For Teachers and Interpretation Robes

Chapter 17

The man who began to deceive Xuancao began to insult Xuancao when he saw that Xuancao was so hesitant. Xuancao listened to that, then looked at the smiling boat and nodded slowly. After seeing her nod, Xing Zhouzi waved his hand and the broken platform in front of him disappeared.

"Originally, I should have accepted ten people, but now there are three, and you also have four. Other places should be selected from those who will be eliminated later." With that, a big gourd was released at once and greeted Xuancao. Xuancao hesitated and walked up. The big gourd looked unstable, but after going up, it found that it was still quite stable. It seemed that there was an invisible thing on it, and there was no need to worry about falling down.

Soon, the gourd landed, and the boat jumped down first, and she also jumped down. Then he saw Xingzhouzi coming over with two men and a woman somewhere. Without saying anything, he led them straight into a very magnificent hall.

There are already dozens of people in the hall, among which more than a dozen young men and girls who look only five or six years old look around blankly, and several young men and women about their own age, and their faces are vaguely comfortable. The people next to him looked at the slightly older people, but they were a little reserved, with their heads slightly lowered and couldn't see the specific expression.

Xuancao glanced at them and lowered her head to not look at them.

"This time, it seems that we have gained a lot!" A man in a sapphire blue robe laughed and then swept several newcomers below. Hearing his laughter, other people in basically the same style of clothes also laughed. Xingzhouzi frowned and then looked at the man and said, "Brother, I haven't selected enough people to do chores with me this time. There are only ten people left, but I only received four here, so I want six people."

The head listened to his words, looked at the people around him, twitched the corners of his mouth, and said, "What do you want so many people to do?"

"Don't forget that the head brother is a school in my valley. Moreover, the head brother always transfer people from me. There is nothing I can do if I don't accept so many people." Xing Zhouzi said, and his eyes narrowed slightly. The leader thought for a moment and then said, "These children are still young. It's not suitable for you to go there. You can choose six from the others."

With that, his body turned slightly to the side. Hearing that, Xuancao secretly looked up and found that the others were not looking well.

"Then, this, this, this..." Xingzhouzi seemed to casually click six from the inside, but the other faces were about to be distorted. After ordering, Xing Zhouzi pushed Xuancao with a smile: "Brother, look at the outside children I chose this time. I'm going to take this as an apprentice in person!"

Xuancao was not very eye-catching to stand there, but as soon as she was pushed by the boat, it was immediately exposed to several other pairs of eyes. One of the beautiful women glanced at her, and her figure flashed. She came to her, looked at her up and down, and then exclaimed in surprise, "It's actually a unique root!"

"Exactly, and it's still Mu Linggen. Look, isn't this the apprentice God found for me!" Xing Zhouzi said with a very proud smile. Seeing the appearance of the boat, the beautiful woman twitched and snorted coldly, "It's just a wooden root. If it's a waterling root and ice root, I will definitely compete with my brother." With that, he pushed Xuancao forward and sent it back to Xingzhouzi. Xing Zhouzi smiled twice: "Sister Furong, don't worry. If it's those two spiritual roots, I will definitely give it to my sister."

With that, the spell pulled several people he had just pointed out to his side. Those people were all young people who were supposed to enter the inner door. But suddenly a mysterious old man came out, and he was pulled to the outer door, and he was very dissatisfied. But I didn't expect that I was pulled to the old man in an instant, and my heart suddenly stopped looking down.

"Okay, brother, thank you very much!" With that, several people were suddenly brought to the big gourd, and the big gourd suddenly rose into the air. It's also interesting to say that the big gourd originally started from inside the hall, but after rising, it was already outside the hall. After a long time, the gourd slowly landed.

"This is where you live in the future. I don't care what they say to you, but you have to remember to listen to the old man when you get here. If any of you can't be obedient, then I can't do anything about the old man. You know, every time the sect selects people, I will go out, and when I come back, I will be full of people here. Where did the few people go? I think you all know it.

Xingzhouzi's words are false and real, which really makes several people dare not say anything, and their eyes are round.

