Pome Star

Chapter 242 Requirements

A blue panda flew rapidly from mid-air as if it were popular, and then landed in the base camp of the Guards.

"We're here." The blue panda looked at the two teenagers in his hand and said, at this moment, Wen Feng and Raj have become standard brooms.

"Are you all right?" The blue panda put down the two and said, "Anyway, I need to take a breath. Long-distance flight consumes me too much mana."

Wen Feng and Raj stood on the ground and staggered. Obviously, they had not recovered from the rapid journey just now.

"Wow... okay, come with me." After a short rest, the blue panda led Wen Feng and Raj to the towering tree in the center of the base camp of the Guards.

"You are lucky. There happen to be several elders here. I think you will find out what you want to know." The blue panda turned around and said to Wen Feng and Raj as he walked.

When he walked to the door of the tree house, Wen Feng turned to Lajie and said, "Stay here and I'll come out in a moment."

"Why can't I go in?" Raj immediately protested that he was not very interested in meeting the elders, but Wen Feng would instinctively want to fight if he was deprived of this right.

"Because you will mess things up, I'm here to negotiate." Wen Feng said rudely.

"Oh, isn't it?" Raj's tone also became stiff.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong with you two?" The blue panda looked at the two and said, "If you have this attitude in front of the elders, I think I'd better not let you in."

"Stay outside." Wen Feng did not give Raj a chance to refute this time and followed the blue panda into the tree house.

"Cut." Raj leaned against the thick roots of towering trees on the surface and looked at the base camp of the guards.

Suddenly, a female archer in a hooded robe and blue skin passed in front of Raj. The faint black fog on her body was somewhat inconsistent with the bright power of the core of the Guards Legion.

When Raj saw the woman, the dissatisfaction in his eyes suddenly swept away. For a moment, there was only the figure of the female archer in his mind, and there was nothing or sound. Raje subconsciously followed the female archer.

Wen Feng followed the blue panda into the tree house. At this moment, in the tree house, the prophet Fario, the paladin Chen and the great magician Rabik were dealing with various reports sent by the front line. When they saw the blue panda with a teenager from a different world, they couldn't help stopping their work.

"This is..." The blue panda was interrupted by the prophet Fario as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Save the brave alien teenager of the charming witch Ayusa."

"Well, how do you know?" The blue panda spread out his hands and asked.

"Ha ha, it's the answer that the wind told me." Fario said with a mysterious smile.

"Oh - I must have heard it when you used your transmission skills to patrol the front line again, and it still pretended to be so mysterious..." Blue Panda turned his head and whispered to himself.

"What did you say?" Fario asked calmly.

"No, it's nothing." The blue panda turned his head and said innocently, and then left the room.

"So, what are you looking for us, brave teenager?" Chen, the paladin, said.

"Because my time is really tight, I made a long story short," Wen Feng took out Mo Greed's photo and said, "I think you have seen this person before, and now he has returned to the world, and we are looking for him, so I want to ask if he is in your hands, or if you have any information about him."

When they saw Mo Greed's photo, Fario's mood fluctuated in an instant, but it immediately calmed down again. However, the paladin Chen and the great magician Rabick were keenly aware of the change in Fario's mood. The two looked at each other, but they didn't know why Fario's reaction was so obvious.

"We did see this teenager," Paladin Chen said, "He once brought us a lot of trouble, and we punished him to compensate him for the crimes he committed against the guards, but you said he came back. Didn't he return to the arms of Mother Earth?"

"Ah, that guy has always been a big guy... Anyway, I want to make it clear that he didn't betray the secrets of the Guards at the beginning."

With that, Wen Feng explained how the original misunderstanding occurred. It would certainly be useless to describe it. After all, the guard side has put on colored glasses, but at this moment, Wen Feng's identity is a benefactor who saved a guard hero. Even if these elders don't want to listen, it's not good. Refute Wenfeng's face.

After listening to Wenfeng's description, the paladin Chen Cai slowly said, "I didn't expect such a secret. It seems that we were wrong about the teenager. Not only did we betray him and almost lost our lives because of keeping secrets, but we treated him like that... I don't know if we can compensate. What about it?

"It's the best compensation to help me find him," Wen Feng said, "but this guy is not him, but his dark side, because he is separated from the ontology for some reason... In a word, please let me know if you have any information about him, which is the biggest help for us."

"We will, and you will always be friends of our guards." The paladin said calmly.

"It's our pleasure." Wen Feng said politely and turned away from the tree house.

After Wenfeng left, the paladin Chen turned to Fario and said, "What's wrong with you, my old friend? Why did I feel the dark atmosphere in you just now?"

"Me? How come?" Fario said with a smile.

"We blamed an excellent teenager. If you can't let it go now because you presided over the punishment that shouldn't have happened at the beginning, we will admit our mistakes with you. Old friends, it's not terrible to make mistakes, and it's terrible to have no courage to admit mistakes." The paladin Chen said in a low voice.

"You made a mistake. It's not what I care about," Fario stood up and walked out: "I need to go out for a walk."

"What's wrong with him?" Rabik, the great magician, said doubtfully, "I can clearly feel the darkness in his heart..."

"Maybe it's the doom he must go through," the paladin Chen said calmly, "I hope our old friend can stand the test of God..."

"That old bastard is really enough to hold grudges..." Wen Feng whispered to himself when he came out of the tree house. He looked for Raje, but he didn't see Raje at all.

"What the hell is this guy doing to me? Didn't you tell him to wait here honestly..." When Wen Feng was looking for Raje's trace, he saw that Raje was set up by two guard soldiers. At this time, there was a sharp and small blood mouth on his face, but there was an almost intoxicated expression on his face.

"Did this boy... make the meteorite become an idiot..."

——————Split line————

"We have finally arrived at the base camp of natural disasters." Shadow priest Dai Ze led Mo Greed and Langya into the base camp of the natural disaster and said, "There is not much change here compared with the last time you left."

"Became me to see the night demon Parana." Don't say it simply.

"Are you going to see him first? Speaking of that guy's cruelty, even we are afraid of him, and few people like to contact him. The Shadow Priest shrugged his shoulders and said.

"Then tell me where he is and I'll find it myself." Mo Greed immediately said.

"Come with me. Anyway, I've come back here," Shadow Priest brought Mo Greed and Langya near the gloomy cemetery: "He should be inside. This is the place this guy likes best."

Mo Greeded into the cemetery without hesitation, and the wolf's teeth followed him closely.

Pastor Shadow stood at the door and looked at the backs of the two and whispered to himself, "If these two people join us, there will be two more great guys in the natural disaster."

At this moment, the night demon king was lying on the head of a skull, showing a relaxed and comfortable expression. Suddenly, he saw Mo Gree and Wolf Teeth appearing in his sight.

"Are you the kid from another world before?" The Night Devil looked at Mo Gree unexpectedly.

"Hello, my creator." Mo Gree said simply, and there were not too many mood swings in his tone.

"It doesn't look like..." The Night Devil said with a playful smile, "This familiar taste is really comfortable, but you are much more rational than I thought. Why is that?"

"I didn't come back to you as a research object." Mo Greed said calmly, "Give me strength, stronger power!"