Pome Star

Chapter 204 Oolong Wedding

Team 9, lounge.

"Isn't your plan too simple?" Bai Wei looked at Wen Feng and asked, "And what should I do after doing this? Escape from this plane?"

"To be honest, I didn't think about it," Wen Feng shook his head and said, "I can't think of any feasible way. If you have a better way, please say it immediately."

"Well..." Bai Wei pondered for a moment: "No, no matter how you think about it, you will think of your uncle's taming skills. It feels better to give up..."

"I don't know what you think, but I've seen enough of that lost face." Wen Feng said seriously. As soon as the words fell, Mo Cong had come in from the outside with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Seeing that Mo's expression became richer than when he went out, Wen Feng stood up and asked, "So...how about spreading?"

"I don't know..." Mo Cong did not look at Wen Feng, but stared at the wall in the distance as if muttering to himself: "Well, how to say, Moer is a very incredible girl..."

"It can be said that it is unique." Wen Feng said.

"Yes, yes, she is very understanding, very kind and pure," Mo Greed his hands and said, "You know, it's very enjoyable to be with her..."

Wenfeng frowned and stared at Mo Gan.

"What's wrong with me?" Don't ask strangely.

"No, it's nothing." Wen Feng shook his head and turned back to the rest of Team 9.

"What happened? Why does Xiao Mo look very enjoyable? Qingjing quickly asked, "Has he changed his mind?"

"Basically, you can say so." Wen Feng nodded and said, "So listen carefully, even if you go to the 18th floor of hell!" I also want to stop this wedding. Those who are willing to help me, please raise their hands.

In an instant, everyone raised their hands at the same time, and then turned their eyes to Mo Gre, who was still lingering not far away.

——————Split line————

In the next four days, Mo Congren began to take the initiative to contact Moer, and the latter seemed to gradually have a good impression on Mo Cong, and Ren Jingyu, who contributed to this pair, looked at this scene with a happy smile.

As for the 9th team, the people of the 9th team paid attention to the development of this scene with an incredible look. During this period, Bai Wei even proposed that if Mo Gre is happy, he should not stop this matter.

"Absolutely need to be stopped! Because Mo Greed has gone crazy!" Wen Feng said firmly.

"Hey, Moer is a very good girl. I have been in contact with her." Bai Wei said seriously.

"Of course, girls should like girls who can set off themselves." Wen Feng retorted without hesitation, "In a word, in order not to regret that guy, we must stop this matter!" And have our volunteers decided?

——————Split line————

On the wedding day.

Although the wedding was handled by the Space and Border Bureau, in order to respect Moer, he decided to use the rule of Butterfrey, that is, the woman will not show up from beginning to end, but wait in the new house. After a simple celebration with his relatives and friends, the man went to find the woman alone.

However, not only the relatives and friends of both sides, but also almost all the managers of the Space and Border Bureau were present on that day, because everyone was looking forward to this day, not because they were looking forward to the combination of the two newcomers, but because they could finally have a good rest one day under the cruel exploitation of Ren Jingyu. By the way, everyone is very much want to see the follow-up development of Ren Jingyu's illegitimate son.

Other people from Team 9 also appeared at the wedding site in dresses, but because they did not use earth-style lively weddings, and the participants came from various cultures, they were more like a party than a wedding, especially for the main purpose of the people to relax...< /P>

"Look at today's protagonist," Gorha, the 'death knight' just walked to Mo Greed and said, "Look at how long it took you to join the Space Bureau. It is completely a newcomer's level, but it has a reputation for success in his career. Now he is about to start a family. Compared with you, our predecessors are obvious. It's quite a failure..."

"Ha ha, senior, you are flattered." Don't say with a polite smile.

"No, I'm serious..." Gorhagang's smile suddenly became a little bitter: "Look how good you are, there are people who love each other, and there are more people in the world who can't get the pain of love..."

"Cough, cough, please pay attention to my moderation." Feng Wenliu appeared beside Gorha and said.

"But, but! The witch Carmel refused me again..." Gorha just suddenly covered his face and said, and then picked up a bottle of wine and drank it wildly.

"This guy is a little out of the state. I'll deal with him now." Feng Wenliu said casually, pulling Gorha up and just leaving the crowd.

"So the empty border has never been strong..." Mo greed shook his head helplessly and suddenly saw Su Can secretly stuffing all kinds of wine on the table into his clothes not far away. Although his clothes were as obvious as if he were pregnant, he was still making unremitting efforts.

"It's definitely going to be finished here..."

At this time, Wen Feng, dressed in a white gown and a bun like an ancient scholar, walked to Mo Greedy - after all, this is a party for the coexistence of multiple cultures, so the styles of clothing are also different, no matter how strange it is, it will not be too conspicuous.

"How about enjoying your wedding?" Wen Feng asked gently by shaking the white paper fan.

"Well, although it's different from what I thought, it's okay." Don't shrugged his shoulders and said.

"But you seem to be looking forward to it." Wen Feng looked at Mo Greed and said.

"A little bit, after all, it's with such a good girl." Don't say with a smile.

Wen Feng suddenly felt that his blood pressure was a little high, and he quickly stood firm: "Really, that's good."

" Speaking of which, where did the others go?" Mo looked around and asked, "It seems that I haven't seen them except from the beginning?"

"Well, everyone has something to do, you know, after all, it's a wedding." Wen Feng said with a smile.

"Yes, is that so?" Don't ask doubtfully.

"There is no need to care about such a trivial matter." Wen Feng waved his hand and said.

"That's right, well, it's almost time, so I should..." Mo Gree handed Wen Feng a look.

"Well, you are the protagonist tonight. Don't you stay a little longer?" Wen Feng quickly grabbed Mo and asked greedily.

