Pome Star

Chapter 216 Cunning Brother

Perhaps because the wedding will be held tomorrow, the city of Otello at night is also particularly lively.

Mo Qian, wrapped in a thick robe, tried to move forward quickly along the shadowy place without being noticeable at all.

Soon Mo Grean has crossed the city and arrived at the castle in the center of the city. Although the moat is wide and deep, it has little effect, and the bright fire at the head of the city and the soldiers patrolling back and forth are Mo Gree's biggest trouble.

"It's worthy of being a plane with a high risk evaluation. Does even the lowest miscellaneous soldiers have such strength?" Mo Greed and whispered to himself that although these low-level soldiers could not pose a threat to him, he only needed a siren and he would be finished.

"So, how to sneak in?" Mo Cong looked around and suddenly saw a gold-painted carriage driving towards the castle, and the demon soldiers on the wall of the castle seemed to have already known who was directly put down the suspension bridge.

Mo, who was standing by the moat, suddenly jumped into the moat and punched the edge of the river when he was about to enter the water. Then he quickly approached the direction of the suspension bridge. At the moment the golden carriage drove to the suspension bridge, he quickly got up and got under the car, and then scratched the bottom of the car and followed the golden horse. The car entered the castle together.

The carriage entered the castle for a distance and stopped, but there was no movement. The people in the car did not seem to have the intention of getting out of the car and leaving.

"What the hell are you doing..." Mo greedy thought in his heart, but heard a crisp knock in his ear. Before he could react, a hole was removed from the bottom of the car, and then a young man who had never seen appeared: "It's very tired like this. How about coming up and rest for a while?"

"Hmm?" Mo Grean was shocked, but soon calmed down. If the other party wanted to call the police, he could leave quietly just now, but Mo Grean was very concerned that he could not feel the strength of the other party's strength.

The young man pulled Motan into the carriage, and Motan sat opposite the young man and quickly looked at him.

Pale skin, dark purple hair, smile is not as terrible as the devil should have. On the contrary, it seems a little sunny and friendly. Although it is the first time to see each other, he has an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

"Oh, I didn't expect to be a visitor from a different world," the young man looked at Mo Gree and said.

"When did you find me?" Don't ask calmly.

"Start from where you just slipped completely," the young man thought for a moment and said, "To be honest, this is not a smart hiding method, especially when you don't know the gap between yourself and the people in the car."

"Is this a self-bragging?" Don't look at the young man and ask.

"Ha ha, as an illegal infiltraper, it is not friendly to the person who covers you," the young man said with a smile without any anger: "Why did you sneak into this castle, a teenager from a different world?"

"Come and find someone." Don't say it calmly.

"Is it a girl named Ziyue?" The young man's eyes became sharp in an instant, but he immediately returned to normal.

Don't be shocked. He didn't expect that the other party could see through his mind, but his face remained calm as he had just now: "I don't seem to have to answer this question."

"Don't be surprised, I don't know strange moves such as mind reading," the young man said with a smile, "It's just that Ziyue said that a visitor from a different world named Mo Greed would definitely come to her, so I boldly guessed if it was you. It seemed that I was unlucky. Wrong."

"Ziyue, did she tell you?" Don't look at the teenager doubtfully and repeat.

"Ah, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Zilin. I am Ziyue's brother. This time, I came to the wedding on behalf of my father," Zilin said with one hand on his chest. "Ziyue's wedding is just a boring political marriage. She doesn't like this marriage herself, but sometimes people with identities like us can't Decide your own affairs..." With that, Zilin's expression was a little more lonely.

Don't listen to Zilin's words quietly and didn't say anything.

"I was still thinking about what kind of person Mo Greed is. Now it seems that I can safely give my sister to you," Zilin said with a smile: "Don't be surprised. I'm on your side. It's enough to look at Ziyue all day long. Since there are such a reliable person, I will fight once. It's worth it."

Mo Greed his heart moved slightly. Unexpectedly, the situation that the thief King Jiazenon had fallen into a desperate situation after refusing to usher in a turning point here. He quickly sat up straight and asked, "Do you mean, are you willing to help me?"

"Of course," Zilin nodded and said, "Are you alone?" No companions or anything?"

"I..." Mo Grean suddenly paused and continued, "I just risked the idea of trying to do it alone. After all, this matter is so dangerous that my companions don't want to follow."

"If you are alone, it will be much easier to arrange the follow-up matters such as escape," Zilin nodded and said, "There seems to be no chance tonight. The wedding will be held tomorrow. We can take advantage of the chaos to take action. Tonight, let you meet Ziyue first, just to discuss the countermeasures. Let her be prepared, too.

"Can you take me to see her?" Don't ask quickly.

"It's a piece of cake. Don't forget that I'm a distinguished guest of this castle now. You just need to dress up as my entourage." Zilin nodded and said.

——————Split line————

At this time, in a comfortable and luxurious room of the castle, Ziyue sat quietly at the table in front of the window and looked through the novel in her hand, just like in the lounge of Team 9.

Suddenly, Ziyue put down the novel and looked out of the window at the night sky with a sigh.

"Is it the last day..." Ziyue whispered to herself, and at this moment, she showed a little weakness that women should have: "That fool... Forget it, why do you think of him? Is it because he saw my weak side..."

Ziyue shook her head gently, stood up and walked to the side and gently stroked the wedding dress on the plaster statue: "Madam? It's not bad..."

At this time, there were two footsteps in the corridor outside the door, and the empty corridor reflected the echo of footsteps. After a moment, the footsteps stopped at the door, and then the door slowly opened.

"That's it," Zilin said, holding the doorknob, "Although I know you haven't seen each other for a long time, don't be too excited later to avoid unnecessary trouble."

Don't greedy nodded gently.

"So..." Zilin suddenly opened the door. Mo Qian just stepped into the room, but suddenly froze in place.

In the room, the young man who robbed Ziyue and the demon with black hair and red pupils looked at the two people at the door in astonishment, then frowned and said, "What are you doing, Zilin?"

"Nothing, let old friends reunite." Zilin pushed Mo Cong into the room and tore off the robe wrapped around him.

"Oh?" Saska looked at Mo greed unexpectedly and said, "It seems that human beings can't learn a lesson than demons, but I didn't expect you to catch up with this place."

Mo Grebe did not respond to Saska, but slowly turned his head to look at Zilin, with angry eyes in his eyes.

"Wow, what a terrible look. I'm a little unsteady," Zilin said with a smile and then turned to Saska: "This boy came alone. His courage is commendable, but he doesn't cherish his life very much. By the way, Saska, I helped you solve a problem. How are you going to thank me?"

"Was he beaten up by me?" Saska asked casually.

"I said, do you know what it means to repay kindness..." Zilin shook his head helplessly. Judging from this dialogue, it was obvious that the previous friendship between the two was extremely deep.

"Let's talk about it when I finish dealing with this matter." Saska turned his head and looked at Mo Greed: "Since you have come here, you must have been enlightened, right? The consciousness of death?"

The door of Ziyue's room was gently opened, and then two witches in charge of serving Ziyue went out into the room.

"This is the hot water you want." A witch put a hot water basin for washing on the ground and said.

Ziyue nodded gently, and then the two witches left the room.