what I should do. After all, I am a prince, and the future may be a king, and a criterion for judging a good king is to see whether his people are happy, so when I see the lower classes I can't accept it when people live in deep water, so..."

"You are really kind." Menglian said with a faint smile.

"Maybe it's not a good word for people like us, but thank you." Charens politely said that he had guessed where Menglian had positioned himself, and what he needed to do was to maintain this good impression, so he was ahead of others at the starting line.

"I'm afraid the other four people have got this news and regard me as the biggest enemy," Charens thought to himself, "But it doesn't matter. As long as you can get Menglian first, everything is not a problem... As for Mo Gree, maybe I really need to thank him this time..."