For Teachers and Interpretation Robes

Chapter 42

Looking at the firefly outside, the original senior sister was not in a good mood as well as Xuancao. She frowned and said to Xuancao, "I almost forgot that the hateful things outside are not only those beasts, but also those inconspicuous bugs. Because you don't know when the bug will come up and bite you, and you won't know what poison the bug has.

Xuancao listened to Sister Yuan's words, stunned, and then nodded to show that she knew. Looking at her appearance, Sister Yuan smiled and said, "Okay, don't think too much. When you are in the jungle, especially in a large number of places, you must remember to run the Reiki mask. You are now in the light-opening period, and you can have a chance to cover your luck.

"Yes, former sister, I understand." Xuancao said and smiled at the original sister. Looking at her appearance, the original sister had a somewhat satisfied look on her face and seemed to want to tell her something, but she didn't say anything, just asked her to be careful. If you are in danger, you can directly send a distress signal and come to the master. After all, she is much younger than the people they came out this time, and the practice time is much shorter, so let her not be too careless.

Xuancao listened to the original sister's words and nodded to show that she understood. Looking at Xuancao's appearance, Sister Yuan naturally knew whether she really understood or falsely understood, but she also knew that it was useless to say more, so she still separated from her and the two went to look for their prey.

The original sister is to the left, and Xuancao is moving to the right. There was low grass along the way. After listening to Sister Yuan's words, she had a lucky reiki mask on her body, so she was safe along the way. Her movements seem to be a little big, which will alarm some small animals from time to time. Looking at the small animals running around, Xuancao hesitated and still didn't chase them. Although I am not strong enough, I don't need to bully those small animals. With this idea, Xuancao just watched the small animals running around.

Suddenly, she faintly smelled a smell of blood and walked along with the smell of blood. When I saw a creature that looked like a leopard, I said that it seemed to be because the leopard had horns on its head! This leopard is lowering itself on a tree and making an ambush. On the other side is a very thick python, which is about as thick as her waist, coiled on the tree on the other side, with a rooster-like meat and crown on its head, covered with raised tumor-like objects. From time to time, hiss, hiss. Xuancao was a little afraid of snakes. She felt a little panicked when she heard the sound of the snake, but after thinking about it, she decided to stay here.

The two animals don't seem to have found Xuanca here, or have found it, but they don't think that Xuancao is a threatening creature for them, so there is no movement. Xuancao gritted her teeth and bent her body gently. If these two beasts can fight here, they may be able to pick up a big bargain. She thought, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly. However, at this time, she suddenly heard a faint roar, and the two spirit beasts immediately eased their tat-for-tat look and straightened up.

Xuancao was shocked and didn't understand what had happened. When she saw the two spirit beasts in front of her leave quickly. In particular, the snake hissed in the direction she hid when she left, and obviously found the place of the grass. But the two spirit beasts seemed to have other urgent things, so they didn't come to attack Xuancao.

Seeing that a good play came to such a simple end, Xuancao's heart was very uneven. What is the sound of that roar? How can it make these spiritual beasts seem to hear some imperial edict, so that they will quickly dissipate. Xuancao thought about it and was puzzled.

Later, I didn't know that it was because of the roar, or the call to call away the other spirit beasts. Anyway, Xuancao didn't find any other spirit beasts, so she could only catch two small pheasants back in the end. After she went back, she entered the cave and found that her senior sister had been back long ago. After seeing her back, Sister Yuan looked a little serious: "Did you hear that sound?"

"Well, is it a roaring sound?" Xuancao subconsciously said when she heard the senior sister's question. Sister Yuan nodded and sighed, "That's the sound. Did you hear it?"

"I heard that I saw two spirit beasts preparing to fight there. Originally, I thought I could find something cheap, but after hearing the sound, the two spirit beasts left directly. After saying that, he raised the prey he brought back with some frustration: "So, I also brought back two pheasants."

"It's already good. I brought two rabbits back, and at least I can make do with it." Sister Yuan said with a smile, and then there was a little worry in her expression.