"Master, Master, you're back." A round little fat man ran out of nowhere and came to the boat. Xing Zhouzi touched the little fat man's head and said with a smile, "These are the people who came this time. You have to look carefully, understand?"

"Yes, Master." The little fat man nodded, and the white meat on his round little face shook, which made people doubt whether it would fall. Seeing the little fat man like this, Xing Zhouzi pointed to the people around him with a smile and said, "This is your junior sister. Take good care of her in the future."

Sister? Is it the same as me?" There was some doubt in the little fat man's eyes. He looked at Xuancao, smelled it in front of her, and suddenly there was a bright smile on his face: "It smells so comfortable!"

Xuancao suddenly became cold and smelled. Do you think she looks like some kind of dish? But Xing Zhouzi didn't feel anything wrong and shook his head very solemnly: "No, this is the same person as Master. Remember not to hurt her in the future and protect her, understand?"

Several other people looked at Xuancao's eyes a little differently. Xingzhouzi's introduction this time obviously separated Xuancao from them. Moreover, what does it mean to let such a little fat man look at them? Xing Zhouzi also seemed to see their dissatisfaction, but he didn't think so at all and directly let the little fat man take Xuancao to the room.

The little fat man's little hand was very cold. He pulled the Xuancao and said with a smile, "Just now, Master told me to clean up that room. I was wondering why I had to clean up that room. But when I saw my sister coming, I understood that that room should really be given to my sister!" With that, he pulled his little nose, pulled Xuancao a little faster, and came to a cave. Xuancao has long understood from her white beard master that the practitioners' requirements for housing are strange, so she is not surprised to see the cave.

"The flowers outside are all heart-eating flowers, but if you give me a drop of blood later, I will let them admit it, and it will be fine for the sisters to walk back and forth in the future." The little fat man looked at the light purple flowers in the cave strangely and said with a smile. Those flowers seemed to hear the little fat man's words. The flowers actually shook and looked very cute.

walked inside a little more. There was a very empty space. After he walked in, he led her to the room on the right: "This is where my master and I live. We live in the other two rooms, and this room will be my sister's." With that, he opened the door.

The door is full of neat slates, which look very simple. Seeing Xuancao's surprised look, the little fat man scratched his head with some embarrassment: "Master said in a hurry. I just opened this. But it doesn't matter. If the sister says that she will lack anything in the future, just tell me.

As he spoke, he suddenly seemed to think of something and suddenly pulled her inside and pushed open a stone door, which was filled with smoke.

"Those former sisters like this kind of pool, saying that it is for bathing. This is a living spring, and there is also a mouth below, which is a hot spring. I sprinkled a lot of flowers around me, and they will grow in two days. From now on, my sister can wash up here!" The little fat man said, shaking his head. Looking at the little fat man like this, Xuancao looked at the pool again. Let alone how rare the hot spring is, just look at the pool surrounded by stones. The stones look very smooth one by one, and it looks like they are carefully polished. Thinking about the little fat man's words, he made this temporarily, and he was a little moved.

At this time, the little fat man suddenly looked happy and said with a smile, "Ah, I have something to eat again." With that, his body flashed and left here in an instant. Before long, he came back, chewing something in his mouth. Looking at Xuancao stunned there, he smiled brightly.

Xuancao vaguely felt that there seemed to be a piece of white meat in his mouth, but it soon disappeared, making her not know whether what she saw was real or fake.

"Oh, Master is calling me. Sister, you can live here. Many things are in a stone cabinet outside. You can take them from inside. I'll be back later." With that, he took two steps forward and suddenly seemed to think of something. He stretched out his hand and said, "Sister, give me a drop of blood quickly, or you won't be able to get out later."

Xuancao remembered what he just said, nodded, pinched her finger, and just wanted to bite, but she felt a tingling on her finger, and a drop of red blood flew to him. He smiled and then ran away quickly.

Looking at the little fat man's back, Xuancao frowned slightly. This brother was very good and good to her, but for some reason, Xuancao always felt that this brother seemed a little strange.