For Teachers and Interpretation Robes

Chapter 4

Looking at the little fish swimming freely, Xuancao sighed, then pinched the fish, holding a knife in her hand, and began to prepare to kill the fish. Although the fish is very interesting, one bigger meaning of putting it here is that it is an ingredient and the master wants to eat it. There is more than one fish, two.

Xuancao hesitated, and the big one was left to the master alone, and the small one was left to himself. Whether the master's original idea was like this or not, Xuancao felt that she should give it a try. After all, she has to live here for a long time, so she needs to know what treatment she can have.

Fish, rice, a side dish. When he was ready, he sent it to the master. When the master saw that there was only one fish sent, he didn't say anything, nodded and let her down. After Xuancao went down, she felt a thin layer of sweat on her back. Anyway, this means that one of the two ingredients sent each time is his own, and the master does not mean to buckle it. Knowing this, Xuancao didn't know why there was a faint joy.

Or, this matter is worth being happy in the first place!

She finished those meals. The fish tasted really good and the meat was very delicate. Fortunately, she deliberately prepared more fish soup, and the taste of fish soup mixed with rice is also very good. After dinner, she felt that her stomach was a little bulging and couldn't help poking it. It felt very good.

After tossing around, she returned to the room and began to meditated. Anyway, if there is an opportunity to change herself, she should not give up. This time seemed to be smoother than last time, but she still vomited several times, but after vomiting, she felt that her body seemed to be lighter than before.

She tossed herself a lot, but at night, she was not sleepy at all. Although Zhu** had been covered with soft bedding by her, she still turned over and fell asleep after a long time. Perhaps for her, there seems to be a faint sense of unrealism in her current life. After all, she never thought that the disaster star she shouted for could live such a life!

No matter how entangled she was, she still slowly fell asleep at night. After waking up, she immediately ran to the kitchen and saw that there were ingredients in the kitchen for a few days, and there was a note next to it, which probably meant that her master went out and let her take good care of the spiritual field behind her at home. Also, she doesn't have to worry about the flowers and plants in the yard.

This point is a key reminder that the words written are much larger than other words. Obviously, Master takes this matter very seriously. Master is not here. Is this little food enough for you to eat? Xuancao looked worriedly at the bag containing Lingmi, frowned slightly, and then carefully poured out the rice and cooked porridge.

Because she was going to work in the backyard, she said that she ate two bowls of porridge and then went to the back with a hoe. The weight of the hoe is not light, and she doesn't have such good arm strength in her hand, so she can only rely on the strength on her shoulders to help support it. Going to the back, she found that there was indeed an acre of land behind it, which was not huge, but looking at the green, it didn't seem to be a very simple thing to find weeds and insects in it.

Thinking of this, she carefully went down to the field and looked left and right to find any weeds or insects. Bugs look strange, most of which she has never seen before. She carefully wrapped it in something, then took it off and trampled it to death!

Wild grass is simpler, but when she did it, she was afraid that the weeds would breed faster and faster because they broke the roots, so she said that she carefully uprooteds. After tossing one-third, she obviously felt that her efficiency was far less happy than at the beginning. Because this was a very boring job, she tossed around little by little before she began to prepare for watering. But by this time, the sun had risen. She remembered that the sun could not be watered when it came out, so she could only put aside the water from the well and come to water them at night.

The days without Master White Beard are much more comfortable than she thought. Moreover, she has found that even if the master is not here, the rice bag is always slow and bulging. After knowing this, Zhiqiu was very happy. After all, it at least showed that he had no problem with food and clothing.

After dinner, it was not long before night, and then watered the spiritual valley behind, her mood was much more relaxed. Because no matter what, when my master left, the characters ordered were all finished by themselves. She returned to her room with a smile and began a new day of practice.

The effect of this practice seems to be much better than the last two.