"What do you think that voice will mean? I also caught up with a spirit beast, but the spirit beast also left quickly after hearing the sound. Now after listening to my sister's words, that voice seems to be not small. Xuancao listened to Sister Yuan's words, thought for a moment, and then said with a smile, "Anyway, it has nothing to do with us. Come on, how is Sister Yuan's skill in making barbecue?" Xuancao directly changed the topic. If those spirit beasts suddenly changed, it must be something happened to the people who went up the mountain with them this time.

However, now the cultivation of the two of them is not high, and it is impossible to say that it is because of this suspicion that they deliberately followed the spirit beast to investigate. If something really happens when they go there, it is estimated that the two of them will be the lives of cannon fodder. Besides, what does it have to do with those people? I have no obligation to remind them and help them.

Xuancao thought and looked up at the original senior sister in front of her.

At this time, the original sister also seemed to have made up her mind and said with a smile, "Will I say this differently, but I know that you must not." After saying that, she smiled and looked at the pheasant that had not yet been pulled out in Xuancao's hand. Xuancao looked at the pheasant in her hand, couldn't help smiling, and then handed it to the original sister.

The original sister was very skillful when dealing with pheasants, such as internal organs and so on. She directly used a fireball to burn those things without the slag. And he used water spells to wash those clean. I lit another fire, set a small fire, and began to barbecue.

Xuancao didn't remember to bring seasonings when she came out this time. She had no experience in doing trials at all, and she didn't know that it would be carried out under such circumstances. But the original senior sister was different. The original senior sister prepared a lot of seasonings and sprinkled them little by little. Soon, the roast chicken and roast rabbit emitted bursts of fragrance and tasted delicious.

"Wow, I really didn't expect that the original sister's craftsmanship was so good." Xuancao said, and his eyes looked directly at the things on the barbecue grill. Looking at Xuancao's appearance, Sister Yuan smiled and said, "But it's nothing. We also had such a trial at the beginning. At that time, I didn't bring anything and ate tasteless food for a few days. Later, I came out with these things. Anyway, at least I haven't been hungry. Yuan senior sister said, saw that the roast chicken was almost ready, and directly took one for Xuancao to eat.

Xuancao held the roast chicken and smelled the fragrant smell on it. She couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva and smiled. Then she was not afraid of being hot. She pulled a chicken leg directly from it and nibbled it. It tastes really good, more fragrant than smelling. As soon as Xuancao ate it, she had a big appetite, and she ate all the roast chicken. She had no stomach to eat the other two roast rabbits, so she could only look at the rabbit and sigh. Looking at her rabbit's eyes, Sister Yuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, we will eat this rabbit tomorrow morning, and we won't give it to you."

With that, he wrapped the roast rabbit with big leaves from nowhere and put it on the stone table. Looking at the fragrant roast rabbit on the stone table, Xuancao swallowed his saliva and said, "I often see some biographies, which say that barbecue will attract spirit beasts to come and sign contracts with their owners. I don't know if it's true or not. If the senior sister puts the barbecue here, I don't know if there will be any tomorrow.

After listening to her words, the original sister smiled and said, "Don't think too much. Most of those biographies are used to deceive people. You have also cultivated it now, and I think you should know the difficulties. How can you believe those things!"

Senior Yuan said, blinked at her and said with a smile, "Well, don't think too much. It's getting late. Just go and have a rest."

Xuancao listened to the original sister's words, although she knew that the original sister was right. But there is still a vague expectation in my heart. Maybe a spirit beast with no long eyes suddenly came over. After eating rabbit meat, I found that this is really the best rabbit meat in the world. Then he shamelessly wanted to stay and refused to leave! Although in the end, even if you stay, you are still a senior sister. But if such a thing really happens, she can also practice her skills next time and wait for another spirit beast to come to her!

She thought about it, sighed, and then saw the original sister smile helplessly.

"You, don't think about it. We practitioners are full of time, and many people like to practice something to the extreme. Some people pursue delicious food to the extreme. Even so, I have never heard of any spirit beast running over to hug their thighs and asking for adoption!"

Xuancao listened to Sister Yuan's words, blinked her eyes, sighed, and nodded with some loss: "Sister Yuan, I understand." After saying that, he obediently returned to his room.