Pome Star

Chapter 186 Repair Work

"Although I arranged the itinerary, the whole earth is now shabby, and there are no scenic spots to go..." Walking in the corridor of the headquarters of the Space Bureau, Mo Greed down and meditated.

At this time, Mo Grean's mobile phone rang. Mo Grean answered the phone, but came from Bai Wei's dissatisfied voice: "Mo Grean, where are you now?"

"Me? What's wrong with the headquarters of the Air and Border Bureau?

"We are almost too busy here. Why are you so embarrassed to stay at the headquarters?" Bai Wei asked loudly.


"Come back to X City quickly." After saying that, Bai Wei hung up the phone.

Don't sighed helplessly and put away the phone.

"What's wrong?" Xing Meng looked at Mo and asked greedily.

"The first trip will take you to visit the work of the manager of the Space and Border Bureau." Don't say with a sincere face.

——————Split line————

When returning to the contact point through any door, only Tianfeng was sitting leisurely in the store reading magazines.

"Why are you so leisurely?" Mo Greeden couldn't help asking.

"After all, I'm a liaison officer. The task is to be ready to deal with emergencies at any time, so I can't leave my post casually," Tianfeng put down the magazine and turned his head and said, "By the way, you boy, go to work quickly..." Tianfeng's words stopped abruptly, and his eyes were bigger than eggs.

"Hello." Xing Meng said with a friendly smile that she had long been accustomed to such a scene.

Tianfeng grabbed Mo Greed and dragged him to the corner of the room: "That, that, that, that's Mary Lu, the cosmic idol, who is definitely her?!"

"Yes, what's the problem?" Don't ask strangely.

Tianfeng pushed Mo greedy aside, then quickly sorted out his hairstyle and clothes, and walked to Xing Meng with an excited face and said, "Miss Menglian, in fact, I am a loyal fan of yours. I didn't expect to see you today. Can you sign a name for me?"

"Eh?" Mo greedy looked at Tianfeng in surprise, but he didn't expect that in addition to Bai Wei, even Tianfeng worshipped Xingmeng so much.

"Of course." Xingmeng said with a smile, looking calm and gentle.

"Uh..." Tianfeng was at a loss looking for something that could be signed, and first found a book of "Jin ○ Mei" from the bottom of the counter.

"Huh? Whose book is this? Tianfeng immediately threw it aside and turned out a copy of "○ Pu Tuan"

Huh? It's really strange. When did so many boring things come out? Tianfeng reluctantly smiled and continued to turn over, and this time it was a playboy.

"Ah! I remember that there is still something urgent to do. I'm really sorry!" Tianfeng suddenly said loudly, and then hurried away from Xingmeng, walked around the back of the bookshelf and suddenly knelt down to the ground: "...The image is completely destroyed..."

Don't be greedy: "...let's go first."

"Your friend is a little strange." Xing Meng glanced at the gloomy back of the sky and said, and the latter took out a lighter and burned the book blankly.

"...that guy is not my friend..." Mo whispered greedily.

Walking on the street, Mo Rune found that most of the buildings had been repaired as before and had not been repaired. The managers of the Air Border Bureau were carrying out the restoration ray gun to repair the object. I have to say that this future high-tech product is too suitable for repairing objects, but it cannot be repaired. Objects of life.

In addition to the senior managers who carry out repair operations, Mo Beni also sees some new managers running back and forth. In addition to restoring the city to the previous appearance, using cell technology to make the dead perfectly * out, they also need to eliminate all their memories of this period. That is to completely restore the whole earth to what it looked like before the exchange conference... Of course, the passage of time is irreparable.

The only strange thing is that there was no pedestrian on the street. Mo Cong and Xingmeng gradually saw people when they came near the square in the city center, and then they found that there were more and more people. It seemed that the survivors of the whole city were gathered here. People were full of voices and excited. This kind of scene only had to avoid the earthquake collectively. That's when it should appear.

Mo Greed soon found a small number of senior managers and many new managers responsible for maintaining order in the crowd, but because the number of ordinary people was too large, they seemed to be a little busy.

"You finally came..." Wen Feng suddenly came out of the crowd. When he saw Mo's star dream beside him, he showed some surprise, but he immediately returned to normal: "Don't you want to explain anything?"

"Ah, this is Xingmeng, Xingmeng, he is my best friend Wen Feng." Don't give a brief introduction.

"Hello." Xing Meng took the initiative to stretch out her hand and said kindly. Wen Feng shook hands politely and said to Mo Cong, "Although it's not polite to interrupt other people's appointments, it's really not a leisurely time. The shortage of manpower is really busy."

Xing Meng's smile suddenly became brighter when he heard Wen Feng's words, and Mo Greed quickly defended, "Well, we are not..."

"It's up to you." Wen Feng shook his head and said, "Yes, this is a portable candy maker. If you see the children crying later, you will distribute them a few."

"Can you ask what we are doing first?" Mo asked doubtfully, "Why do you want to gather people together?"

"After all, the repair work is not over yet. After all, it is so convenient to repair the work, and you can't start to eliminate ordinary people's memories now, otherwise it's meaningless," Wen Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "The director is worried that there will be fish that have not been eliminated, and he is afraid of what these people who still retain their previous painful memories will do. It's out of line, so gather these people together and do an accurate census to make sure that there will be no fish out of the net, and at the same time appease their emotions... Any task is enough to cause headaches..."

Don't be greedy for the chaotic crowd. Indeed, these people who survived the chaos of the previous exchange meeting have lost their parents, some have lost their children, and some have lost their beloved partners. The only reason why there is no * is that managers are like Superman to them. Existence, in the face of irresistible things, human beings always choose to accept it.

Managers gather these people together, use all plane technology to meet the needs of these people as much as possible, completely cure the survivors' injuries with superb medical means, provide them with food and water, soothe their injured hearts and ensure that their dead relatives will be returned.

At the beginning, these people obeyed the manager's arrangement out of fear. After all, they were deeply impressed by the earth-shaking battles at the previous exchange conference, but after a few days of getting along with each other, the survivors became familiar with these managers and were afraid. The heart gradually disappears. After all, fear comes from the unknown. Once you understand what you are afraid of, you will not be afraid.

After the fear disappeared, the survivors soon realized the convenience brought by these "superman" superpowers. For example, the tent where the survivors rested is like a huge soap bubble. The bubbles can be adjusted to various colors, and they can't see inside outside. They can also float off the ground. A few meters away, such an interesting tent was almost immediately accepted by the survivors and they were happy.

There is also food. Advanced food makers can make delicious food of any taste. Survivors feel addicted to food made by food makers after their initial worry about hunger strike. After all, apples with steak taste are not available everywhere.

Humans are such a creature that can quickly adapt to any good or harsh environment, especially the former adapts very quickly. After the fear of managers disappears, the requirements of survivors gradually increase.

"Hey, you, I'm tired of playing the game console. Can you find me some other entertainment tools?"

"Who is that? Here's an ice cream."

"My clothes are dirty. Please wash them for me. Ah, you must dry clean them."

Wenfeng clenched his left hand and was about to bleed: "Sometimes I wonder if I should beat these guys. Anyway, I will erase their memory soon..."

Don't be greedy and don't know what to say for a moment. Looking at other new managers is about to reach the limit, especially the energy around some senior managers has begun to fluctuate violently, but ordinary people can't notice it at all...

"Nothing will happen if it goes on like this..." Mo whispered greedily, but when he turned around, he suddenly found that Xingmeng was missing.

"Hmm?" Don't be shocked and quickly looked around.

At this time, a sweet song came to Mo Gree's ear.