For Teachers and Interpretation Robes

Chapter 80

Xuancao directly ignored Brother Xiaobai's face and began to pull Brother Xiaobai and began to lurk on the roof waiting for the family to find out that his treasury had been stolen.

Sure enough, the servant of the mayor's family first found that the charm had been lost, so he immediately went to invite the mayor. After the mayor found that the charm had fallen off, he immediately asked someone to check around to see what was missing. Then he went down to the cellar, and soon there was a scream from the cellar.

Xuancao watched the blue veins on the mayor's face come up, and then ordered the servants to look for suspicious people everywhere.

At this time, a white and fat man came out of the room with dull eyes and asked the mayor in front of him, "Dad, what's wrong? Why is it so noisy?"

"It's okay. Nothing happened. Dabao, go back and have a rest."

When the mayor saw the man in front of him, he immediately smiled and gently comforted the person in front of him. After listening to the mayor's words, the man seemed to be a little puzzled: "Since there is nothing to do, why is it so noisy? How can Dabao sleep?"

The mayor listened to Dabao's words, twitched the corners of his mouth, and then said to the people next to him, "You are all quiet. Whoever makes you make trouble, you all do your own things. Don't make trouble!"

After saying that, he looked at the treasure in front of him. Seeing this, Dabao nodded with a simple smile on his face: "Dad is so good. Dabao has gone to bed." After saying that, he walked back to the room. At this time, the last time the soldier-like man came to ask the mayor, "Mayor, are we now?"

"Now? Keep checking outside, and I don't think they will stay here!" As the mayor said, he felt a little bit gnashing his teeth. Looking at the mayor's appearance, Xuancao couldn't help laughing and said to the little white brother next to him, "Look, is that person's retribution? Looking at his attitude towards his son, I think there is only that stupid son."

"What's wrong with the stupid son?" Brother Xiaobai frowned slightly and looked at Xuancao. Xuancao looked at Brother Xiaobai in front of him, and then looked at the mayor, and suddenly felt that he was actually a stupid son in a sense. She suddenly wants to go down and hug the mayor. I know how hard it is to raise your stupid son!

The two of them peeped there for a long time, and then they were ready to leave. After all, the good things there have been almost been stripped, although it is obvious that the mayor will continue to skin others after they leave. But those things have nothing to do with them.

Xuancao thought about it and took Brother Xiaobai to go with Brother Xiaobai. Sure enough, I quit smoking a lot on the way. Many people who looked like the mayor were looking around, as if they wanted to find suspicious people. Of course, they also know that if deliberately people are so easy to find, they can't go in directly and steal so many things and retreat completely.

Xuancao and Xiaobai are strange faces, which are of course suspicious, and now it is particularly easy to remind people of what happened last time. Therefore, Xuancao and Xiaobai walked directly on the roof and did not go down at all. After the two walked out of the town smoothly, Xuancao kept laughing there. Brother Xiaobai looked at Xuancao's strange smile and subconsciously left her for a few steps. Although he didn't understand why she laughed so much, he had a keen sense of something wrong.

out of the town, and then the two of them basically saw the village and town. They didn't go in. If they could go around from the side, they just went around. Because Xuancao found that the two of them seemed to be too easy to cause trouble. If it goes on like this, other practitioners here in Liang will definitely feel wrong. Moreover, what they did is not very open and upright. In addition to the few things they started to do, they are still anti-riot and peaceful. But what was done later was almost random.

Finally, they came to the capital of the State of Liang, Dingdu. After arriving in Dingdu, Xuancao found that there were indeed many more people here than those in towns and towns. Moreover, the pedestrians on the road are very well dressed, and it can be seen that the living standard here is still very high.

As soon as Brother Xiaobai arrived at Dingdu, he seemed to be a little excited. Looking at Brother Xiaobai's excited appearance, Xuancao was a little strange.

"What's wrong with you?"

Brother Xiaobai looked left and right, with a very silly smile on his face: "I feel that there are many spiritual things here. We might as well sneak them all." Looking at Brother Xiaobai's appearance, Xuancao coughed and said, "This is not good. It's very immoral to steal things casually."

"Why didn't you say that the last time you stole something?" Brother Xiaobai said in a tone of accusation.

After listening to Brother Xiaobai's words, Xuancao hesitated and said honestly, "Because I didn't expect you to be addicted..."

Obviously, Brother Xiaobai was very dissatisfied with her explanation and had a straight face all the way. But even if a white and fat face is rigid, it doesn't have much threat. Therefore, Xuancao directly ignored him like this. After walking around Dingdu, Xuancao began to think about one thing, that is, the problem of living.

It must be quite big. They must not only live here for a day and leave. Besides, Brother Xiaobai is right. There are many genius treasures here. Although those things can't be stolen directly. But you can also buy it. You still have some money in your hand. If you can't buy it, you can think of other ways!

Xuancao told Brother Xiaobai about the idea of staying here, and Brother Xiaobai immediately nodded in agreement: "I feel that there are still many demons here. Although others can't eat them, demons are okay!" Brother Xiaobai said, changing his look just now and almost looked at Xuancao with saliva.

Looking at Brother Xiaobai's appearance, Xuancao suddenly felt a headache: "It depends on what kind of monster it is, whether it is a good monster or a bad monster. If it's a bad monster, of course you can eat it. But if it's a good monster, you'd better put up with it. Let's come back and eat Lingmi.

"Ah, I can only eat Lingmi..." Brother Xiaobai said and sighed. Looking at the appearance of Brother Xiaobai, Xuancao's teeth were itching. Before he found so much food, he was amazing. Now I have found a lot of delicious food, and I am immediately dissatisfied with Lingmi. Such a baby is very bad! Xuancao thought about it and looked up and down at the little white brother in front of him and began to think about how to educate this baby.