Pome Star

Chapter 127 Proposal

Liang Yu stood up from the ground, held the dragon soul and gathered a small amount of dead air. After suddenly stabbing forward, a weak gun gas flew out and accurately hit the yellow paper charm on Mo's chest. After the yellow paper charm touched the dead air, it instantly turned into fragments and scattered on the ground.

After lifting the bondage, Mo Greed up from the ground and said, "Why did you call that guy here?"

"Prepare for nothing." Liang Yu took apart the dragon soul and put it into the gun bag.

"He almost killed the Taoist priest just now!" Mo greedy said loudly that from seeing the Taoist priest, he could say that he had mercy on Mo greedy everywhere, and Raje's extreme behavior made Mo greedy very guilty.

"Don't worry, good man," Raj came out of the unfinished building and said, "I just shot his right back center, and I used the narrowest penetrating arrow with the arrow. Even if he shoots through the guy's body, it won't be a big deal."

"But how can you do this to him?" Mo Grebe still asked with a dissatisfied expression.

"Do you want to know how humans treat dark elves?" Lajie sneered and asked, and walked out with a long bow on his back: "Then I'll go back first, Brother Liang Yu. Do you want me to warm your quilt?"

"Eh?" Mo was stunned for a moment, and then quickly retreated three steps, and his eyes kept looking at Liang Yu and Raj.

"Rajie, if you don't shut your mouth, I will beat you into a light elf." Liang Yu said coldly.

"I'm kidding!" Raj smiled and left quickly.

Mo sighed greedily, looked at the direction of the Taoist priest's escape and said, "It should be quiet for a while in a short time."

"Maybe." Liang Yu said calmly.

——————Split line————

The next day, the school had a ten-day break.

"What do you mean I can rest assured?" Wen Feng, who had asked for a long vacation, stood beside Mo Greed and asked.

"That means that Taoist priest should not come to you for a short time, if he is smart enough." Don't shrugged his shoulders and said.

"Have you had a hand in your hand?" Wen Feng looked at Mo greedily and asked.

"To be precise, we should have confronted him." Mo Greed up his index finger and corrected, "Then that guy was beaten away by us."

"With this guy?" Wen Feng turned his eyes to Liang Yu. Obviously, he still had a good opinion about Liang Yu and his tone was not so polite.

"Well, there is also a guy who contributes. You should know him in the future." Don't say it casually.

"Oh..." Without the expected thanks, Wen Feng had no choice but to put his face against the wall: "You have made a big mistake..."

"Hmm?" Mo Gree looked at Wen Feng strangely and didn't know what he was talking about.

"All the cows coming out of Maoshan are stunned..." Wen Feng hit the wall with his forehead and said, "If this guy can't win, he will come to his brother. If he can't win, he will come to his uncle. If the master can't win, he will invite the master to come. If the master doesn't win, he will invite the master out of the mountain... In short, If you don't destroy it, you will definitely be haunted. If you can't win, you will be annoyed, so that's why I've been avoiding those guys..."

"Uh..." Mo was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect things to develop in such a direction.

"And, did you just say that this guy also participated in your action?" Wen Feng turned his head and pointed to Liang Yu and said to Mo Greed, "This guy can feel that he is so obviously dead. Needless to say, he has also been on the blacklist of the cow's nose. Now we have given two reasons for them to come back again!"

"It's not that serious..." Mo Greed and said with a forced smile.

"I have to go back. It's okay to play hide-and-seek with that cow's nose. I can't handle the guy at a higher level," Wen Feng shook Mo's hand and said, "My best friend, I'm glad to meet you again. I'll see you again in the future... And the dead-faced guy, out of sympathy rather than I'll give you a suggestion. Run away, the farther the better."

"Hey, hey, relax," Mo Greed quickly pressed Wen Feng's shoulder and said, "Don't worry, there will always be a solution to the problem."

"What's the way? Do you rely on our dishes?" Wen Feng asked back.

Mo Greed for a moment, looked at Wen Feng calmly and said, "I think we need to have a good talk."

——————Split line————

On the roof of the teaching building, feeling the oncoming breeze, Mo Greed and took a deep breath.

"Well, what do you want to say?" Wen Feng asked calmly.

"You are not from this world, are you?" Liang Yu asked calmly.

"Hmm?" Wen Feng looked at Mo Gan strangely: "What nonsense are you talking about? I was born and grew up here. How can I become a person who is not in this world?

"Uh..." Mo was stunned for a moment, stroked his forehead with his hand and meditated for a moment and said, "Well, put this question aside first, about what happened to me..."

Wen Feng raised his hand and interrupted Mo Grean: "You don't need to force yourself to speak out..."

"No, I have thought very clearly," Mo Greed and said calmly, "Two months ago, I almost died, but in fact, I am also a little glad that I have such an experience, otherwise I may still be the muddle-headed me, and my life may still be the same.

"Oh?" Wen Feng showed interest.

Don't be greedy about how he met Bai Wei, how he was almost killed by the corrosive liquid spit out by the Kuruni people, and then how he learned about a world he didn't know, how to join the air border, and all subsequent things.

"...We just came back from the world of swords and magic not long ago," Mo Cong took a deep breath. After confessing to his best friend, Mo Cong suddenly felt refreshed.

"That's right..." Wen Feng nodded thoughtfully, neither surprised nor suspicious, as if listening to a short story to relieve boredom.

"Uh...well, don't you want to say something?" Don't ask greedily.

"There is only one problem," Wen Feng held her chin and looked at Mo Cong: "Have you said so much, how does it help me in my current situation?"

Don't be greedy: "...I was talking in my sleep just now, please forget all..." After saying that, he walked to the stairs.

"Isn't the air border bureau stipulated not to interfere with the normal order of the plane? Will you help me deal with the cow's nose and a lot of cow noses behind him? Wen Feng asked doubtfully.

"Naturally, I won't interfere too much with the air border bureau for unrelevant people," Mo said with a grin. "But if it's the manager of the bureau, the situation will be different. Wen Feng, I don't know why you have strange power, and I don't want to know, and our border bureau I don't care about the manager's past. If you want, we welcome you at any time!"

Wen Feng sighed gently and said, "Except for the impure opposite sex (harmonious) communication, I am not interested in other social relationships at all. Friend, you are enough."

"But you need more help." Don't say it seriously.

"I will consider your proposal, but I won't give an answer for the time being..." Wen Feng patted Mo Gree on the shoulder and walked down the stairs.