Pome Star

Chapter 149 Light in the Left Hand, Darkness in the Right Hand

The dark sage kept running fast for a long distance. After leaving the woods and coming to the river, his speed slowed down. A blood-red orcman in a white animal cloak stood in front of him.

"Oh, that's the boy, isn't it?" The orc sniffed and said, "Well, that's right, it's the smell of blood. It seems that 80% of it's my credit this time, isn't it?"

The dark sage did not say anything, but threw Mo Gree, who had only one breath left on his shoulder, to the orc.

"Say thank you and you won't die..." The orc complained in a low voice and ran to the base camp of the Scourge Legion.

——————Split line————

The base camp of the Natural Disaster Legion, the fountain of polluted life.

The great lich Kersugard calmly looked at a human teenager soaked in the spring. Although it was a polluted spring of life, the powerful vitality he released was enough to moisten any member of the natural disaster.

Desp, the vitality of the teenager in the spring is still slowly declining.

At this time, a blood elf in a white robe walked to the fountain of life.

"Cal, the summoner," Kersugarde greeted the blood elf, "We all know that in the guards or natural disasters, no one can study the energy elements contained in nature as thoroughly as you do. What can you do for this teenager?"

"Oh, quite powerful energy fluctuations seem to have exceeded the maximum capacity of the container itself," Carl looked at the teenager in the spring and said, "Even so, he can still live... interesting..."

"So you agreed to treat him?" Kersugard asked calmly.

"I agree to accept this specimen for research." Carl corrected.

"What the hell is going on with him?" Kersugard did not refute Carl and asked calmly.

"Obviously, he has the energy of the yang energy and the mutant moon energy of the yang energy," Carl only came to the most accurate conclusion by observing: "It is estimated that an idiot told him that these two energies are opposite, so he needs to maintain balance to avoid pouring to hurt him."

"Isn't it?" Kersugard asked doubtfully.

"Of course not!" Carl shouted, "Moon energy is a variant of yang energy. In the final analysis, it is still yang energy. These two energies cannot coexist at all. Like the positive and negative poles of magnets, positive poles and positive poles repel each other. Only positive and negative poles can attract each other."

"Do you want to say that the energy dumping in his body is not caused by energy opposition?" Kersugard frowned and asked.

"I want to say that the guy who proposed the argument that energy antagonism will overw this is an idiot!" Carl said disdainfully, "Only similar energy can cause conflicts!" The same energy will attract and stabilize each other because of its wonderful antagonism... Of course, there will also be guys who can't coordinate the two energies and cause energy explosions..."

Kersugard looked at Carl doubtfully and said, "To be honest, I just heard an argument that can be said to be against common sense. Do you have any evidence?"

Carl calmly spread out his hands. His left hand was a burning fireball, while his right hand was an ice ball with great cold air.

"Oh..." Kersugard smiled awkwardly: "I forgot you... Please continue..."

"So there is only one way to completely cure this boy," Carl turned his head and looked at Mo Greed and said, "He has the purest element of light representing divine light, the energy of yang, and its opposite is the energy of the moon..."

"Wait a minute!" Kersugard immediately interrupted Carl's words: "You just said that the energy of the moon is a variant of the energy of yang, right? Why did it become the opposite again?"

"Don't you know the so-called dark side of the moon?" Carl said with a proud smile, "The sun and the moon cover the earth day and night respectively. They are the most fierce competitors in the sky. It's not wrong to say that they are on opposite sides. It's not wrong that the moon's light comes from the sun, but it's just facing our direction, and the moon is around. While rotating around the planet, it does not rotate itself, but swings left and right. We can only see about 57%, so what about its back? There is the dark element that really contains the mysterious moon energy from the moon itself!"

"Oh?" Kersugard showed an interested expression: "So, so what are you going to do?"

"I can't do anything about this," Carl shrugged his shoulders and said, "Although I have studied all the energy elements, I have not mastered all the elements."

Kersugad: "...What the hell is this guy doing here..."

"If I can't solve it, it doesn't mean that I don't know who can solve it," Carl turned around and strode away, "Go to the night demon king Parana. For how to draw pure dark elements from the moon to strengthen yourself, even the moon knight of the Guards and the priestess of the moon are not as good as him."

——————Split line————

"Why should I help this guy get pure dark elements?" Balana, the night demon king, looked at Mo Greed in the spring of life with an unhappy expression and asked.

"This is the order of Lord Lich King." Kersugard said calmly.

"Cut!" Barana curled his lips. Although he seemed to be unconvinced by the new young Lich King, he did not dare to object. He directly fished Mo Grean out of the spring of life, but when he put his hand on Mo Grean's chest, his original unhappy expression suddenly swept away and became extremely serious.

"What's wrong?" Kersugard asked quickly.

"The energy of the moon contained in this guy is so pure! It's all biased towards light nature. As long as it is slightly purified, it is the purest dark element..." Parana said as if he had found some treasure, "And the energy in this guy's body has exceeded his maximum, but despite this, he did not die by the explosion supported by energy... ...I probably know why the Lich King ordered to save this guy. He is definitely a genius!"

"Oh, isn't it?" Kersugard did not show an unexpected expression and seemed to have known it for a long time: "Let me remind you that if you don't start to treat him, that genius will die in your hands..."

"Oh, of course, of course." Barana nodded, closed his eyes and raised his hands high. The originally sunny sky turned into a gloomy night, and a blood-red moon hung on the edge of the sky.

Barana bent down and put his hands on Mo Grean's chest. A moment later, Mo Grean's body actually lit up light blue moonlight, but these lights quickly turned into light spots, floating away from his body like fireflies. After a moment, Mo Grean's pale blue light turned into black light...

In just a moment, Parana was already sweating. He breathlessly removed his hand from Mo Greed's chest and whispered, "... Huh, I haven't done such a tired life for a long time... This boy purified and compressed the energy of the moon in his body. Now this boy has the purest dark elements. However, someone must solve the element of light in his body, otherwise the elemental imbalance will definitely kill the boy.

"Leave the rest to me." Carl, the summoner, came back somehow: "And this boy's skin seems to be a little strange, and he has to make a little change..."

"Oh, isn't it? Then I'll leave it to you. I need to have a good rest for a while..." Barana stood up and staggered away from the place, and then the sky returned to normal, still a sunny sky.

"Are you going to peel off the light element in his body?" Kersugard asked calmly.

"Peeling? Why should I do such a stupid thing? Ice and fire alone make me have such a powerful power. I want to see how far this boy who is integrated with light and darkness can go..." Carl said with a mysterious smile: "The left hand is bright, and the right hand is dark... Is it both good and evil? This boy's future path will also be very interesting..."