Pome Star

Chapter 109 The End of Mercenaries

"What are you doing?" The middle-aged man looked at the mercenary and asked calmly. Obviously, he was the head of the mercenary regiment.

"I... commander, you should know that these managers humiliated us first..." The mercenary quickly defended.

"As far as I know, it's not these two managers." The regimental commander said seriously, "What's wrong with you? Has glory been lost together with dignity?

"The regimental, we..." Another mercenary against the reprimanded mercenary came forward to defend something, but he was silent after seeing the regimental commander's serious eyes.

"I know your mood, because my mood is the same, but it can't change anything. This is the process of history." The regimental sighed calmly, turned around and said to Mo Grean and Liang Yu, "Are you two all right?"

"Do we look all right?" Mo Gre covered the bruises on his face and asked.

Liang Yu raised his hand to stop Mo Gree and said calmly, "It's not a big deal."

"Sorry, we have encountered something recently. My men are not in a good mood. I apologize for them." The regimental commander said sincerely.

"No, it's nothing." Liang Yu said calmly.

"If there is any request, you two can do whatever you want..." The leader's words were interrupted by a discordant voice.


Don't cover his stomach and sit softly on the ground: "Ah, no, it's up to the limit..."

Even the leader who looked very serious couldn't help laughing at this moment: "If you don't mind, it's my treat. How about canceling the previous matter?"

"Yes!" Don't be greedy and answer loudly.

"Then..." The regimental commander looked at the messy tables and chairs around him: "Let's change places."

——————Split line————

In another hotel in the town, Mo Qian, Liang Yu, the regimental commander and the first mercenary before sat around a table, roasting sheep, ham and cakes. At this moment, the table was full of food, and Mo Qian was rude.

"My name is Jie Rafi, the head of this Silver Horn Mercenary Regiment, and he is one of my subordinates, Filno," the regiment commander introduced himself: "This guy is usually not a person who likes to lose his temper, but recently there has been a small problem with the mercenary regiment, and this guy has encountered something bad things, so... ”

"Understand." Liang Yu said simply.

The man named Filno poured a few large glasses of beer and a few glasses of wine while speaking, Filno's face also turned red. With the strength of the wine, he patted Jay Rafael on the shoulder and said, "Commajor, do you really not think about that?"

"What else are you thinking about?" Jie Rafi sighed helplessly: "If it goes on like this, the brothers are going to drink the northwest wind. It doesn't matter if you are bachelors like me. What about those brothers who already have a family? What do they do to feed their families?

"What the hell happened?" Mo Greedy asked vaguely.

Ferno was silent when he heard this, just a strong drink, and Jefi just sighed helplessly: "Send the last client of Lausanne back to the central mainland, and our mercenary regiment is about to be disbanded..."

"Disband? Why?" Don't ask strangely.

"If there is no task to complete, the mercenary regiment will naturally be disbanded." Jela said with a wry smile.

"No task to complete? I feel that the strength of your mercenary regiment is not bad. How can there be no task to complete? Don't ask questions inexplicably.

"It's not only that our mercenary regiment has no tasks to take over, but the mercenary regiments of the whole continent are facing a task vacuum," Jiefei said: "The mercenary union, which used to be a city, is now full of tasks. Who would have thought that things would develop like this?"

"Why?" Mo Gree is even more puzzled.

"It's not because of you guys from a different world!" Firno suddenly interrupted and then began to drink again.

"Firno!" Jie Rafi scolded.

"Because, we?" Mo Gree seems to have figured out something.

"The Hunters Association, the Time and Space Entry Administration, and the Order Alliance, and large organizations across the plane have emerged one by one. Needless to say, the other two organizations have also begun to accept commissions and carry out tasks on various planes for one reason, and we, a similar local Naturally, the organization can't survive. After all, the strange warriors from other planes seem to have greater possibilities than us who are monotonous. The client may also be based on this heart, so they would rather go to the three plane organizations to queue up and wait for someone to complete their commission than give the task to us who have nothing. Jie Rafi said with a faint sadness.

"There is no task, naturally there is no reward. It is getting harder and harder for the brothers to live without income. Many mercenary regiments have been disbanded, and we can only take this road after barely persisting for a period of time."

Although it is not Mo Greed's fault, Mo Greed didn't know why he had a sense of guilt. He suddenly remembered that when he was on the earth, the liaison Tianfeng shouted that there were a large number of low-level tasks for them to complete but they were unwilling to, but the men in front of him wanted a task but couldn't get it.

"So, what will you do in the future?" Mo Greed down the chicken leg in his hand and asked in a low voice.

"I don't know," Jie Rafael shook his head and said, "We are just a group of warriors who exchange their lives for money. We can't do anything but their own skills. Now the mainland is in temporary peace. We really don't know where to go. Some mercenary regiments try to join the three major organizations after disbanding, but because Connecting various planes, there are countless talents to absorb, and the three major organizations have also begun to pay attention to the quantity and quality of newcomers. After all, a huge and bloated organization will only eventually lead to destruction. What the three major organizations need is elites.

After listening to this heavy self-statement, Mo Greed somehow suddenly lost his appetite and the atmosphere became dull.

"Look at me, I'm just pouring bitter water and making the atmosphere so dull. From now on, I won't complain anymore," Jie Rafael shook his head and said, "What's the point of you two doing in coming to our world? No offense, if it's a secret mission, we didn't ask.

"Ah, it's not a big deal. It's just to help the alchemist Kurt Dan collect medicinal herbs in the virgin forest." Don't be greedy to explain.

"Collecting medicinal materials, we don't know how many such tasks we have encountered before, because the remuneration is too low and we don't care about it. Now even if someone entrusts us to collect medicinal materials..." Jefi said with confused eyes.

"...Didn't you say you don't complain... It's obviously deeper than the resentment just now..." Mo said speechlessly.

Speaking of which, what kind of forest is this primitive forest? I have never heard of a place on the mainland called the primeval forest. Jefi asked curiously.

Mo greedy raised his right hand and projected a light screen from the spiritual ring.

"Oh..." Jay Raphael and Filno both showed strange expressions. Obviously, they had not seen much in a different world.

"Well, this is the place, above the Magno River." Don't point to the map and say.

Jela's expression suddenly stiffened: "Collect medicinal herbs in that forest? Is it just you two teenagers with such strength?

"What does this mean?" Liang Yu asked calmly.

"I mean, don't you know what lives in that forest?" Jie Rafi asked strangely, "If the medicinal herb you want to collect is a plant called a luminous plant, then I advise you to find a higher-level manager to complete this task. You can't complete this task with your strength..."

"You can't just complete the task, you may... No, you will die!"