Pome Star

Chapter 80 Duel Requirements

"Hongye, tell me what's going on." Don't use the spiritual ring to contact the red leaf road far away on the earth. Just now, he briefly explained the situation he encountered.

"What's the situation of Star Dream now?" Hongye asked calmly.

Mo Greed back, Xingmeng still squatted in the corner of the room with his soulless hands on his knees, as if he had lost his goal and hope in life.

"It's terrible. Tell me what's going on and what's the solution as soon as possible." Don't answer greedily.

"The information you provide is limited, and I need time to find new information that is enough to analyze time, so I can't make an accurate judgment for the time being," Hongye replied calmly: "However, it can be initially judged as a kind of personality split, that is, multiple personalities, generally because people protect themselves after being greatly stimulated. Protect and produce another personality in the spiritual field, but there are many situations. In addition to her basic information, I also need to investigate her past and growth* to analyze what's going on.

"Please solve this problem as soon as possible." Don't be greedy.

"Do my best." Hongye said calmly, and then cut off the contact.

Mo Greed for a long sigh and also sat on the ground against the wall.

Ziyue sat aside and quietly looked at the book in her hand.

Don't make some discordant sounds in your stomach.

"I'll get some food." Don't get up and walk out.

"Do you have any cosmic coins?" Ziyue stared at the book and asked casually.

Mo greed picked up the unknown magnetic card that Charence gave him before and shook it and said proudly, "15% is for yourself, isn't it?"

Ziyue smiled faintly.

Xing Meng raised his head and sent Mo Gree out of the room, but the sluggishness and confusion in his eyes did not decrease at all.

"Do you want to talk?" Ziyue gently closed the book and looked at Xingmeng and asked.

Xingmeng looked at Ziyue blankly. After a moment, she suddenly walked to Ziyue, grabbed her shoulder and asked, "Is my song good? Do you like to listen?

"Your singing is very beautiful, and I can also be regarded as one of your fans," Ziyue raised her hands to signal Xing Meng to calm down: "So can you calm down first?"

Is that right? Thank you." Xing Meng forced a smile and looked somewhat better: "But what I did is still not good enough, right? There are still people who don't recognize me, right?"

"If it's the guy who just left, you don't have to care about him at all," Ziyue waved her hand and said, "But if it's someone else, you must know that if someone likes it, someone will definitely hate it, because the world is like this."

"Someone will definitely hate it..." Xingmeng repeated lost his mind, and his face turned pale again: "Can't I really do it..."

Ziyue paused slightly and realized that she seemed to have said something wrong and touched the fragile nerve of Xingmeng: "What the hell is going on with her..."

——————Split line————

Mo Grean felt very uncomfortable walking on the street, because he felt as if the pedestrians on the street were looking at him intentionally or unintentionally, especially a pedestrian he stopped when he just asked for directions. He looked at his eyes made him very uncomfortable.

"You'd better buy some food and take it back." Mo Greed and whispered that he had come to a convenience store.

Don't simply pick out some food, and then go to the counter to prepare for the checkout.

The cashier did not look up at him at all, but habitually scanned all the goods and said, "A total of 36.75 cosmic coins, please swipe the card." Then help Motan put the food in the bag.

Don't swiped the magnetic card quickly, and then the cashier handed over the bag and said with a professional smile that he couldn't see a smile at all: "Welcome to the next light..."

The cashier's voice stopped abruptly, and the professional smile froze on his face.

"Well, can you please let go?" Don't ask greedily.

"Ah, of course." The cashier quickly let go of his hand and smiled many times brighter than before, saying, "Welcome next time."

"Oh. OK." Mo Grebe was a little overwhelmed by the sudden enthusiasm of the cashier: "Of course."

When Mo Greed left the convenience store, the cashier quickly picked up the phone and quickly broadcast a number: "Hey, Apocalypse Star Police Station? Excuse me, what is the reward for providing clues to wanted criminals now?

After leaving the convenience store, Mo Cong quickly returned to the temporary landing: "If it weren't for my illusion, there must be something wrong with the clerk laughing so brightly..." Mo Grean's words had not yet fallen, and he had faintly heard a regular voice, like a siren on the earth.

"Oh." Mo Cong quickly changed his clothes and prepared to accelerate his escape from here, when a beam of light had fallen on him from the sky.

"We are the police. You have been locked. Please give up resistance immediately and kneel down with your hands on your head." Several police floating cars in the sky have appeared on Mo's head, and the sound of police persuading him to surrender came from the loudspeaker.

"When I'm an idiot!" Don't greedily said to himself, regardless of accelerating and sprinting forward.

"Use anesthetic light." In the floating car, the driver said to the co-pilot's policeman, who immediately pressed a few buttons.

Mo Greed, who was sprinting, suddenly felt that he seemed to be shrouded in danger, almost instinctively shifting, and almost a laser shone on his position just now.

"I didn't hit it, idiot." Don said proudly and rushed to the building next to him. If there is cover, they can't aim at themselves.

"Okay, everyone shoot together." The driving police said to several other police cars with a contact device.

Mo Greeden felt that his back seemed to be a little too bright. He turned around and saw several lasers shooting at him.

"Oh, no..." Mo greedy whispered, and then a laser hit his chest. Mo greedy felt numb all over his body, and then his consciousness blurred.

"It's okay, it's not a penetrating laser..." At this time, Mo Grean's last thought before losing consciousness.

——————Split line————

Mo Grean gradually regained consciousness. He felt dizzy and his body was still a little paralyzed.

He opened his eyes and found himself in a luxuriously decorated room, which was very similar to the luxury of the hotel he had stayed in before.

"Hmm?" Mo Qian shook his head and recalled that he should have been being chased by the apocalypse police before he lost consciousness, but why is he not in prison, but in the presidential suite now?

At this time, the door of the room opened, and a handsome young man with a poet-like melancholy temperament came in.

"Hmm?" Mo Greedong looked at the young man carefully and felt a little familiar. Suddenly, did he remember that he was not the seventh prince of the Tianlong Dynasty, Shelley Long?

Mo Ren's only impression of this prince is that he suddenly walked by at the concert and wanted to fight with himself. Although the other party did not seem to be goodwill to him, Mo Ren did not have much panic. If he wanted to make himself do it as early as he lost consciousness, why wait until now?

"I was arrested by the Apocalypse police, but now I'm here. I think it's because of you?" Mo Greed up and looked at Shelley and said.

"If you don't use a large bounty, the police of Apocalypse will not be so efficient and not so easy to talk to." Shelley said calmly.

"Sure enough, but I'm surprised. Shouldn't you be looking for Marilu Monroe? Why did you invite me here? Don't ask strangely.

"Because you insulted Menglian in public," Shelley said calmly, "So I want to wash away the shame for her."

"I want to fight with you!"