Don't look around at the many senior managers who only relax and completely regard the wedding as a party: "No, I don't think it's meaningful to stay, so..."

"Of course, please, good luck by the way." Wen Feng seemed to say at a loss.

Mo Greed and came to the new house prepared for him by Ren Jingyu. When he entered the room, he found that it was decorated like a flower petal, which looked beautiful and chic. However, when Mo Cong saw the figure holding a few large petals, he subconsciously slowed down and showed a doubtful expression.

Mo greedy stared at the petals for a long time, and then kept saying to himself, "No, no, Moer's outline is not so small, so this is..."

Pull down the covered petals hard, and a familiar face came into view.

"Sister Ziyue?!"

Ziyue smiled, without any embarrassment or surprise.

Mo Greed suddenly instinctively retreated to the corner of the room: "So, that, that Ziyue sister, what are you doing here, Moer?"

"Are you dissatisfied with the bride's replacement? Obviously, I had a marriage marriage before. Ziyue said with a smile.

"Well, that's what I said... but it's not this problem!" Mo Greed loudly said, "Wait a minute, you're not ruining the wedding for me, are you?"

Huh? You don't seem to like this kind of development. Ziyue said lightly.

"Of course I don't like it. I don't need to do such a superfluous thing now!" Mo said greedily, "Can you tell me where Moer is?"

Ziyue looked at Mo Gan and found that Mo Gan's eyes were indeed serious before saying, "Come with me."

He took Mo greedy to the next room. Mo greedy saw that Moer seemed to be tied with his hands and feet and lying **, while Liang Yu and Lajie were responsible for guarding him.

"Oh, no!" Mo Grebe hurried forward to untie the rope that tied Moer.

Lajie looked at Mo Greed who ran quickly to Moer and said, "Well, tell Wen Feng that the plan failed, because the protagonist did not cooperate, and there was nothing we could do."

"Why did you tie her up?" Ziyue asked strangely.

"Because she is so annoying, Brother Liang Yu is angry..." Lajie shrugged helplessly.

As soon as Moer was untied, the latter erupted like a volcano: "I can't believe you did this to me!"

"Oh, there is a reason!" Don't be greedy and explain quickly.

"I believe you so much. If you don't like me, you can bring it up. You don't need to insult me at such a sacred ceremony as the wedding!" Moer angrily tore off her human leather coat, revealing the shape of her own caterpillar.

"Please listen to me..."

"Do you know that what we people in Bad Fry Star value most is this matter!" Mo'er's breathing became more and more rapid, and it seemed that she was about to explode.

"It's not what you think..."

"I don't want to see you again. I've been... poo——————!" With that, Moer began to spit out the white silk thread angrily.

"Relaxing, don't be excited!" Mo Greeden thought that Mo'er was angry and had some strange disease, and said quickly, but Mo'er began to spit silk. After a moment, she had formed a thick white cocoon to surround herself.

"Mo'er, listen to my explanation, Mo'er..." Mo greedy gently tapped the white cocoon, but there was no response in it.

"Alas..." Mo greedy sighed deeply and turned to Liang Yu, who were looking at this scene in surprise.

"We seem to have done something superfluous." Raj looked at Mo Greed and said.

"It doesn't matter. It's irreparable... I don't blame you." Mo Gree shook his head helplessly and said.

"I'm not going to apologize." Raj said solemnly.

"I did hesitate for a long time before I decided to be with Mo'er, but now, I finally don't have to hesitate, and I don't have to look at that one again..." Before Mo Gree's words were finished, I suddenly heard a slight cracking sound behind him.

Mo Duan saw that the surprised expression on Liang Yu's faces was stronger and quickly turned around.

Behind her, the huge white cocoon slowly cracked, and then a beautiful girl with a pair of colorful butterfly wings came out of the white cocoon. For a moment, she thought that she had come to the elf kingdom in the fairy tale.

The girl slowly walked to Mo Greed, looked at Mo Greed and asked, "Don't you need to see anything anymore?"

"Uh...are you Moer?" Don't ask subconsciously.

"Ah, who else do you think it is?" Moer asked with an unfriendly smile.

"I'm wrong, marry me!" Mo Greed his palms and said sincerely to Mo'er.

Mo'er smiled and suddenly turned around and walked away without looking back.

"Hey! I'm wrong. Everyone makes mistakes. Give me a chance to correct it!" Mo Greed repeatedly said, but Moer seemed to be determined not to look back.

It was not until Moer slammed the door and left that Mo Grean felt real regret, and then turned around and looked at Liang Yu angrily.

Liang Yu looked at the ceiling as if nothing had happened, while Ziyue looked down at the floor. Raje put his hands in his pocket and whistled, and his eyes were erratic.

At this time, in the corridor, Wen Feng paced back and forth uneasily: "What the hell, even if I do this, what should I do after that... I'm completely confused..."

Suddenly, Wenfeng heard that someone seemed to be approaching behind him, and quickly turned his head. What he saw was a beautiful girl who had never seen as if she didn't look like a human.

Even Wen Feng couldn't help but be stunned at this moment, and then showed a gentle smile; "Hi."

"Dong, Dong, Dong!"

The girl suddenly felt that her heartbeat was accelerating. She had never seen such a handsome teenager, and in terms of their racial aesthetics, the more handsome people are, the more attractive they are.

"Today is the coming-of-age ceremony, and you have to find someone to get married..." The girl closed her eyes and whispered to herself.

"What?" Wen Feng, who didn't hear the girl whisper to herself, couldn't help asking, but saw the girl suddenly open her eyes and walk towards her, and then kissed her lips on her lips.

"Oh... I like the era of open-mindedness!" Wen Feng thought so.