Pome Star

Chapter 184 Closing of the Exchange Conference

With the fire that soared into the sky, everything was over.

However, at this moment, everyone's situation is not much better. Mo Greed, who is seriously overdrawn energy and is on the verge of collapse. Liang Yu, who used his excessive potential, also lost consciousness as if his arms were useless at this moment. Lajie and Wen Feng were also seriously injured, and Ziyue suffered minor injuries. Lan Xin kept healing magic for everyone. It was also almost exhausted. Although Hongye was not injured, her robot housekeeper had been completely destroyed, at least temporarily losing most of her ability to protect herself.

Wen Feng slowly stood up and laboriously walked to Mo's side, looked at Lan Xin, who used the holy light technique to Mo's, and asked, "What's wrong with him?"

"What?" Lan asked puzzledly.

"Have you seen Mo Grean's appearance just now? I felt that something had happened to Mo Grean before. What happened to you and Mo Grean during the special training session before the exchange meeting?" Wen Feng asked calmly.

"Well, Lan Xin, Lan Xin doesn't know..." Lan Xin turned his head aside and whispered.

"Lan Xin, I'm Mo Greed's best friend, so can you tell me what happened?" Wen Feng asked in an aggravated tone.

"Lan Xin, Lan Xin really don't know..." Lan Xin said aggrievedly and said what had happened in the parallel world before: "... After that, Lan Xin left, and Lan Xin didn't know what happened after that."

"Is the death sentence imposed by the Guards Legion..." Wen Feng whispered to himself, "Is it possible that those guys did something on Mo Gree..."

"It's all Lan Xin's fault. If Lan Xin hadn't asked Mo Greed to collect herbs..." Lan Xin began to blame himself.

"Don't blame yourself," Wen Feng said lightly, "If it's this fool, he will always do something wrong."

Liang Yu first observed Lajie's situation, then walked to Bai Wei and bent down to try to wake her up.

"Hmm..." Bai Wei slowly opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was Liang Yu's indifferent face.

"Liang Yu!" Bai Wei quickly got up and hugged Liang Yu gently: "I knew that you would come to save me!"

"Uh..." Liang Yu looked at Bai Wei in surprise and was not used to her behavior: "Actually, Mo is the one who wants to save you most..."

"Where's the perverted guardian?" Bai Wei looked around and asked.

"Don't worry, if the heart is pierced by the dragon soul and it's still okay, then we should have a dialogue in heaven at this moment." Liang Yu said calmly.

"You defeated him? I knew Liang Yu that you would defeat him!" Bai Wei said happily.

"Well, in fact, I just gave the last one..." Liang Yu said quickly, but at this moment, Bai Wei had stood up and looked at the crowd and said, "Are you all right?"

"Maybe it can't be described as nothing..." Liang Yu whispered.

And Hongye stood in front of the light screen that still kept in touch with the headquarters of the Air Border Bureau and said calmly, "I think you can see what just happened there..."

——————Split line————

Ren Jingyu jumped out of the battle circle as soon as he received the news and stopped fighting with Lei Wulong.

"What's wrong, boy?" Lei Wulong looked at Ren Jingyu coldly and asked.

"Nothing, I just feel that it's almost time to end all this." Ren Jingyu said calmly, gently moving his shoulder and said, "It's been a long time since I've moved my body so happily. Thank you, senior."

"You're welcome. I haven't played so happily for a long time." Lei Wulong said calmly and issued an order to all the guardians to stop fighting.

Almost all hunters were ordered to stop fighting and evacuate quickly at the same time, and Murong Yushi, president of the Hunters Association, had left the earth with a group of elite hunters.

"Is this the end? President? Have we planned for so long and paid such a big loss, but nothing has been returned? An elite hunter asked unwillingly.

"That's what happens in the business field. There are profitable deals, and there will also be deals that lose money. This time, although I expected everything, I still miscalculated the power of one party. I didn't expect that they would still stand still with such a good opportunity..." Murong Yushi said faintly.

