For Teachers and Interpretation Robes

Chapter 73

"How come?" Chen Ting's eyes were round and she looked at the Xuancao in front of her with an unbelievable face. She then gently stroked her stomach, and her voice was soft but firm.

"I want to give birth to this child because I love him. Whether he is a boy or a daughter, what will happen to him in the future, I will love him and let him grow up well. What I have suffered, I will not let my child continue to suffer, and I will make him the happiest child.

Looking at Chen Ting's appearance, Xuancao was a little speechless and just sighed.

Seeing Xuancao like this, Chen Ting laughed instead: "Actually, this is my choice. No matter what the road is, I will go on, because this is the result of my first choice in my life."

"...Well, we respect your choice, but what will you do in the future?" Although this topic is cruel, Xuancao mentioned it again. Chen Ting hesitated and then said, "I know you are all great people. I just want you to take me to another village or town, as long as I'm not here or near here."

"Is that all?" Xuancao looked at Chen Ting in front of her, and there was some estimation in her eyes.

Chen Ting nodded with a faint smile on her face: "I'm very satisfied that you saved me. I thought I would die with this child. But I didn't expect that I could still live. I believe this is God's gift to me, and it doesn't matter if I can't. I can find a remote place to live by myself. Although there is no one left and right, there are only my children and I also have hands. We will definitely have a good life.

After listening to Chen Ting's words, Xuancao had an unspeakable feeling. Finally, she sighed and said, "We will help you."

"Really?" Chen Ting had a bright smile on her face, and then lowered her head and stroked her stomach. Her belly bulge is not big, and Xuancao has never been pregnant, so I don't know how many months the child in her belly has been. She couldn't help asking her. Chen Ting listened to her and smiled and said, "It's been seven months, otherwise it wouldn't be this big."

"Why did you get hired for seven months?" Xuancao listened to this month and felt something was wrong.

"They started talking very early, but at first, after finishing the eight characters, they were talking about the price. My family saw that they really wanted to marry me, so they raised a few high. So the two sides have been discussing, and they also have to agree on the wedding date, the date of employment, etc., so it will be delayed until this time.

Chen Ting said, touching her stomach. Xuancao looked at her stomach and didn't feel big, but how could it have been seven months? As she was thinking, she suddenly heard a noise at the foot of the mountain, and there was a faint fire. At this time, Chen Ting's face suddenly panicked. She suddenly stood up and walked back and forth. Looking at her appearance, Xuancao frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Here, my brother knows it. I'm afraid he came here with others this time!" Chen Ting said, speaking quickly and anxiously. Hearing Chen Ting's words, Xuancao frowned slightly. At this time, she felt as if there was a sound of cutting trees outside, and then saw a lot of grass thrown here. She looked a little surprised when she saw this scene.

"What are you going to do!" Xuancao and Brother Xiaobai went out and found that a lot of hay had been thrown around them. The villagers at the foot of the mountain stood not far away and looked here with torches. There are faint people shouting, "They are all monsters, monsters!"

"Yes, the daughter of the Chen family is confused by the monster!"

"That's right, burn them, burn them!"


In those torches, Xuanca vaguely watched the mayor standing in it proudly, and the fire made his face red.

"Little sister, what should we do?" Brother Xiaobai asked Xuancao next to him, because if he followed his idea, it must be the simplest to eat it directly in one bite. Xuancao listened to Brother Xiaobai's question, hesitated, and then said, "I don't know..."

"Why don't you just kill them all?" Brother Xiaobai said, slightly tilting his head and clarifying his eyes. He didn't feel that he had said such cruel words at all. Xuancao listened to Brother Xiaobai's words and subconsciously shook her head. Then he took a look at the ferocious villagers, and there was an indescribable feeling in his heart.

At this time, Chen Ting came out of it. When she saw this scene, her eyes were very flustered. She looked at Xuancao, then looked at the villagers, gritted her teeth and said, "Got, the person they are going to burn to death is actually me. As long as I go out, they will not hurt you. And you are all very good. Even if it really hurts you, you can run away. She said and really walked forward.

