Pome Star

Chapter 199 Dangerous Escape

"There are still 10 minutes before the destruction of the base. Please evacuate immediately." The beautiful female synthesis sounded again.

"Hey! There is not enough time!" A pirate shouted.

"Cut! We don't have time to fool around with these guys. Let's retreat!" Another pirate immediately answered.

"But there are still some treasures that have not been finished..." The third pirate looked at the remaining treasures reluctantly and said.

"I don't have time to care so much. As long as this kind of thing can survive, there is as much as it needs. Hurry up!" The fourth pirate said commandingly.

The pirates who fought with Mo Cong and others rushed to the exit, but their retreat was not chaotic at all. They left the vault in an orderly manner. At the same time, the people in the last hall used laser guns to suppress crossfire, making Mo Cong and others unable to keep up. When the last pirate walked out of the vault, the exit of the vault was violent. The explosion completely collapsed in the loud noise.

"Oh, damn it!" Raj looked at the collapsed exit and shouted.

PX-0's eyes flashed red and said calmly, "Please follow me!" Then run to the big hole they had opened in the wall before.

Mo Cong and others quickly ran with PX-0 and did not forget to bring Hegula, who was still frozen in the ice.

Quickly crossed the corridor, Mo Cong and others at the corner met several girls, and the two sides joined together and ran forward together with little hesitation.

"Oh, all the staff are here. It seems that there is nothing to worry about." Wen Feng gently tapped the palm of his hand with a white paper fan and said.

"But you can really start the self-destruction program of this base." Raj looked at Bai Wei and others in disbelief and said.

"We didn't start the self-destruct program." Bai Wei shook her head and said.

"Hmm?" Raj looked at Bai Wei unexpectedly.

"So it is." Liang Yu nodded calmly.

"Ah, Xingmeng, I finally saw you again. Are you all right?" Bai Wei came to Xingmeng and asked.

"I'm fine, thank you." Xingmeng shook her head and said softly.

At this time, the PX-0, who ran at the front, said loudly, "If you don't have enough energy and need help, please take out all your strength to attack the wall in front of you!" After saying that, PX-0 opened his mouth wide, and a thick laser beam shot out of his mouth.

Mo Greed up his two guns and quickly mobilized the energy in his body, and pulled the trigger when the muzzle emitted light.

Liang Yu quickly gathered dead air, and then the dragon soul emitted waves of unknown black fog, and Liang Yu's breath also became dangerous. When he felt that he was about to get out of control, the gun air wrapped in strong death flew out.

Rajie pulled the bowstring of the sandalwood bow to the extreme, and then a wolf tooth arrow flew out like a meteor.

Four means of attack bombarded the wall of the T-shaped corridor. The alloy wall was directly opened in an instant, and the outside of the big hole was a wide air port.

When everyone ran out, the air port that had been full of spaceships was empty at this moment. In the distance, the last spaceship was slowly taking off, and the sky was full of ascending ships.

"There are still 3 minutes before the base is destroyed." A beautiful female synthesis came again from the base channel behind her.

"We are dead." Charens said in despair.

"Come with me!" Mo Yuan, who seemed to be deliberately at the end of the team, suddenly said, and then ran in the other direction.

Mo Greed almost without hesitation followed Mo Yuan, and everyone looked at Mo Yuan's back doubtfully and followed Mo Greed her.

After a burst of rush, Mo Gree and others came to the back of a warehouse outside the airport, where a small spaceship was parked.

"Royal Betis!" Mo Ren and Charens shouted out in one voice. Obviously, Mo Yuan left Charence's private fleet in this ship.

Everyone quickly ran into the spacecraft. As soon as they entered the cab, the hologram immediately jumped out: "Oh, welcome back, beautiful lady, I've been waiting for you for a long time... Hey! Why are you a robber here?

Mo Greed without hesitation pulled out his two guns and pointed them at the cockpit: "Drive the boat, okay?"

"Listen to me, my master." The holographic image bowed respectfully and said.

When the spacecraft began to slowly accelerate and take off, the base sounded a beautiful female voice again: "One minute before the base is destroyed, and the final countdown begins, 58, 57..."

"There is still half a minute before the base is destroyed." PX-0 said expressionlessly.

"Can it be faster?" Raj looked at the holographic image and asked.

"I've done my best, boy!" The holographic image shouted, "I don't want to hang up than you idle people!"

"Oh?" Hongye stared at the rich holographic image, and his eyes gradually showed some curiosity and fanaticism.

"3, 2, 1... destroy the program, start."


A burst of fire in the center of the base instantly enveloped the whole base. The sky-high flame pushed the Royal Betis into the sky with heat waves. Then, there was a violent explosion all over the planet. The next moment, the small planet exploded violently!

The flames and heat waves generated by the explosion seem to be chasing the Royal Betis. At this moment, the holographic image seems to have tried its best. The energy reactor is almost overloaded. Unprecedented flames spewed out of the spacecraft's propeller, and the Royal Betis flew across the starry sky like a meteorite.

At the critical moment, the Royal Betis escaped from the range of the explosion and looked at the small planet behind it that had turned into cosmic dust, and everyone couldn't help but be happy.

If the planet is not as small as an uninhabited island in the earth's sea, the power generated by the planet explosion is that the Royal Betis will not be able to escape in a limited time, and the explosion of an overmassive planet is likely to produce a series of reactions such as black holes.

The happiness of the rest of his life after the disaster is shrouded in everyone's heart, but the personnel of Team 9 such as Mo Gree have recovered much faster. After all, they have experienced many similar things.

Mo Yuan walked to Mo Greed and said, "Now we are even."

"The ring can't be returned to you." Mo greed shook his head and said, "At least until I figure out what it does."

"Do you just want to know me that much?" Mo Yuan asked with a smile.

"Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will not be defeated in a hundred battles." Mo shrugged his shoulders and said, "In case you don't sell it again one day... You won't be calculating how to cheat the ring back now, are you?"

"How come? So if you want, you can keep it." Mo Yuan said with a smile.

At this time, Xing Meng walked to Mo Cong. From just now, she saw that Mo Cong and Mo Yuan seemed to talk and laugh. She suddenly found that there seemed to be many girls around Mo Cong... enough to become her opponents.

"Don't be greedy, who is this girl?" Xing Meng asked with a smile, but his eyes were rarely murderous.

When Xing Meng asked this question, several of the girls present couldn't help but look at it, but it seemed that only Bai Wei and Qing Jing were curious to watch the play.

Mo Gree keenly caught this murderous spirit and suddenly had a bad feeling: "Uh, that, by the way, she is..."

At this time, Mo Yuan put one hand around Mo's neck and put the other hand into Mo Gree's skirt and said, "We should be regarded as getting each other's precious rings..."

"Eh?" Xingmeng showed a surprised expression, and at this moment, the cab was suddenly quiet.

"Hey! Don't talk nonsense!" Mo Greed his head and whispered.

"Is there anything wrong? Didn't I get your cherished ring at the exchange meeting, and you just got my ring, didn't you? Mo Yuan replied in a low voice with a smile like a little devil.

Is that right? Why haven't I heard that you have such a good friend? Xingmeng's smile suddenly became sweeter.

"Uh, that, this..." Mo Grean suddenly felt that his forehead was covered with sweat.

"What, are you jealous, old woman?" Mo Yuan looked at Xing Meng with a smile and said.

"Be quiet and put on the clothes on the board." Xingmeng said with a smile.

"I also have C!"

"It's small enough!"