Pome Star

Chapter 160 Campus Chaos

Mo Greed slowly opened his eyes and found himself lying on his sofa.

"Wake up?" Wen Feng's voice came from the side. At this moment, he was sitting on the sofa next to him and looking at himself: "I ordered takeaway. You should be hungry, right?"

"Uh... there is indeed a little bit..." Mo stroked the empty stomach and sat up.

On the table, a gold ring is shining brightly.

"Hmm..." Mo greedy blinked, and suddenly a scene in the warehouse was printed into his mind, but his memory was only that the black-haired teenager kicked him away, and then he didn't remember anything.

"So, we won..." Mo Greed his head and said.

"as you can see." Wen Feng said with a takeaway.

"Although your boy always says that you are not good at using violence, I think your strength is not bad..." Mo Greed and said, "That boy's close combat ability is quite outstanding, but he still lost to you."

"Don't you remember what happened at that time?" Wen Feng looked at Mo greedily and asked doubtfully.

"Well, my memory has been interrupted since I was kicked away by that boy." Mo Greed his shoulders and said, "What happened after that? You won't kill him, will you?"

"That boy is so bad that he almost died..." Wen Feng said calmly.

"Really..." Mo said thoughtfully, "I don't know why, there seems to be an inexplicable impulse in my body. If I hadn't lost consciousness at the beginning, maybe I would have really aimed at the teenager's forehead and pulled the trigger... Is it because of our experience that will lead to such a big change in our minds? Change..."

Wen Feng shook the white paper fan and did not answer Mo Gree's question. He knew that Mo Gree would not deceive himself, but how to explain the crazy appearance at that time...

"Since the ring has arrived, we don't need to discuss its original owner too much," Wen Feng said calmly, "Let's discuss how to deal with this ring..."

"Huh? How to deal with it? What does this mean? Don't look at Wen Feng puzzledly.

"Don't forget that there are 7 people in total," Wen Feng shook the white paper fan and said, "Don't suffer from poverty and inequality. Who should this ring be assigned to?"

"Uh..." Mo was stunned for a moment and didn't know how to answer for a moment.

"So, don't tell others that we have got a ring." Wen Feng said calmly. He stood up and put the ring in Mo's hand: "Take good care of this ring first and be careful. The danger will be greater in the future..."

Don't look at Wen Feng, and there is an inexplicable emotion in his heart. You should know that the ring represents the hope of life. The more rings you get can you be more likely to survive, but Wen Feng gave himself the ring he "graced"...

"It's very late. I think I should go back too." Wen Feng stood up and walked out.

Don't look at Wen Feng's back and think silently in his heart.

"Friends for a lifetime..."

——————Split line————

At night, don't lie quietly on your **, thinking about what happened during the day.

Seeing Wang Tianjun remind himself of something more, he vaguely remembered that there had been a fierce battle in the warehouse before. He fought side by side with a man, but the opponent's strength was too strong and he was finally defeated...

Mo, who was restless and unable to sleep, got up and turned on the TV casually. At this moment, the nostalgic theater of this channel is broadcasting the movie Mr. Zombie made in Hong Kong at the end of the 20th century.

Mo Cong felt that something seemed to flash through his mind. He looked at the zombies on TV, but his brain was running fast.

Suddenly, a somewhat arrogant back crossed his mind, and Mo Gree clearly remembered that this person was a semi-zombie body.

In reality, an indifferent figure and the figure in memory gradually coincide. When the two completely coincide, the feeling of a splitting headache once again filled the brain, as if something in my mind was preventing me from recalling these memories.

Mo Greed his head and knelt down on the sofa. He quickly recalled some trivial things, and the pain slowly weakened and eventually disappeared.

Breathing and getting up, Mo Cong felt that he had recalled something. Although he only recalled one person, Mo Cong vaguely guessed that there were still memories of others in the depths of his memory, otherwise he would not have a sense of déjà vu when he saw them.

But who is it and why do you want to tamp on our memory..." Mo Greed in a low voice. After being tortured by the pain, he was so tired that he fell down and fell asleep in his **...

The next day, school.

"Morning, Liang Yu." Mo Greed Liang Yu, who met at the school gate, greeted him with a smile.

"Hmm?" A trace of doubt flashed in Liang Yu's eyes. Yesterday, he could only see doubt and alertness in his eyes, but today he can only see sincerity and friendliness. If it hadn't been for this person's huge change in thinking overnight, then his acting would have been seamless and flawless.

"Morning." Liang Yu said calmly that there were no more mood swings because of Mo Gree's goodwill.

"Is there still no trace of other ring holders?" Don't come to Liang Yu's side and ask.

"No." Liang Yu replied simply.

"11 days have passed, and it can't go on like this..." Mo sighed greedily and said helplessly.

Liang Yu suddenly stopped and distanced himself from Mo Grean, who continued to walk forward: "If you have anything, please say it directly."

Huh? What did you say? Don't look at Liang Yu strangely and ask.

"If you want the ring in my hand, just grab it with your own ability." Liang Yu said coldly.

"Uh... I think you misunderstood..." Mo Lian quickly raised his hands to indicate that he was not malicious.

"What's wrong?" At this moment, Wen Feng, who had just arrived at school, ran over after seeing this and stood beside Mo greedy: "What do you want to do?"

"Why don't you say what you want to do?" Raj, who covered his ears with a hat, suddenly rushed out of the school students and stood behind Liang Yu.

The atmosphere suddenly became stiff.

"Calm down, everyone calm down, this is just a misunderstanding..." Mo Greed quickly said loudly.

"Ah——————!" At this moment, several women screamed from the campus, and then the crowd in front of them was in a mess.

The four people looked at each other and ran forward.

In the chaotic central area, a boy pressed on another girl and exposed his true self in public as if he could not control the impulse of puberty, but the four immediately changed their views, because they clearly saw the red blood stains in the woman. Slowly spread out under the body...

The boy who was the murderer suddenly turned his head. At this moment, his face was stained with blood, as if he was crazy, but what surprised them more was that at this moment, the boy's eyes were blind and his eyes turned up, as if he had no consciousness at all.

The next moment, the boy threw down a girl next to him who was scared and unable to escape on the ground, and opened his blood basin and bit her.

What's strange is that the first girl who should have been attacked and should have been lifeless slowly stood up, looked around with godless eyes, and slowly raised her hands...