Pome Star

Chapter 105 angry

After the sky gradually darkened, Mo Yan and Liang Yu also left the contact point and returned to their respective homes.

"Red leaves." Bai Wei came to the red leaf with an extremely bright smile.

"What's the matter?" Hongye calmly held his glasses and asked.

"Mo Yan's friend named Wen Feng, can you help me check his residence?" Bai Wei put her palms together and made a request.

Red Leaf quickly tapped on the empty keyboard, and then a map appeared on the light screen.

"as you can see." Hongye said calmly.

"Thank you." Bai Wei said to Hongye with a smile and turned around and ran out of the basement.

Ziyue watched Bai Wei's figure disappear at the door and shook her head with a faint smile.

——————Split line————

When he heard his door knocked, Wen Feng showed a somewhat surprised expression, because he should not have visitors who had just moved back.

However, when he opened the door and saw Bai Wei standing in front of him, the surprise was much lighter.

"Are you a girl in our class? Bai Wei, right?" Wen Feng looked at Bai Wei and said.

"That's right." Bai Wei nodded and said.

"Oh, please come in." Wen Feng let Bai Wei in, took out two cans of drinks from the refrigerator and put them on the coffee table: "What can I do for you at this late hour?"

"Can you please stop bothering Liang Yu?" Bai Wei looked at Wen Feng seriously and asked.

Wen Feng suddenly laughed and said, "It's really because of that guy. Let's do it first." With that, Wen Feng sat down and opened a can of drink and took a sip.

Bai Wei had to listen to Wen Feng's words and sat down.

Wen Feng did not immediately answer Bai Wei's question, but squinted and looked at Bai Wei. Although Bai Wei was outgoing and a little like a tom boy, it was still a little unnatural to be looked at like this: "What, what's wrong?"

"Nothing," Wen Feng shook his head with a smile and said, "No wonder don't be greedy for that guy has a good impression on you. It really looks a little similar... Although the personality is very different..."

"...Although I don't know what you're talking about, I don't think it's a good thing..." Bai Wei frowned and said.

"Let's not talk about this. Are you here for Liang Yu?" Wen Feng said with a smile, "Then answer my question first. If someone provokes the relationship between you and Liang Yu, will you let him go?"

"Of course not!" Bai Wei replied immediately.

"You already know my answer by saying this." Wen Feng took another drink.

"What? Do you mean that Liang Yu is a villain who provokes discord? How is that possible?" Bai Wei quickly retorted.

"That's the truth." Wen Feng said lightly, "I only have this friend. I don't like anyone else to dictate our relationship."

"You heard this rumor, didn't you?" Bai Wei said with an expression of finding the culprit, "That guy is talking nonsense again... Please rest assured that Liang Yu is not that kind of person. I think your misunderstanding can be resolved in this way, right?"

"I seem to have seen the opening of another tragedy..." Wen Feng sighed helplessly and said, "The conflict between me and Liang Yu is not the cause of a few misunderstandings, but there is no deep hatred. I just look at the other party unhappy. If you don't believe it, do you want that guy to explain it to you in person... The door is not closed. Come in."

"Hmm?" Bai Wei quickly looked back and saw Liang Yu standing at the door of the room with a cold face.

"I'll take care of the rest," Wen Feng stood up and said, "I'm going to prepare some disinfectant to wipe the floor and buy some air fresheners. I didn't expect that the unpleasant guy would come to visit me so soon..."

Liang Yu looked at Wen Feng coldly, and the latter looked at him with a calm smile and left the room.

"What are you doing here?" Liang Yu turned his head and looked at Bai Wei and asked coldly.

"I..." Bai Wei wanted to explain, but looked at Liang Yu's cold expression and swallowed it back into her stomach.

"I told you, it's my business." Liang Yu continued, "I don't need anyone else to interfere in my business!"

"But I just want to help you..." Bai Wei lowered her head and said aggrievedly.

"I don't need anyone's help!" Liang Yu's voice was still cold, and he didn't seem to care about Bai Wei's mood at all: "And what right do people who can't even take care of themselves have to help others?"

Bai Wei suddenly looked up at Liang Yu, whose face looked at her coldly without any emotion: "Among the fighters of our team, your strength is the weakest, right? If you don't work hard to improve your strength, you and your teammates will be in trouble because you need the protection of your teammates in dangerous times. Not only can you help, but you will also drag the team back. If you have time, complete more tasks to grow yourself!"

White Wei's eyes sparkled with crystal tears. She helped Liang Yu solve the trouble out of a good intention. Instead of not getting understanding, she was reprimanded by Liang Yu, which made the arrogant Bai Wei completely unacceptable. She suddenly turned around and ran out of the door.

Liang Yu calmly watched Bai Wei's back disappear into sight and sighed gently.

"Isn't it too much to say this to a girl?" Wen Feng didn't know when he returned to the room and also looked at Bai Wei's back and said.

"It's better to regret it now than to regret it in the future," Liang Yu said calmly: "I don't know how many difficulties we will encounter in the future. If we can't quickly improve ourselves and learn to protect ourselves, we will pay more and more precious things in the future..."

"I can't see that your poker face also has a careful side," Wen Feng turned to look at Liang Yu and said, "But realizing that this has no impact on my favorability of you. You are still a guy who makes people feel uncomfortable, so... slow down."

Liang Yu gave Wen Feng a cold look and turned around and exited the room.

At this time, Mo Greed downstairs and rushed to find Wen Feng to press the road. Suddenly, a figure rushed out of the corridor and directly hit Mo Grean's arms, and then both of them lost their balance and fell to the ground.

"Well...pain, pain, pain... Hey, you... huh?" Mo Greeden looked at the person who bumped into him in surprise: "Bai Wei? What are you doing here?"

"Don't worry about it!" Bai Wei said loudly aggrievedly, stood up and ran away quickly.

When she got up, Mo Gree felt that she seemed to see the crystal** in Bai Wei's eyes.

"What's the situation?" Mo Greed and muttered doubtfully, "Is that Wen Feng..." Mo Greede stood up and walked into the corridor, but saw a poker-faced teenager coming out of the corridor.

"Liang Yu?" Modu was even more surprised why the guys he shouldn't have seen here appeared one by one.

"Good night." Liang Yu threw down this sentence coldly and left quickly.

"What the hell is going on?" Don't scratch your head and say to yourself.

——————Split line————

Late night, Mo Cong was immersed in the dream of his three wives and four concubines when suddenly the harsh ringing of his mobile phone woke him up.

"Hmm?" Mo opened his eyes in a daze, picked up his mobile phone and said, "Sorry, the user you dialed is hibernating. Please dial again 3 months..."

"Wake up, don't be greedy, there is an emergency!" The windy voice came from the other end of the phone.

"What happened? The director's guy was struck to death by lightning? Don't ask in a daze.

"...It's Bai Wei," Tianfeng said speechlessly, "She met her client privately and went to a different world to complete the task!"