For Teachers and Interpretation Robes

Chapter 15

In fact, she doesn't remember whether there was such a spring in it when she came last time. She even felt that it was big, which was also a subconscious feeling. After wandering around the space, she felt that it was really amazing, especially touching the land with her hands, as if it were real, the land outside.

"Is it possible to grow things in here?"

Looking at the water and touching the land, such an idea suddenly flashed into her mind. Last time, I didn't try it, and I didn't know if I could really grow something here. So can't I try such a good opportunity this time?

Thinking about it, she controlled her consciousness back to her body, and then took the spiritual valley seed and thought of returning to the space. After returning to the space, she pinched the seeds of the spiritual valley, resisted the excitement in her heart, and carefully planted the spiritual valley in the space. Then she carefully watered it. After finishing it, she felt that she was deeply deprived and immediately understood that she had overused her spiritual power.

So, the divine consciousness quickly returned to his body, lay there, and fell asleep. I don't know how long she slept. When she woke up, she immediately felt refreshed.

At this time, she felt that someone seemed to be moving at the door, so she got out of bed and opened the door. I happened to see a cook with a plate of food ready to put at the door.

At the same time, a plate of food has been placed at the door. Looking at her appearance, she should have come to replace it. Looking at this scene, Xuancao frowned slightly: "Are you the cook who came to help cook?"

"Yes." The cook nodded and her attitude was neither arrogant nor humble. Seeing the cook's appearance, Xuancao smiled and said, "I haven't come out for a few days?"

"If you go back to the fairy, the fairy hasn't come out to eat for three days." Xuancao heard this and nodded to show that she knew it. But there seems to be a stormy wave in my heart. I just slept with citrus, but I didn't expect that it would be too difficult to pass three. Thinking of this, Xuanca glanced at the food she was holding.

Although it looks beautiful, it doesn't seem to smell as good as Linggu.

"I have a bag of grain here. You can help me make porridge." Xuancao said, and went in directly and took a bag of Linggu and handed it to the cook. The cook took over Linggu, was stunned, then nodded, answered, and left with the cold food.

After watching the cook leave, Xuancao glanced at the very exquisite food and sighed. She really doesn't have the habit of wasting food, but she has no appetite when she looks at these foods. Or because I'm used to eating Linggu, I feel very boring when I look at this thing.

Thinking of this, she twitched the corners of her mouth and sighed, but still didn't touch the food. These don't move by themselves. Maybe they will give it to others after they take it back, but after they move, those people will definitely not eat it for others.

Not long after, the cook brought steaming porridge. The familiar breath of Linggu immediately made Xuancao feel hungry and thirsty in her abdomen. The cook also looked surprised and said with a smile, "I really don't know what kind of rice it is. It really smells very fragrant." With that, he handed the porridge to Xuancao.

Xuancao nodded with a smile, and then went into the room with porridge.

There is a lot of porridge. It seems that the cook should have put all the rice she gave her. She thought, eating porridge with a small mouthful, and her stomach felt warm.

After eating, her stomach felt uncomfortable and stuffy. However, after a little meditation and breath adjustment, my body suddenly felt much more relaxed.

After this toss, she began to think about the small space on her forehead. She had planted the spiritual valley. I don't know what the situation is now. Anyway, I have nothing to do now. Why don't you go in and have a look?

Together with this idea, she couldn't suppress it and immediately entered the small space directly. After entering, Xuancao was shocked. Originally, there was an empty space inside, but now it has vitality.

The spiritual valley has sprouted and grown a lot. Calculation of time should not be comparable to that of seeds outside. She walked around the edge of the spiritual valley and wiped the leaves of the spiritual valley with her hand, which was also very thick and not virtual.

Is it possible that there is still a function to accelerate the growth of plants in this space? Xuancao thought that her eyes were shining. Now the price of Linggu is not low at all, and there is a spiritual stone of 50 catties. If you have a little more, can you harvest a lot of spiritual valleys and get a lot of spiritual stones?

This idea was immediately dispelled by herself. If she had a small amount of spiritual valleys, it could be said that she had a hard time planting. If there is a large spiritual valley, it is difficult to explain the origin of the spiritual valley.