Why did she say that? In the simplest and most straightforward words, she saw Reiki. Yes, I saw the aura in my body wrapped in my internal organs like smoke. Although it is said that the appearance of those internal organs can't be seen clearly, the aura like clouds can be seen clearly.

She was very happy. Just as she was thinking about how to celebrate, she suddenly felt dizzy in her head, and then felt something appeared in her mind. It turns out that she has just entered the door. If she wants to become an immortal, she has to continue to work hard!

Xuancao tried her best to write down the words she saw in her mind. Originally, she wanted to copy it so that she wouldn't forget it, but for some reason, she had a faint feeling. If she really did that, she would have a very bad feeling.

So, she is still very honest and did nothing, but tried to follow what was said in the training. Seeing the aura, they tried to summarize them into a place in Dantian, and then continued to absorb the aura.

She could vaguely feel the scattered aura around her. Under her spit, she slowly entered the body, and then felt that the body was already a little sore, and suddenly felt extremely comfortable.

In the case that she came here by mistake, she still has skills to learn. I have to say that the master is better than she thought. Thinking of this, her eyebrows stretched a lot. Anyway, it's always good for someone to be good to themselves.

Thinking of this, she began to mutter how to repay her master in the future. Regardless of anything else, what I can do now is to make Master live a good life.

In the evening, she began to enter a warm dream with her dream of learning the best martial arts.

The next day, she still cooked her own food, and then went to the field behind, but this time she watered it first, and then began to weed and catch insects. I did it in an orderly manner and tossed everything. Unexpectedly, it was noon, had dinner, and then went to the room to meditation. In the evening, I went to see if I needed watering it again. I was in a hurry to water it. If I didn't dry it, I would go to cook dinner.

The day's fatigue made her body a little tight, and her shoulders, hands, legs, and even more sour. But when she was meditating at night, she didn't expect it to have a good effect. She felt that those auras slowly entered her body and then gathered into a ball. After a few days, she suddenly found something. Although I say that I gather aura every time, the aura will disappear.

I don't know if it dissipated naturally or absorbed by some part of her body. Anyway, the aura disappeared unconsciously. It originally accounted for 80% of the aura, but only 60% in a short time. Because of this, it is particularly difficult for her to gather. On the fifth day, I felt that I had filled all the aura of my Dantian position.

After filling it, a series of skills appeared in front of her. The skills were how to compress the aura and then in her own Dantian. She didn't quite understand. It took a long time to reflect, and then began to try to practice. Because she doesn't believe that this thing can still be compressed.

However, it is obvious that the skill is correct, and the aura can be compressed. She only compressed part of it, and then compressed it a little carefully. After the aura was all compressed together, she suddenly felt that she had only had a shallow layer of aura. The change was so big that she couldn't reflect for a while.

Eight days later, her master came back. After Master White Beard came back, he first inspected the Lingtian behind. I saw Lingtian, and then saw her cultivation. Speaking of which, Master White Beard did nothing, but glanced at her faintly, and she felt that her body was all seen through.

"Why is the progress so slow?"

Master White Beard frowned and his eyes were a little cold. Xuancao was a little scared when she saw the master's appearance, but she still said truthfully, "Xucao doesn't know."

"Well, according to your qualifications, you should be able to do it faster. Did you encounter any problems when you practice?"

Xiancao thought for a moment and then said, "When I practice, I always feel that the two layers of aura absorbed will disappear..."

"Hmm, stupid!" Her master listened to this, but left a comment coldly, and then kicked her out.

I don't know why Xuancao felt that her master came back this time and seemed to be a little more irritable than before.

Master came back, so he cooks for him every day, and then he can go to Lingtian, serve Lingtian, cook lunch, meditate and practice in the afternoon, and then continue to cook. Life is very regular. She found that the master would go out for a few days from time to time and didn't know where to go, but every time she came back, the master's mood would not be right.

Despite this, Xuancao still felt that the master was very good. Although the master didn't care much about her, at least gave her a place to stay and gave her a goal to fight for.