For Teachers and Interpretation Robes

Chapter 45

Brother Wang listened to Sister Yuan's words, looked at her, and then said with a smile, "Sister Yuan's words are too modest. If it hadn't been for Sister Yuan's help this time, I don't know where I am today."

After listening to Brother Wang's words, the original sister just smiled and said nothing. The original sister didn't care, but Xuancao was very uncomfortable. After all, the two of them saved Brother Wang at least. Although they didn't ask for a reward, Xuancao still felt difficult to accept it when she looked at his natural attitude.

The original sister roasted rabbit meat and stewed chicken soup with mushrooms. The fragrance was strong and smelled particularly comfortable. Xuancao smelled the smell and felt hungry and kept looking at it. Brother Wang seemed to have almost cleaned up and sat next to him.

Xuancao subconsciously moved her buttocks and moved away from Brother Wang. She just didn't like Brother Wang, but she didn't like him and didn't mind expressing it with her movements at all. Brother Wang didn't say anything about her behavior, but looked at the busy former sister with a smile and said, "The original sister is so virtuous that the brothers you bring must be very blessed."

"When I'm in the school, where do I need to worry about this?" The former senior sister did not raise her head and answered directly. Then, they were given chicken soup and rabbit meat. But when she ate roast rabbit meat and was about to eat chicken soup, she couldn't eat it anymore, because the rabbit meat was originally greasy, and the chicken soup was also very greasy, with a faint layer of oil floating on it. How could she eat it? Looking at her like this, Sister Yuan handed her a candy with a smile and said, "This is to relieve greasiness. You can put the chicken soup first and eat it later."

"Well, girls are just more delicate." Brother Wang said, drank the chicken soup in one bite, wiped the oil on his mouth, and said with a smile, "Look, men like me!"

"Yes, you are a man and I am a little woman. This is born. If you are jealous of me becoming a woman, there is no other way, because no matter how you modify it, you can't become a woman!" Xuancao looked at the brother Wang in front of him and suddenly lost his anger and said loudly.

After listening to her words, Brother Wang snorted coldly and looked at him covering his head when he was about to say something, with a bad look on his face. Looking at him like this, Xuanca immediately was a little scared and approached the original senior sister.

"Nothing. I think Brother Wang didn't recover well last night, so that's why he is like this. Brother Wang, why don't you go back to your cave and rest for a while? The former senior sister said, but she still didn't go forward to help.

"Well, what's in this chicken soup!" Brother Wang frowned and pointed to the chicken soup. It seemed that he was very uncomfortable because of dizziness, and he always had a meal when he spoke.

"What do you mean? Chicken soup is naturally chicken soup. How can there be something in it?" Sister Yuan said and stirred in it with a spoon. She looked carefully and said innocently, "Of course there are only mushrooms and pheasants in it. I don't know what's wrong with Brother Wang?"

Brother Wang pointed to the original sister for a long time, but he didn't say anything and suddenly fainted. Looking at Brother Wang's appearance, Sister Yuan was relieved, looked at Xuanca in front of her, and asked with a smile, "Are you scared?"

"No, but what's wrong with Brother Wang? Why did he suddenly become like this?" Although Xuancao said in her heart that she knew that it was the original senior sister in front of her, she still wanted to hear her say it. Sister Yuan smiled and said, "Actually, there is nothing. There is something wrong with the mushrooms I picked, so it's not surprising that Brother Wang had such a reaction after eating that mushroom soup."

"I said why the original sister suddenly picked mushrooms today, but why did she treat Brother Wang like this?" Xuancao said, which was a little strange in her heart. She and Brother Wang will scold herself against Ganyuan, but why did she do it herself?

If she didn't like Brother Wang in the first place, wouldn't it be enough not to save him directly at the beginning? Why did she do it later?

Xuancao is very strange, so she opened her eyes wide and looked at the original sister in front of her waiting for this explanation. The original senior sister smiled bitterly and then said, "I thought they were really in trouble, but today we went out to see, didn't we see a lot of doubts? Although doubts do not mean that they are really calculating something, they are not afraid of 10,000. So I can't risk both of us." After saying this, she paused and said to Xuancao, "Come on, let's take him out to an empty place outside and send out a distress signal. In this way, the master can come and pick him up.

