Pome Star

Chapter 208 Countermeasures

The mountain thief leader and his men curled up in the corner of the room and looked at Mo Gree and others in the center of the room, with a frightened expression on their faces, as if they were lambs to be slaughtered.

Mo Greed pointed to the parchment spread out on the table and said, "We are here now, and the location of the Magic City is probably here..."

"...what is this?" PX-0 scanned the parchment with an electronic eye.

"Map." Don't be greedy.

"It's not this problem. What's drawn on it? Abstract art? PX-0 pointed to a map on parchment that looks like a simple drawing of children's graffiti.

"We should be glad that the fool over there can distinguish between east, west, north and south." Mo sighed greedily and said.

"Why did we go to the Magic City?" Raj spread out his hands and asked.

"The coquettish man who appeared in front of us looks like a well-educated cultural hooligan. Do you think such a person will live near that kind of guy in the corner?" Mo Greed pointed to the thief leader in the corner of the wall and said.

"Besides, it's not that I haven't read YY novels," Mo Qian added: "That kind of coquettish guy must be extraordinary. Dad must be a very powerful guy. They live in a very luxurious palace, and the wedding is held there, so we just need to find the palace and break in. OK."

"I think you have some misinterpreted the current situation of the demon world, don't be greedy," Hongye said calmly. "The information I collected shows that the current demon world was unified by a born demon 50 years ago, and then he became the great demon king to rule the whole demon world, but because of the confrontation with the divine world, so The Great Demon King did not have much time to manage the demon world after ruling the demon world, so he divided the whole demon world into several areas and gave it to his demon king to manage, and he himself lived in the central demon capital to practice and plan against the divine world. If we really go to the demon capital..."

Don't frowned: "Wait a minute!" After saying that, he quickly walked to the corner and picked up the thief leader: "Are you kidding me? Do you want us to die?"

"So what? I'm the devil. It's very normal to lie!" The mountain thief leader shouted, "And you have completely ruined my profession now. Now no one in this village will be afraid of us. We can no longer make a living as a mountain thief. Of course I will revenge on you!"

"Ping! Pong!"

"My father has never hit me! Wow——————”

"Uh..." Mo Greed and walked back to the table weakly: "Then what should we do?"

"Your speculation is at least correct," Hongye continued: "The person who took the purple moon should be a son of a family. If he is not the lord of a certain territory, he should be the son of the lord."

"In this case, we might as well go in two ways to inquire about Sister Ziyue." Bai Wei proposed.

"Wait a minute, there is one more thing that needs to be explained," Hongye continued, "the way the great demon king manages the demon world is very similar to the feudal system in medieval Europe, which means that the people we are looking for not only have their own territory, but also may have their own army, even if we find them with our strength and number. Nothing, it's just a hard break-through.

Everyone was silent for a moment. They are not afraid of sacrifice and death. They need to have a careful and feasible plan.

After thinking for a moment, Mo looked at Hongye and asked, "Hongye, as you just said, the law of the jungle of the law of the jungle has always been the eternal truth here, so..."

"Yes, even if these demon kings are both subordinates of the great demon king, the relationship between them is not good. Powerful demon kings often attack the weak demon kings and seize their territory or something else. After all, this is the demon world, and only the strong can survive." Hongye said calmly, "But if you plan to use the gap between the demon king to provoke their infighting, please give up, because there is information that this wedding is likely to be a rectification marriage, which means that at least two demon kings of comparable strength have united. I don't think there will be any other demon kings. The idea of launching an attack.

"Political marriage?" Mo Greed repeatedly: "Sister Ziyue..."

"I don't know the exact identity of Ziyue," Hongye said calmly, "It's just that there are more than 79% of signs that she is the daughter of the devil."

"Wait a minute, do you mean that our opponents are two demons?" PX-0 asked, "What's the joke? We are no match, and now we have become two? This is completely different from what you explained to me at the beginning! OK, I'm going back..."

PX-0 turned around and walked out. The red leaf took out a remote control and gently pressed it gently. A strong current flowed through the PX-0 body in an instant, and then PX-0 fell to the ground stiffly, and a burst of smoke appeared in his body.

"This guy's personality is still so bad," Wen Feng looked at the PX-0 on the ground and said, "Haven't you tried to change it?"

"I tried to rewrite his personality program, but it has not been successful for the time being," Hongye said calmly: "Even in the future world, artificial intelligence has not been thoroughly studied."

"Is there nothing we can do? Can you only watch Sister Ziyue marry that guy?" Bai Wei looked at the crowd and said.

"Since there is no other feasible way, then we have to kill it," Liang Yu patted the gun bag and said, "If you don't mind, I want to try the strength of the devil."

"Qingjing doesn't like to say bad words, but if we really do that, the result will be very bad..." Qingjing stroked the crystal ball and whispered.

"There will always be a way, there will always be a way..." Mo whispered to himself. He slowly turned around and began to walk alone, thinking about all kinds of possibilities. Suddenly, he saw the mountain thief leader and several of his men whispering something in a low voice.

Don't leaned over quietly and gradually could hear their conversation clearly.

"Let those guys be proud. I will never spare these guys. They dare to completely destroy my career!" The mountain thief leader said arrogantly, but it looked like a bluff.

"But, boss, what should we do?" A mountain thief whispered, "We are not their opponents."

"If you can't defeat them with your body, won't you defeat them with your mind?" The mountain thief leader scolded.

"With it, how about we take eclipse in their food?" A mountain thief proposed.

"Tell me how to get close to their food first?"

"Why don't we hide in the dark and wait for them to come..."

"Did you knock yourself out? What a good idea!"

"There is! Yes! We can trick them into going to the blood swamp, and the monsters there will definitely destroy them!" Another mountain thief said quickly.

"Good idea, but first give me a reason why they can persuade them to go to the blood swamp!"

"Uh..." The mountain thieves were silent and sat down on the ground dejectedly.

"I really can't figure out how I chose you bastards to join my thieves," the mountain thief leader said angrily, "It's useless for you. I'll go to my father and 49 brothers and ask them to avenge me."

"But, boss... Didn't you say that you were kicked out by your father and broke off the father-son relationship?" A mountain thief whispered.

"Moreover, your brothers are also too useless to communicate with you because of your boss..." The other mountain thief's voice was even lower.

"Anyway, we are a family! It's also related by blood! They won't watch me being bullied by outsiders, will they? Speaking of this, the mountain thief leader stood up excitedly.

"This plan is good." Behind him came a voice of praise.

"Thank you." The mountain thief leader turned his head and said casually. Suddenly, he noticed something was wrong. He slowly turned his head and saw Mo greedy looking at him with a smile - the mountain thief leader felt more terrible than the way he had just roared at him.

"Let's talk about your father and your 49 brothers." Mo Greed up and sat next to him with the collar of the mountain thief's leader.

"You, you, you'd better let me go! My father is a well-known thief in the demon world... Er, although he broke off the relationship between father and son... And my 49 brothers are also a fierce role... Er, although they don't admit the existence of my brother... But once something happens to me, they must... Maybe... ...Probably...or... will come!"

Don't smile and turn around and return to everyone.

"Why don't we plan a *?"