Thinking of this, she was a little depressed and lowered her head slightly.

By the way, there is another change in this space.

She suddenly looked up, looked left and right, and took a deep breath. What a strong aura, and it seems that there is a complete aura circulation system here. The aura of the air is absorbed by the spiritual valley, and the root system of the spiritual valley provides aura to the soil. The soil releases aura into the air again. Moreover, in the cycle, Reiki seems to be unconsciously enlarged.

Think about the growth rate of Reiki in the past few days, is it possible that after planting the Spiritual Valley here, this space will not only not absorb its own Reiki, but also continue to supply its own Reiki?

With this idea, she was immediately shocked, and at the same time, there were bursts of joy in her heart. If that's the case, it's really the best. And I used to make myself miserable because of absorbing aura in a good space. Now it can release its own aura, so isn't it a blessing?

Thinking of this, she burst into joy. Anyway, the secret of your space must be kept secret, and no one can tell it.

She remembered the faces of her so-called relatives in her previous life, frowned slightly and made up her mind. Although not everyone is bad, it is better to think badly of others for yourself than to think of everyone better.

If one day she is no longer afraid of being betrayed by others, she may open her heart. However, that day will never be now. She closed her eyes slightly and took a look at the thriving spiritual valley, which directly brought her consciousness back to her body.

At the same time, she also realized that if she entered the space at will, her body was completely unconscious, which was actually a very dangerous thing. Because at that time, if someone moved his body, he didn't know it at all. Even if someone killed him directly, he would probably be the soul of the man who was killed by the knife.

Thinking of this, Xuancao began to think about whether to go straight back to the previous valley. If you go back there, at least you can practice at ease.

Since she had an idea, she just checked out and left. Seeing that she was leaving, the shopkeeper seemed to be a little reluctant. Xuancao naturally knew that what she was reluctant to leave was not herself, but her spiritual stone. After all, if you want to leave, you can only settle the house money for these days. She paid the bill directly with silver. She calculated that the silver was enough. Since the spirit stone is as hard currency as silver, and the spirit stone circulates more widely, it is natural to leave the spirit stone and use silver.

After leaving the city, the wooden card in her arms suddenly lost its luster and looked like an ordinary old piece of wood.

When she returned the same way, she found that she could not enter the valley. No matter how she walked, the mountain in front of her was high, and no matter how she walked, she would walk back to the same place, and there was no way to get in at all.

Is it possible that the master came back after he left?

Xuancao thought about it, frowned slightly, and felt a little uncomfortable. She hesitated, and then shouted inside, "Master, Master, Xuancao is back, Xuancao is back..."

Her voice floated in the empty mountain, but no one responded. Could it be that the master is not in it, but just changed the formation inside?

How can Master do this? Is it possible that Master deliberately let himself leave and doesn't want to let himself go back? Countless possibilities flashed in Xuancao's mind, but she denied it one by one. She didn't want to feel that her master deliberately didn't want her own, and she didn't even want to have this idea. She bit her lips and looked inside. The days when she used to feel bored, now she feels so quiet and comfortable.

Master, do you really let Xuancao leave here like this, so how can I come back to you? Xuancao didn't know why she had never had such a strong desire to see her master standing next to her and frown at herself.

Although he always feels that he is not doing well enough, he is also at ease with him.

Xuancao bit her lips, and her heart was extremely uncomfortable and painful.

"No matter what, I will go back to you." Xuancao gritted her teeth and thought that no matter what, Master was the first person to treat himself well after he came here. He took himself in, led himself to a new world, and even began to save his life. In this way, I owe my master a big favor anyway. Then I can only work hard to find the master and find a way to return the master's life, and the two of them will be clear.

Thinking of this, Xuanca finally took a look at the peak in front of her, the actual valley, sighed, and turned away. After she left, a teenager appeared behind her, sighed, and then quickly left.

Of course, all this is unknown.

She returned to Xiangyun City at a loss. Because there was already a wooden sign, she just showed it and went straight in. The world is so big that I don't know how many such towns there are. So, how can I find my master?