Xuancao grabbed her and shook her head: "Those people can be said to be crazy now. They have no reason at all. What are you going to do?"

After listening to Xuancao's words, Chen Ting was stunned, and then shook her head and said, "Even if it doesn't work, I can't drag you down here!"

"There is no drag, we can all go, just those people..." Xuancao said, looking at the townspeople. I don't know if those townspeople felt threatened, began to stop gossip, and began to be a little frightened. At this time, the mayor began to speak.

"We have come this far, and there is no way out. Burn them directly and burn them to death!" As he spoke, he threw the torch in front of him vigorously. In front of them was the hay they had prepared for a long time, and the fire suddenly burned.

At this time, other townspeople couldn't help throwing out the torches in their hands. Looking at the fire outside, Xuancao hummed coldly. She just wanted to do something, but she found that her hand was pulled by Chen Ting. Chen Ting looked at those people as if she were looking for the shadows of people she had known. Finally, for a long time, she put down her hand and said to Xuancao with a wry smile, "Forget it, since they all want me to die, then I will die." With that, he walked towards the firelight.

Xuancao suddenly grabbed her, and then let Brother Xiaobai fly away with direct luck. Brother Xiaobai is not happy. He has run out of aura, so he fell here, but now he has not replenished his aura at all and wants to fly again? Moreover, killing the person in front of you consumes much less aura and flying.

But when he saw Xuancao's persistence, he couldn't say anything more. He answered, and then pulled Xuancao and Chen Ting away. Chen Ting didn't seem to think that she could fly one day. After falling down, she was still stunned. When she came to her senses, the first sentence was: "Do you really say it's a monster?"

Xuancao was angry and funny when she heard Chen Ting's words. She poked Chen Ting's forehead: "If we are really monsters, I'm afraid it's most convenient to eat you and those townspeople directly."

After listening to her words, Chen Ting found that her questioning was a little inappropriate, and then she quickly said, "Since you are not monsters and can fly, you must be immortals!"

"We are not monsters or immortals." Xuancao said, looked at Chen Ting in front of her, thought for a moment, and then said, "We are practitioners, and there are people who practice martial arts, but the things they practice are different." Chen Ting heard this and nodded to show that she understood.

At this time, several of them have the time to take a good time to see where they have been. This place is obviously a very strange place, and you can't see where it is. When asked where Brother Xiaobai flew, he thought for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I don't know where he flew there."

Well, Brother Xiaobai is a road idiot, so it's normal not to know. Xuancao thought about it, and then looked at Chen Ting next to her. Chen Ting was stunned for a moment, but she quickly smiled: "No matter where it is, but the most important thing now is that we are no longer in that town, right?"

Xuancao listened to Chen Ting's words and was stunned, and then looked at Chen Ting touching her stomach with a happy face. Suddenly, I thought of what Chen Ting asked me to do. Now, although she did not deliberately achieve her goal, she also completed her idea.

Thinking of this, Xuancao nodded: "Yes, you can start a new life here."

Chen Ting nodded, then stood on the small slope and looked around. Suddenly, she pointed to a place and said happily, "Look, is it a village?"

It's night now. Chen Ting's method to distinguish the village is very simple, because at night, although most people can't turn on the lights. But there are always a few people with small money in every village. Therefore, she suddenly pointed out a direction. Xuancao listened to her words and found that it was indeed a small village, but at first it was under the night, and several of them did not pay attention.

When Chen Ting saw that there was a village, she was excited to go there, but Xuancao suddenly stopped Chen Ting: "Although I know you are eager to go there, it doesn't seem good for us to go there like this."

"Why?" Chen Ting was a little strange and frowned slightly. Looking at Chen Ting like this, Xuancao smiled and said, "How can I explain why we arrived in the village so late?"

Xuancao's words are indeed a very realistic problem, so Chen Ting's face is also a little embarrassed.