The original sister did not intend to take the life of this brother Wang. Xuancao nodded to show that she understood, and then did what the original sister said. After finishing it, the original sister went back with her. But this time, the original sister cooked chicken mushroom porridge for her again. She smiled and said, "Don't worry, I can guarantee that there are no poisonous mushrooms in the porridge this time." Xuancao heard this and nodded with a smile. She ate two mouthfuls of porridge and suddenly looked up at the original sister in front of her and asked, "Sister Yuan, is the sugar you just given me an antidote?"

"Well, you even found it. I thought you were so slow that you wouldn't find it." After listening to Xuancao's words, the original sister was stunned and then laughed. Looking at the original sister's appearance, Xuancao couldn't help sighing and sighing in her heart. Is it possible that he is such a dull person in the eyes of the original sister?

Anyway, the man's matter is settled. However, what is the plan of Brother Wang's behavior? He should know that he is with Sister Yuan, and they will not succeed in beating Sister Yuan. Thinking of this, she looked up at the original sister.

The original senior sister sighed, put down the bowls and chopsticks in her hand, looked at Xuancao in front of her and said, "Don't you find that Brother Wang has been intentionally or unintentionally provoking the relationship between us since he came. I think he wants us to have a break in these ten days, or a few days. In this way, he and several other people can suddenly fall from the sky, tolerate me, or impress me in various ways. Of course, at that time, the two of us naturally parted ways and went our separate ways.

"Ah, they actually made this idea!" Xuancao listened and suddenly opened her eyes wide.

"Yes, if we are at a bad relationship, you will naturally not speak for me in front of the master. If I don't follow them, what they really do, the master won't pursue it too much. You know, we were originally a large number of people, but later we gradually became fewer, not all because of outsiders. The original sister said that she didn't finish her words, but vaguely revealed some information.

Hearing this, Xuancao nodded slowly to show that she understood. However, she became more and more confused. In this case, everyone's master tests with such strict requirements, so why does the master treat himself so well, but what is the reason, or what is he doing? Xuancao thought about it, and her heart was extremely cold.

Looking at her, Sister Yuan seemed to know what she was thinking and said with a smile, "Sister Xuancao, don't think too much. I think Master is really good to you. No matter what she does, he will think about you."

After listening to the original sister's words, Xuancao nodded with a smile, indicating that she knew, but there were still faint pimples in her heart. But she didn't say much and could only smile faintly.

Perhaps because of the spirit beast riot some time ago, on the fourth day, the two of them caught a spirit beast, a two-tailed fox. It's also interesting to say that the fox is a psychic beast. After discovering that he was defeated, he immediately lay down and flattened, indicating that he was very harmless, so that he was caught. However, looking at the fox's eyes turning around, he should not have given up and always thought about how to escape.

Xuanca likes such a fox very much. Looking at it, she can't help but want to tease the fox. But the fox seemed to be very disgruous and tried to hit her when he saw Xuancao coming. Xuancao tried several times, but had no choice but to retreat. However, the original sister was fine, probably because the original sister contributed more, and the fox could see that the original sister's strength was higher than Xuancao, so she looked cautious and flattering to the original sister.

The original sister looked at the fox locked there and said with a smile, "With such a living fox going back, our grades will not be too bad this time."

"I heard that there should be spirits in places where there are spiritual beasts, and I don't know if there are any spirits next to this fox's nest?" Looking at the fox only knowing how to please the original sister, Xuancao was a little resentful, so she listened to the original sister and deliberately opened her mouth there.

After hearing this, the original senior sister hesitated, and then nodded and said, "You're right. We can really go and see if there is anything in the place where the fox is found."

After listening to the words of the original sister, the little fox's ears moved, but his body did not move at all. He still looked at the original sister in front of him with tears, as if he was begging for food. Looking at the little fox, Xuancao was even more angry, but said with a smile, "Sister Yuan, I remember that the fox is the most cunning animal. Why don't we look in the opposite direction where it fled? Maybe we can find some treasure."

As soon as the fox heard that it was in the opposite direction, it immediately blinked, but soon returned to its original state. This time, the gaffe was more obvious, and Sister Yuan also found it, so Sister Yuan smiled and handed the roast chicken in her hand to the little fox and said to Xuancao, "Okay, let's go."