Pome Star

Chapter 131 Wen Feng joins

Wen Feng slowly opened his eyes and found himself in a strange room.

Huh? Where is this?" Wen Feng thought confusedly, and suddenly a naive and lovely face came into his eyes.

"Xiao Lan, he woke up." Qingjing turned her head and looked at Ziyue and said.

"He should be fine." Lan Xin turned around and said, at this moment, Mo Greed in front of Lan Xin seemed unconsciously, and Lan Xin put Mo Greed on Mo Greed's chest with bright white holy light on her hands.

And aside, Ziyue calmly looked at the book in her hand, and Hongye focused on the empty keyboard, as if she didn't care about it.

"Uh..." Wen Feng sat up, covered his head and asked, "Where am I?"

"The contact point of City X of the Air Border Bureau," Bai Wei looked at Wen Feng and said, "What's the matter with you? How can you fight with the managers of the Order Alliance?"

"We didn't start first," Wen Feng said calmly, "What's wrong with him?"

"He doesn't have a big deal, except for skin trauma, which is just overconsumption," Lan Xin withdrew his hands and wiped his sweat: "It just needs to rest for a while and it's all right."

"It seems that he saved me..." Wen Feng muttered in a low voice and turned around and walked out.

"Hey!" Bai Wei quickly stopped Wen Feng: "What's the matter with you? What's going on?"

Wen Feng stopped and said calmly, "If Mo Wen woke up, tell him that I will wait for his decision." After saying that, Wen Feng strode away from the basement.

"His decision? What decision?" Bai Wei repeated puzzledly.

——————Split line————

After returning home, Wen Feng was restless and his heart was full of hesitation. He wanted to leave, but he felt that he owed something and made him have to stay. In this mood, he hurried by overnight.

The next morning, Wen Feng, who had not slept all night, wanted to wake up. When he went to the bathroom to wash his face, he saw that he had dark circles in the mirror. Wen Feng smiled bitterly and gently rubbed his eyes with his hands, and the dark circles disappeared without a trace.

"Ding Dong!"

The doorbell suddenly rang, and Wen Feng's heartbeat accelerated in an instant, and then turned to open the door.

Outside the door, Mo Greed with a Band-Aid on his face looked at Wen Feng calmly.

Wen Feng slowly lowered his head and seemed to dare not look at Mo Gree.

"I heard that you are waiting for my decision, and I have already decided." Mo Gre said calmly, suddenly pulling up Wenfeng's collar and dragging him out.

"Hey, where are you going to take me?" Wen Feng was dragged by Mo Gre and asked.

"Let's go back to the border and let you become a manager." Don't say it calmly.

"What...but you already know my true identity?" Wen Feng quickly asked.

"In addition to this, do you have anything to hide from me?" Don't ask greedily.

Wen Feng shook his head.

"Then follow me obediently!" Don't say coldly.

"But don't you have any idea? I'm the fox spirit in your mouth!" Wen Feng said loudly.

Mo Greed up Wenfeng and looked at him blankly.

"Uh... In fact, it's half a fox demon, and my father is an ordinary human..." Wen Feng turned her eyes and said.

"Well, there are half-dead zombies in our team, demons, angels, fortune tellers, humanoid computers, and long-eared elves, and I'm a biological solar cell. What about one more half demon?" Mo Gree asked calmly, "Are you worried that someone will be biased against you?"

"Well, that's not..." Wen Feng picked up the white paper fan and suddenly slapped, and a burst of white smoke flashed by. Wen Feng, the original beautiful teenager, turned into a poor fox demon girl.

"They are mainly worried that you bankers will force them to become daughters and do something to teach bad children after knowing their identity, so they don't want to show their identity..." The girl version of Wenfeng said sulkingly.

For the first time, Mo Greede didn't feel a heartbeat of a girl who was absolutely a stunning beauty. Instead, she felt very angry: "Do you know what I hate most in my life? It's not a man or a woman, it's a dead shemale!"

Seeing that Mo Gan raised his fist and was about to smash it down, Wen Feng quickly waved a folding fan to restore the male version of himself: "I can't help it. We fox demons are uncertain for men and women. Only when we break the child skills will we determine the gender, and because I am just a half-demon, I can't change people at will. Shape, can only switch between two fixed images... More importantly, I prefer men in my heart! What I like is beautiful women!"

"Hmm?" Mo Greeden looked at Wen Feng doubtfully: "Have you made so many girlfriends, but haven't you determined your gender yet?"

"I made so many girlfriends just to absorb the essence. At most, I just pull my hands and kiss them, and I'm worried about absorbing too much of a person to damage her health, so I keep changing girlfriends, as I said! I must leave my first time to the person I love the most!" Wen Feng said like a righteous gentleman.

"I haven't found it after paying so much?" Don't ask strangely.

"I can't help it. I actually believe in fate," Wen Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "If one day there is a girl who can make me fall in love at first sight, maybe I will marry her... But I may also be a handsome man. After all, my gender is to be determined. Although my heart is biased towards men, if fate comes... ...First of all, of all the people I know, I have the highest impression of you..."

Don't pull out his gun directly and put it on Wen Feng's forehead: "If you want to become a fox fairy, I can help you become an immortal!"

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, are you kidding," Wen Feng said with a smile, "Don't worry, I will definitely marry the first in the world in the future... No, she is the most beautiful woman in the plane. I envy you so much!"

——————Split line————

Air Border Bureau, Director Ren Jingyu's office.

"Rejected." Ren Jingyu calmly looked at Mo Greed and Wen Feng in front of him and said.

"What?" Mo Gree doesn't seem to be quite clear.

"I said to reject his joining your team," Ren Jingyu said calmly, "It's not impossible to make him a manager, but he can't join your team."

"Why?" Don't ask quickly.

"Your team has recently absorbed several team members, and the number of people is enough," Ren Jingyu said calmly: "And frankly, this boy is too reassuring. You know, those children will be the most dazzling moment in two or three years, and they can't be destroyed in advance."

"But..." Mo Cong also wanted to try to convince Ren Jingyu, but Wen Feng spread a white paper fan to block Mo Cong.

"Let me convince him." Wen Feng looked at Mo Greed and said, "Can you wait for me outside for a while?"

Ren Jingyu looked at Wen Feng with a sneer and said, "Kid, don't underestimate people too much. Anyway, I am also the leader of one of the three major organizations on the plane. In terms of strength, few people can be above me!"

Mo greedily glanced at Wen Feng and said, "Then be careful." Then he walked out of the office.

Wen Feng looked at Ren Jingyu with a playful smile, while Ren Jingyu looked at Wen Feng with his arms crossed with this sarcastic smile, as if he was going to see how Wen Feng planned to convince himself.

Looking at this scene, Mo Qian slowly closed the door of the office and waited outside.

One minute, two minutes... There was no abnormal sound in the office. Don't walk back and forth anxiously.

Five minutes later, the door of the office opened a crack, and the girl version of Wen Feng slipped out of the door with a smile on her face. At this moment, some of her clothes were a little messy, and her shoulders were half exposed, indescribable **.

Don't shed a cold sweat on his forehead, and he has probably guessed how Wen Feng persuaded it.

Wenfeng tidied up his clothes, gently waved the folding fan and restored the man's body, and said with a faint smile, "It's done."

Don't be greedy: "...what about the director..."

"Nosebleeds, too much blood loss, blood transfusion..." Wen Feng left the same place with a smile.