Pome Star

Chapter 97 Explaining Variation

In the lounge, Mo Greed on the table like frosted eggplant and participated in the experimental research of red leaves. Compared with physical pain, mental torture is the most terrible.

Red Leaf quickly tapped on the empty keyboard, and the reflection of the lens covered her eyes, but it was not difficult to see from the fanatical expression on her face that she had obtained satisfactory results.

Bai Wei is still holding the CD signed by Xingmeng, her face full of satisfaction and intoxication, as if she has been immersed in her own world.

As always, Ziyue sat at the table holding a book and watching quietly.

And Qingjing still fiddled with her crystal ball mysteriously.

The only strange thing is that Liang Yu, who had not appeared in the airport before, sat quietly in the corner of the room at this moment, and his expression seemed a little gloomy.

"What's wrong with this guy? Has your uncle come yet?" Mo, who lay on the table, asked feebly.

"He has no relatives," Lan Xin walked to the table with black tea and said, "Liang Yu regretted that he didn't go after hearing about what happened to you in Apocalypse. Now he is a little depressed."

"Ah, I forgot that this guy is an M man, who just likes to go to the place where people will die..." Mo said feebly, "I don't know if life is precious... Er, wait a minute, in a sense, this guy is already a dead man..."

"So that's it..." Hongye suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and took out a lollipop from his pocket and put it in his mouth.

"Eh?" Mo greedy looked at the red leaves unexpectedly.

"I already know what happened to you about the mutation." Hongye said calmly.

"It's not this problem," Mo pointed to the lollipop in Hongye's mouth and said, "What is that? Is it a prop to add cute points or character remodeling?"

"Thinking requires a lot of sugar, which is just a supplementary means." Hongye said calmly, "But don't you want to know what happened to you?"

"Do you care a little," Mo nodded and said, "What's going on?"

Red Leaf quickly tapped the empty keyboard and said, "According to your memory, the change occurred when the floating car you drove plunged into the reactor of the energy plant. If there is no floating car but you fall directly into the energy furnace, then you will die, but fortunately the floating car plays a role in temporarily protecting you. And from then on, you began to be illuminated by the strong light generated by the reactor. At this time, the floating car still protects you. Because the floating car often flies in the air, the window is coated with the most advanced refractive materials, which eliminates the rays that will burn your skin in the light and reduce the light intensity.

"At this time, the floating car begins to charge. After the energy is charged, there is nowhere to go. When it gradually becomes unstable, you touch the floating car and exposes the spirit ring to energy. Because the spirit ring is a product of the combination of several plane technologies, it can absorb a variety of energy to supplement. Therefore, the spirit ring plays a role in guiding energy, and the spirit ring itself has a wonderful connection with the user's body because of dripping blood. After the energy of the spirit ring is full, the spirit ring guides the excess energy into the user's body - although this practice has never been tried.

"Here you should wake up your energy after passing through the spiritual ring before entering your body, because I have verified that the entry of pure energy into the biological body directly leads to abnormal physical function and then leading to death, but because there are also immortals of the spiritual plane in the spiritual ring. Spiritual power, energy is filtered after passing through the spiritual ring, changing a few attributes. Such energy does not lead to your death after passing through the meridians in your body, but achieves a similar effect as marrow washing. At this time, the refractive paint on the floating window is due to the long irradiation of strong light and the reaction of the energy field. It should gradually lose its effect, but this gradual process gives your skin a process of adaptation. In addition, your body is also full of energy. Out of the body's self-protection and self-regulation, your skin finally mutates when the explosion of the floating car and the strong light illuminates the extreme, and becomes able to contain energy. Absorb energy from the amount of light.

"And the last step is that when you and the spirit ring are full of energy, there is nowhere to vent the excess energy and finally leads to the explosion of the energy field, and the energy in your body will also be triggered to explode due to the chain reaction. At this time, the spirit ring reacts to the energy in your body out of the protection of the user. After intervention, an energy field is forcibly formed in the body. At the same time, the energy field is used to release an energy mask to protect you from it, offsetting the impact of the reactor explosion.

To sum up, there have been two mutations in your body. First, your skin has become light skin, which can absorb energy from light containing energy, just like an electric panel that can absorb solar energy. Second, a small energy field has formed in your body, which can stabilize the energy you will absorb. And save it so that it can be called at any time.

After saying this paragraph quickly, Hongye chewed up the lollipop in her mouth, took out another one from her pocket and put it in her mouth.

Mo Greed with a cloudy face and looked at the red leaves. After a long time, he shook his head and said, "Well, that is to say, I am like an American comic hero. Because I encountered something difficult to explain, I have mutated and have the same powerful skills as internal force like a martial arts master?" Speaking of this, Mo's greedy saliva couldn't help flowing down: "Hahaha, I didn't expect that one day I could fly over the wall..."

"If I don't explain it clearly enough, then it's your lack of understanding, but I prefer the latter," Hongye said calmly: "Your body has indeed changed, but it's not that you have become a superman with magical energy at your disposal. Simply put, you are now a human figure. Solar cells."

"Solar cell..." Don't repeat in a daze.

"If the word energy will mislead you, I'll change it to the word energy. Your skin can absorb and generate energy in your body, just like electric energy. It is just a higher energy common to the universe. It cannot be used directly by you, but needs to be used through some carrier, such as *, light cannon, do you understand now?" Hongye asked again.

"What is this..." Mo Greed and screamed, "Isn't it that I'm just a mobile gas station?!!!"

"From a certain point of view, it can be understood in this way," Hongye said calmly: "But if you understand that space war is an energy war, it may make you feel at ease."

"Uh... I thought I had suddenly raised a high level..." Mo Greed down on the table with a look of a blow, and at this time, a message came from the spiritual ring.

"Your current level, Renxu, is still 237 points away from the next level: Xin You."

"What is this comprehensive experience, not an RPG game, why is there such a thing?" Don't ask listlessly.

"It is a scoring system that evaluates users by the supercomputer in the Tianling Ring. The score is given after a comprehensive evaluation of your accumulated combat experience, events, mentality changes, mental condition, physical strength, energy purity and other aspects." Hongye held his eyes and said calmly, "Although it is not accurate, the error rate will not exceed 0.0001%."

"Yes, that's it." Mo Gre nodded, and he casually raised his head and muttered, "I always feel that I have been remembering an important thing to do before I come back, but I was interrupted by you to do research. What's the matter..."

At this time, the light screen on the wall suddenly lit up, and then Ren Jingyu appeared on the screen with a blank face: "Come to my office, don't be greedy!"

"Ah, I remember!" Don't shout.

"Aw for salary!"