Pome Star

Chapter 158 Remembrance

(Level 4 today...you know...TvT...)

Calm classroom, calm days, just like the high school years I have spent, are repeated every day.

But Mo Gre is very clear about the unrest hidden in a peaceful life.

It has been 5 days, and I just go to and from school peacefully every day. The days don't seem to have changed at all. The only thing that has changed is perhaps the mood of several people in the team.

The task is limited to 30 days. If you don't collect enough rings at that time, your existence will be erased.

Especially for some reason, Mo Gan's filial piety to his parents has been increasing day by day in the past two days, and the tragic old age of the two elderly who have not been taken care of always flashed in his mind, as if the lingering shadow is about to torture Mo Gan.

And such thoughts also exist in other people in the team. Liang Yu's cold and calm heart is surrounded by the revenge heart buried in his heart. If he can't survive, his father's revenge will not be repaid, and he will not close his eyes.

Other people also have their own thoughts. Everyone's heart always flashes those who are most important to them. If they can't live, everything will be far away from them.

Looking at Liang Yu sitting in front of him in class, Mo greedy flashed an inexplicable impulse from time to time, but Mo greedy immediately suppressed his thoughts.

Compared with his inner impulse, Mo Grean feels a faint dissonance with this situation in addition to disgust. I don't know why he always feels a sense of discord when he has impulse to others, as if he has done a very wrong thing.

"If there is something wrong with me, then there must be something wrong with my memory!" Mo Greed and said to himself, but he couldn't remember more things no matter how he recalled it. Everything seemed to be like this...

The task is carried out on the 10th day.

There is still no other ring holder, repeating going to and from school every day.

During this period, the team had an internal meeting and planned to take the initiative to find other ring holders, but because they did not know where the other ring holders were, the team had to give up their plans.

Mo Gre is still looking for memories of everything in his memory. Why do he have a familiar feeling about Liang Yu and Ziyue, but he doesn't have any memories of them.

On the way home from school, Mo greedy and Wen Feng chatted while walking.

"I think you should notice that the atmosphere is getting stiffer and stiffer." Wen Feng said calmly.

"I know that after all, time keeps passing, and we don't get anything." Mo sighed greedily and said.

"You should be more careful than looking for the ring holder." Wen Feng whispered.

Mo Nem was silent for a moment, and his parents quickly flashed in his mind, and then he nodded gently.

At this time, a black Mercedes-Benz stopped beside the two people on the roadside, and the glass of the back window of the car slowly fell. The face of Wang Tianjun, the boss of the "Ice Blue Dynasty" was exposed.

"Little brother, long time no see." Wang Tianjun said kindly that when he saw Mo Grean in the car just now, he seemed to have changed something compared with the last time he saw Mo Grean, and the handsome girl-like teenager beside him was also not mortal.

"Hmm?" Mo looked at Wang Tianjun doubtfully: "Are you..."

"Ha ha, little brother won't be so forgetful..." Wang Tianjun said with some unpleament in his heart. There is nothing more embarrassing than greeting each other like an acquaintance.

"Sorry, I really can't remember who you are. Recently, there seems to be something wrong with my memory." Mo Greed bitterly and said, "Can you give me a hint?"

Wang Tianjun didn't look like Mo Gree, so he asked tentatively, "Do you still remember the Ice Blue Dynasty?"

"Ice Blue Dynasty?" Mo Greed doubtfully, and suddenly felt that something seemed to flash in his memory. He seemed to have made a scene in a nightclub before, and then a girl's figure flashed through his mind...

Mo Conggan suddenly felt a sharp pain coming from his brain. He knelt down on the ground in pain and covered his head with his hand. The pain was reduced a little, but when Mo Cong tried to recall the picture and the girl, the sharp pain would intensify.

"What's wrong with you?" Wen Feng quickly asked with concern, but Mo Gree couldn't speak in pain.

"Little brother, what's wrong with you? Are you all right?" Wang Tianjun also came out of the car and asked strangely.

Mo Greed didn't listen to what the two were saying at this moment. Although the girl Mo Greedy did not recall who it was, Mo Greed knew that she was the key, perhaps the key to recovering her lost memory.

But his brain seems to reject this memory very much. Whenever he thinks of it, the sharp pain will make him have a headache. Although Mo Greed sometimes shows the potential of a tough man, Mo Greed doesn't want to bear this inexplicable pain anymore.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute..." Mo Greed and stood up for breath and thought. Although he hadn't remembered who the girl was, the girl's figure had been deeply imprinted in his mind and could not be expelled.

"Well, no matter who she is," Mo thought, "What did I do to the nightclub with her that night..."

This time, Mo Gree didn't feel a splitting headache. It seemed that he would directly recall that the girl would make herself suffer, but recalling things related to her will not.

"What on earth are you going to do... What are you going to do..." Mo Greed constantly, and suddenly a picture flashed in his mind, which seemed to be a warehouse.

"I remember!" Mo Greed loudly and quickly stopped a taxi. At the same time, he did not forget to say to Wang Tianjun, "Thank you, boss."

Wang Tianjun looked at Mo Gree inexplicably and whispered to himself, "It's still the same as before. He's a kid who can't see through at a glance..."

Wen Feng followed Mo to get on the bus and asked strangely, "Where are you going?"

"Don't talk, just follow me." Don't say greedily.

The taxi took Mo Gree to the warehouse where he met the thousand-year-old corpse king with Liang Yu.

At this moment, there is still no one near the warehouse. Mo Cong and Wen Feng sneaked into one of the warehouses. Unlike before, the goods in the warehouse have been empty and empty.

Mo Yan stood in the middle of the warehouse and kept scanning around. He seemed to think of something, but he couldn't remember anything.

"What are you doing?" Wen Feng asked strangely.

"Wait a minute... I'm about to recall it, and it's almost time..." Mo Greed repeatedly, and a scene of a fierce battle flashed faintly in his mind, but the figure fighting side by side with him could not be remembered anyway.

"Don't be greedy, I think we should go back, and there are more important things waiting for us to do." Wen Feng said calmly.

"I'm really sorry, you can't go back..." A strange teenager's voice suddenly came from the side. Mo Cong and Wen Feng hurriedly looked at the source of the sound, but saw a black-haired young man appear in front of them.

Mo Cong and Wen Feng instantly focused their eyes on the index finger of the teenager's right hand.

That's a golden ring...