"Hmm?" The elite hunter looked at Murong Yu doubtfully, but still said unwillingly, "President, let's just fight again..."

"Have you forgotten Article 7 of the rules of the Association of Hunters?" Murong Yu suddenly asked coldly.

"... When the task is against the wind or fails, you must calm down immediately. Mistakes will affect people's emotions and make mistakes continuously, thus affecting the follow-up task or the next task. I'm too impulsive, president." The elite hunter lowered his head and said.

"After all, the air boundary bureau is the most powerful organization in our three plane organizations. It can't be destroyed by a simple action or two... It will be long in the future. Sooner or later, we will control the plane channel." Murong Yushi said faintly with a confident smile.

——————Split line————

In the end, the annual newcomer exchange conference of the three major organizations ended in this way. Whether it is the hunters' association that launched a conspiracy or the order alliance that wants fishermen to take advantage of the fire, no one has received any substantial benefits, and the situation of three-legged and mutual restraint has not been broken.

In contrast, in addition to making the earth shabby, the three organizations have also lost a large number of newcomers and many excellent senior managers, hunters or guardians. Although the medical technology across the plane is very developed, the energy laws used in each plane are also different, and the loss is irreparable.

However, compared with the Hunters Association and Order Alliance, the mess left by the empty border is much more than that. It is a huge task to restore the earth from its current shabby state to its original state...

"Ah~ah, it is troublesome that there are no institutions that shelter souls such as hell, underworld, and hell," Ren Jingyu couldn't help complaining in a low voice when dealing with the mess. In addition to destroying a large number of objects, more ordinary people died in the chaos.

"Let's use cell recovery technology and use the cells they left behind to restore their original body." Ren Jingyu finally decided to do so.

"Although from a general point of view, this does create yourself, but strictly speaking, it only creates a different person in exactly the same order of molecules. Is this really okay?" The head of the medical department of the Air Border Bureau looked at Ren Jingyu and asked.

"I also want to use resurrection, but there is no soul law in this plane." Ren Jingyu said helplessly, "That's it."

"Yes." The person in charge left the office calmly.

"Wow..." Ren Jingyu sighed: "The restoration of the earth, the resurrection of the dead and the elimination of memory... So many things are at a time when the bureau is short of manpower..."

As Ren Jingyu said, because the exchange meeting lost a large number of managers, at this time, all the managers in the bureau were busy working on the restoration of the earth, and even many surviving newcomers were entrusted with many tasks. Only Team 9 of Group Z was rarely approved by Ren Jingyu for 3 days. After vacation, they must also work hard for the restoration of the earth - after all, it is a time of shortage of manpower.

At this time, in the lounge of Team 9, Raj was looking at his left arm that had grown again with cellular technology, as if he was afraid of losing it again.

Ziyue is still reading the novel calmly. Lan Xin is studying therapy, while Hongye is using the data collected by the first machine to develop and design the second-generation robot. Liang Yu is carefully looking at the research books on energy borrowed from the space bureau library. Wen Feng, Bai Wei and Qingjing are also doing their own hobbies. .

After the exchange meeting, everyone also recovered their lost memories, and after this incident, the trust between them has increased a lot more than before.

At this moment, although the lounge is quiet, there is an indescribable harmonious atmosphere.

"Well, I always feel that something is missing..." Bai Wei suddenly said.

"Does Xiaowei feel anything missing?" Qingjing asked curiously.

"Well, but what's missing..." Bai Wei thought carefully and said, "That's right, don't be greedy?"

Wen Feng suddenly broke out in a cold sweat: "Did you notice it now... Don't be greedy, because the injury is more serious than ours, so it should be the latest to leave the medical room."

"But he should have come back a long time ago. Why hasn't he come back yet?" Bai Wei asked strangely.

Wen Feng: "This..."

At this time, the parallel plane, the world of martial arts, the top of Wudang Mountain.

Mo's hands slowly drew a circle in the air, and a Taiji yin and yang pattern flashed by, and then his hands slowly put down, and his mood was unprecedented peace.

"Well, it's almost time to go back."